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message 51: by SHBown (new)

SHBown | 2 comments Hello Readers: This is my new book. It's the first book of a planned trilogy. Romance, love and lust run throughout linking all three books along with a plot line and characters that provide a unique approach to a time honored horror story.

This is the opening. Please let me know what you think and share the rest of your thoughts with me if you choose to read my book. I look forward to your feedback and thanks so much for taking the time.

For those who are interested or curious, here is a sample:
Saint Vampire Published by S.H. Bown
© 2015 by S.H. Bown
ISBN: 978-1-4951-7425-4

Saint Vampire
by S.H. Bown


Every human being on the face of the earth has a story to tell. And so does every monster. This is my story. My gift to you. My special warning.
I tell you this story because I can. Because I am compelled to.

I vomit forth these words as an explanation of my damned existence.
I must write to cleanse my soul. It is a warning to you all because this fate of mine could easily become your own, if any of you foolishly choose to ignore my words.

Dear, dear, reader, please take heed and beware of the choices life offers you. Choices have consequences. And certain choices have consequences that chew at your soul from the inside-out, abrading it into dry nothingness. Nothingness that can be blown away with the slightest puff of air, replacing your humanity with an empty hole that never fills.

For The Lord's sake, and by all that is holy, please, please hold and think before you choose your course! Then be sure to choose wisely or your fate could be mine. And these words could be your words. And the hellish pain of my existence, your existence. And my story, your story. And my warning a gift that comes....too late.


Marcus held the voluptuous woman with ease, supporting her weight effortlessly with a single arm positioned across her upper back. She was unconscious and vulnerable. The struggle left her clothing in tattered shreds. The remaining scraps were wet from the rain, clinging to her torso in a flimsy effort of modesty. Fainting at the sight of him and those with whom he had just fought to gain her freedom, the woman remained limp in his arms.

Looking down at her exposed flesh, Marcus experienced hunger, passion, and pain. His eyes roamed over her supple form. All of his senses were focused on her heartbeat. He felt and heard its pulsing rhythm. He wanted to stop listening and looking, but he could not. The musky intoxicating scent of her sex filled his nostrils electrifying his male instincts. His arm automatically moved her closer towards his chest. He felt her warmth and the hot undulating blood flowing through her veins, urging him to possess her, ravage her, and taste her all at the same time until he had had his fill. The desire to feast and to plunge himself into her were both overwhelming. Even more intense was the ache buried deep within his immortal soul to bond with a warm-blooded woman as he had in the days before his changing.

Marcus dipped his head towards her breasts and inhaled deeply. Her breasts were round firm swells pointing their tips up towards him as her head lulled backwards on her shoulders. He could see her nubs surrounded by their small coral circles through the light blue sheer lace of her undergarments. She was braless beneath the sheerness.

Sweet Mother of God he longed for his past and his mortality. He lifted his head skyward looking towards the Kingdom of the Lord.

“Please, Dear Lord, give me the strength of character to continue on this path to which you have called me. Help me to persevere and remain faithful to Your Will, to do Your Work in Your Time, and set aside my own wilfulness.”

It was a heartfelt prayer for help, and it was answered almost immediately by The Lord, with an overwhelming calmness that touched Marcus’s soul.
Unusual circumstances, indeed, when you consider that the one doing the praying was a vampire.

message 52: by T.A., Out For Blood (new)

T.A. Moorman (gothicmoms) | 26 comments Mod
Looks like it's time to add MYSELF to this lair!!

Witch Wars (The Underlayes Book 1) by T.A. Moorman And the vampires in my book don't sparkle, some of them decay, at will.

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