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Author Lair > Dear Authors........

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message 1: by Tiffany, *nIGHT mISTRESS* on a MisSiOn! (new)

Tiffany (vampoholic) | 3255 comments Mod
This is ur very own private lair. We would be nowhere without ppl like u who write all of the glorious, gory, bloody, sex filled books u write. I would probably b somewhere stir crazy myself if I could not read and attempt to write. This lair is for u to post about ur upcoming books, leave an excerpt, book offers, anything related to UR BOOKS!!! We want to know where to find them, when they will be out, etc.

So have fun and BE BLOODY WITH IT!!!


message 2: by Mary (new)

Mary Abshire (maryabshire) Interested in a different kind of romance story with vampires and demons?

Good News! The first book in the soul catcher series is available now!

Claiming the Evil Dead By Mary Abshire
from Noble Romance Publishing
Go Here for more on my book:


Half-demon Jessie Garrett is searching for an evil vampire that's been preying upon children. She wants to claim the rogue vamp's soul and send it to hell. To find the dead man walking she must partner with another bloodsucker, Drake, even though she doesn't trust him. While Jessie works with Drake, she learns not all vampires are killers and discovers the cold-blooded vamp is a temptation too difficult to resist.

After the fiend abducts another child and Jessie has a near fatal experience with vampires, she turns to Jeremy, a demon she bumped into at a club, and makes a deal with him for his help. Drake disapproves, and Jessie soon finds herself wedged between two volatile creatures. When the chance comes to save the child's life and claim the evil vamp's soul, she must decide whom she can trust—a vampire who cools her feverish desires, or a demon hell-bent on seducing her.

You can read the first chapter on Goodreads,, or follow the links from my home website.

Claiming the Evil Dead
Mary Abshire

message 3: by Tiffany, *nIGHT mISTRESS* on a MisSiOn! (new)

Tiffany (vampoholic) | 3255 comments Mod
Claiming the Evil Dead by Mary Abshire ......

I will def check it out. Question, is it only abailable on ebook? Or is it on the shelves as well?

message 4: by Mary (new)

Mary Abshire (maryabshire) Hi Tiffany,
Currently it's ebook only. BUT it will be in print soon. Publisher is working on it :o)

message 5: by Tiffany, *nIGHT mISTRESS* on a MisSiOn! (new)

Tiffany (vampoholic) | 3255 comments Mod
Perfect, as I am getting a new reader in a couple weeks. ;-)

message 6: by jD (new)

jD (jd_4everbooked) | 33 comments @Mary,

I don't see it on Kindle. Will Amazon carry it?

message 7: by Mary (new)

Mary Abshire (maryabshire) jD wrote: "@Mary,

I don't see it on Kindle. Will Amazon carry it?"

Hi there JD. Yeah, it's on amazon....

it's at too.

message 8: by Scott (new)

Scott Baker | 73 comments Theresa, from one vamp author to another, welcome to the group.

message 9: by Tiffany, *nIGHT mISTRESS* on a MisSiOn! (new)

Tiffany (vampoholic) | 3255 comments Mod
Will def check them out!

message 10: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Dawn (tessadawn) | 2 comments He is a lethal vampire, bound by an ancient curse.
She is an agent of Homeland Security, investigating a dangerous cult.
Theirs is a Blood Destiny about to unfold...

BLOOD DESTINY by Tessa Dawn (Blood Curse Series, #1)

Hey Everyone!
I'm new to this group, an avid reader of vampire fiction, and I wanted to introduce you to BLOOD DESTINY, the first book in the Blood Curse Series. It was just released on December 1st and held the #1 Best Selling Dark Fantasy spot on Fictionwise for 7 weeks in a row! {Thank you so much, awesome people!! :-)).

Instead of going all "blah, blah, blah," I'd rather just share a few descriptions from your fellow readers:

"I read it in 24 hours!"
"Can't put it down."
"A whole new take on vampires."
"Absolutely Brilliant."
"Can't wait for the next book."

Cutting to the chase, it's available in Trade Paperback and eBook and you can READ THE PROLOGUE & FIRST TWO CHAPTERS for FREE at the website: :-)


Looking forward to meeting other readers and authors via this website!!! :-)

message 11: by Tiffany, *nIGHT mISTRESS* on a MisSiOn! (new)

Tiffany (vampoholic) | 3255 comments Mod
Thanx Tessa! What store can we find the book. Tho I just got another ereader and will be downloading all of u guys's books!!!!! ;-)

message 12: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Dawn (tessadawn) | 2 comments Hi Tiffany,
You can find the Blood Curse Series at,, and Fictionwise (both Trade Paperback and eBook). Stores are hit and miss right now -- same with libraries. :-) Tessa

message 13: by Tiffany, *nIGHT mISTRESS* on a MisSiOn! (new)

Tiffany (vampoholic) | 3255 comments Mod
Thank U!

message 14: by Jean (new)

Jean Booth (jeanbooth) | 28 comments Choice

A steamy paranormal romance about the origins of the supernaturals.

She was a broken, bitter woman scarred by a past that she couldn’t change. Insisting on living her life for the moment, she cherished the small family that she clung to passionately. She gave up on finding her soul-mate, convinced that such a notion was complete fiction.
He was an honored warrior from a long lost civilization bent on saving his people from annihilation. Years of solitude strengthened his conviction that they would never break the prophetic curse trapping them in exile until the deep-seeded desire to find his soul-mate was the only force that continued to drive him.
It was chance, guided by the hands of a god that brought them together. Would their choice bind them; or be the cause of their destruction?

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing.

Choice is available wherever eBooks are sold.
For links to Amazon and Barnes and Noble check out my blog at

message 15: by Benjamin (new)

Benjamin Jones (maddwriter) | 4 comments Hello. My name is Benjamin Jones and I'm the author of the Humanity's Ultimate Battle (H.U.B.) series of books which involve a world where vampires and humans co-exist peacefully but a rogue faction of vampires are threatening to push both sides to war.

You can download volume 1 for free via my site ( to find out what it's all about. I'm giving away an autographed copy of Volume 1 and 2 of my vampire series entitled Humanity's Ultimate Battle. Visit to enter!

Volume 3 arrives 9.10.11. You can also follow me on Twitter at Looking forward to chatting with all of you!
Benjamin Jones

message 16: by Leia (new)

Leia Shaw (leiashaw) | 9 comments I have a new vampire book out!!

It's called Destiny Divided (paranormal romance) and is available on most e-readers. See my website for details. I'm offering free copies to anyone who agrees to write a review on some sales sites. Message me your email address and I'll send you a coupon to download it for free.

The first chapter is posted on my profile page under my writing. It's also on my website plus a steamy excerpt. I'm almost done with my second book (even more vampires!) and have the first chapter of that on my website as well.

I'm excited to see what others are reading/writing!

Leia Shaw

message 17: by Tiffany, *nIGHT mISTRESS* on a MisSiOn! (new)

Tiffany (vampoholic) | 3255 comments Mod
Great Thanx!

message 18: by Cypher (last edited Apr 27, 2011 05:19PM) (new)

Cypher Lx (cypherlx) | 29 comments My novel Darkest Before Dawn is available here as well as my website in all formats including print. It is not a romance novel, but there is light romance in it. And don't let the description fool you. It is the first in a series of vampire novels. Please check it out. If anything, you can add it to your 100 Vampire Novels Read in 2011 challenge!

message 19: by Rayna (new)

Rayna  | 1785 comments Amanda wrote: "Hello everyone,

I have posted the PDF (e-book) of Caressed by Moonlight (paranormal romance) on my author's website. The book will be available for free download until April 30th.



Absolutely brilliant novel. i reviewed it for NRR and cant wait for your next one to come out!

Way to go Amanda!

message 20: by Tiffany, *nIGHT mISTRESS* on a MisSiOn! (new)

Tiffany (vampoholic) | 3255 comments Mod
I will b sure to check it out Cypher, thanx!

message 21: by Amanda (new)

Amanda | 22 comments Rayna _ FantasY_BecOmes_ReaLitY! wrote: "Amanda wrote: "Hello everyone,

I have posted the PDF (e-book) of Caressed by Moonlight (paranormal romance) on my author's website. The book will be available for free download until April 30th...."

Thank you so very much Rayna. I'm thrilled to know you enjoyed my book.

message 22: by Cypher (new)

Cypher Lx (cypherlx) | 29 comments Amanda, I have downloaded your book and am looking forward to reading it. I have a lot of reading to catch up on after graduation. :)

message 23: by Rayna (new)

Rayna  | 1785 comments I have to say its one of the best debut novels ive read! You've got talent Amanda! Review should be up in a few days i link it to my goodreads so all can see!

message 24: by Tiffany, *nIGHT mISTRESS* on a MisSiOn! (new)

Tiffany (vampoholic) | 3255 comments Mod
Yeah, what's taking so long with the reviews, I have two that should be posted.

message 25: by Rayna (last edited Apr 29, 2011 02:42PM) (new)

Rayna  | 1785 comments Lenore went on holidays and Angela had a death in the family should be up this weekend

message 26: by Tiffany, *nIGHT mISTRESS* on a MisSiOn! (new)

Tiffany (vampoholic) | 3255 comments Mod
Well damn, that's not sounding good. :-/

message 27: by Rayna (new)

Rayna  | 1785 comments yeah a whole lotta bad timing there!

message 28: by Stacy (new)

Stacy Eaton | 1 comments Saying a quick hello - Need to check out the books you all listed next week when I have more time! Just found the group.

Book 1 of my series was released in Hard Cover, Paperback and Kindle Versions on April 6, 2011. Book 2 will be out early fall.

Here is some info if anyone wants to check it out.
My Blood Runs Blue

Look forward to meeting you all more soon!

message 29: by Kyra (new)

Kyra Gates (koolaid) | 3 comments Walkers Walkers by Kyra Gates
New Vampire series has already begun; check this out. Its downloadable at good reads via ebook for only $3.00 if you want a physical copy email me at

message 30: by Tiffany, *nIGHT mISTRESS* on a MisSiOn! (new)

Tiffany (vampoholic) | 3255 comments Mod
Hi Stacey and Kyra! Glad to have u both and we will sure check them out!!

message 31: by Amanda (new)

Amanda | 22 comments Hi!
I am hosting a giveaway on my site through the months of Oct. Nov. and Dec. I will be giving away 2 print copies each month of my current release, Caressed by Moonlight. If you would like to enter, head over to the giveaway page on my site for more info.
If you enter and don't win, you will be automatically entered in the next month's giveaway.
Good luck!

message 32: by jD (new)

jD (jd_4everbooked) | 33 comments Leia wrote: "I have a new vampire book out!!

It's called Destiny Divided (paranormal romance) and is available on most e-readers. See my website for details. I'm offering free copies to anyone who agrees to wr..."

I know your post is old but while surfing for chearp Kindle reads, I saw this on Amazon for $2.99. I'm gonna go back and get it. It's sounds interesting.

message 33: by P.H. (new)

P.H. Dillard (Cylence) | 3 comments I've got a free vamp/angel ebook availble over at smashwords.
Check it out and let me know what ya think.
Synopsis-Should an angel kill an innocent human, they are cast out of Heaven forever, and forced to roam the Earth as a vampire. Isaac is one such creature. As if dealing with his life on Earth,and the return of his exlover, Ashara, isn't enough, he is also handed the burden of saving the world. When a rebel group of vampires concocts a scheme to free the angel Lucifer from Hell, it is up to Isaac to stop them. If he can't, does he have what it takes to kill the devil?

message 34: by Tiffany, *nIGHT mISTRESS* on a MisSiOn! (new)

Tiffany (vampoholic) | 3255 comments Mod
Oooo, sounds good. Ima check it out. ;-)

message 35: by Tiffany, *nIGHT mISTRESS* on a MisSiOn! (new)

Tiffany (vampoholic) | 3255 comments Mod
Sweetness!!! ;-)

message 36: by UJ (new)

UJ | 4 comments Okay - I didn't write the book . . . but I wasn't sure where I should enter this info . . . so please forgive me if I have screwed up.

My very good friend, David R. Lewis, has recently released his novel, BLOODTRAIL, as an eBook. I just want the world to know it is a vampire book worth reading. (Actually, I read the book before I knew David . . . and got to know him through an unsuccessful attempt to get him to speak to some of my writing classes . . . but that's another story! LOL)

Below is a brief description of the book:

BLOODTRAIL by David R. Lewis

Tired of his life and weary of his sins, Joseph Casey places himself and his fate in the hands of medical researchers as an object of study. A four hundred-year-old Nosferati now in the power of mere humans, he asks for only one thing in return: help in finding his fourteen-year-old daughter, a young woman he has not seen in over one hundred fifty years, and who is the most heartless serial killer ever to walk the earth.

From a slave ship run aground in the Plymouth Colony during the hurricane of 1635 to the secret Kansas City laboratories of The Proteus Trust; from the sub-basement of Chicago’s Field Museum to the wilds of northern Arkansas; from the beauty of the Colorado high country to the legendary mountains of Austria, Bloodtrail is a novel of lost love, found redemption, surprising humor, and merciless brutality.

If you're interested - David is giving away 100 copies of his eBook from his Facebook page:

He also has a blog that gives a few chapters of BLOODTRAIL as well as his second vamp book. The blog is http://theatreofthemind-drl.blogspot....


message 37: by Tiffany, *nIGHT mISTRESS* on a MisSiOn! (new)

Tiffany (vampoholic) | 3255 comments Mod
Thank u UJ! ;-)

message 38: by David (new)

David Lewis (davidrlewis) | 3 comments Bloodtrail by David R Lewis I heard a vicious rumor that UJ had posted here in a shameless attempt to promote my new edition of BLOODTRAIL. Totally without my permission or consent, it seems she has. Good for her! I wrote this book years ago, and she has ragged me endlessly to put the thing in eBook form so, to shut her up, I did. Give it a try and have fun.

message 39: by Tiffany, *nIGHT mISTRESS* on a MisSiOn! (new)

Tiffany (vampoholic) | 3255 comments Mod
LOL! Will do. ;-)

message 40: by D.N. (last edited Apr 03, 2012 08:47PM) (new)

D.N. Simmons (dn_simmons) | 15 comments Thank you for this opportunity, Tiffany.

Desires Unleashed is the first novel in the edgy, action-packed, sexually charged Knights of the Darkness Chronicles. Experience the heart-pounding thrill of the chase in this electrifying page-turner as you uncover the mystery behind the series of gruesome deaths that have been terrorizing the citizens of Chicago.

Original, sexy and gritty, the Knights of the Darkness Chronicles will suck you in and take you for a ride you won't forget!

A few reviews from readers like you:

"D.N. books not only put you in the story with her characters, her characters make the story and they make you feel, not just about them but you want to know what the hell is going on in their world and that in itself is the mark of an excellent writer and lately it's hard pressed to find.

Perhaps this comes from D.N., not only loving what she does but her characters and world as well." - Freyja

"The story just sucks you in until the very end." - Raina

"I think D.N. Simmons really does something incredible to the genre." - Nymeria

To begin the adventure click the link below:

1st Chapter preview:

Book Trailer:

message 41: by Tiffany, *nIGHT mISTRESS* on a MisSiOn! (new)

Tiffany (vampoholic) | 3255 comments Mod
Thank u both for writing! Always looking for something new and dark to read. ;-)

message 42: by D.N. (new)

D.N. Simmons (dn_simmons) | 15 comments Thank you so much. I love to entertain. I'm currently working on the sixth and final installment of the Knights of the Darkness Chronicles that's going to really end the series with a bang. :D

message 43: by James (new)

James Jr. (jamesgarciajr) | 8 comments Hi, Tiffany, vamps. The second e-book in my crossover vampire series is out. Can a vampire be saved or are they all worthy of Hell? The series asks this question. Thanks for the opportunity to share.

message 44: by Jean (last edited Nov 12, 2012 10:00AM) (new)

Jean Booth (jeanbooth) | 28 comments Choice (Origins, #1) by Jean Booth Changed (Origins #2) by Jean Booth Created (Origins, #3) by Jean Booth are all part of my Paranormal Romance series. The Lascivious Transformation by Jean Booth is a short porn novella that ties in with the series a bit but not necessary if you're not into hardcore erotica.
I also have a series that doesn't include vampires or shifters of any kind (Oh the humanity!!!!) It's zombies and is full of gore and suspense. Zombie War The Beginning by Jean Booth Zombie War Little Apocalypse on the Prairie by Jean Booth
I'm wiling to do some freebees to those who're willing to provide an honest review here and on either B&N or Amazon. :)

message 45: by Tiffany, *nIGHT mISTRESS* on a MisSiOn! (new)

Tiffany (vampoholic) | 3255 comments Mod
Ooo yay!!!!! How about we come up with a contest for a free signed copy!!! And u could also feel free to send me a copy to review (or ePub) for the site I review for, Also, maybe put a link to the contest, whatever we come up with, on ur site, which would benefit both u AND the group. Lemme know. ;-)

message 46: by A.C. (new)

A.C. James (acjames) | 6 comments Hi, everyone! Just thought I'd drop in and let you know about a very special deal. It's a 16 book box set, limited one month release.

Spice Box
Sixteen Steamy Stories

Authors: Raine Miller, Cathryn Fox , Erika Wilde, K.M. Scott, Nina Lane, A.C. James, Christina Thacher, Stephanie Julian, Kathy Kulig, Geri Foster, Lisa Alder, Jan Springer, Sarah Mäkelä, Maureen O. Betita, Riley J. Ford, Travis Luedke

Tagline: What’s your spice?

Genre: Erotic Romance

ISBN: 9781311437068

Order NOW at these retailers:

Barnes & Noble:

Release Date: Sunday, June 29th for one month only.


.mobi (Kindle):
.epub (Nook):

Book Description:

**Complete Books – No Cliffhangers**

What’s your spice?

Whether it’s contemporary romance or romantic suspense, alpha vampires, shifter filled stories, or BDSM romance—Spice Box offers sixteen erotic romance books with something for everyone. For a limited time this is your chance to enjoy books from today’s New York Times, USA Today, Amazon and Barnes & Noble bestselling authors and many more. The e-books cost over $50 when purchased separately.

Raine Miller, New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author.
Cherry Girl
She will forever be his Cherry Girl…

Cathryn Fox, New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author.
Torn Between Two Brothers
She’s breaking all the rules…

K.M. Scott writing as Gabrielle Bisset, New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author.
Blood Avenged
I am everything you desire. I am vampire.

Janelle Denison writing as Erika Wilde, New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author.
The Invitation
An invitation that will take them beyond their wildest, most erotic fantasies.

Nina Lane, USA Today Bestselling Author.
“Come here, beauty,” he says. “You need to be kissed.”


A.C. James
Eternal Ever After
A Gothic Cinderella re-telling with vampires and bondage…oh, my!

Kathy Kulig
Red Tape
Sparks fly between two ex-CIA agents when a White House sex scandal spins out of control and turns deadly.

Christina Thacher
The Bequest: A BDSM Romance
CFO by day, sexual submissive at night. When her Master dies suddenly, Sara discovers his will leaves her to his nephew…

Stephanie Julian
His to Keep
He has her right where he wants her…

Geri Foster
Wrong Room
Short, Cute, Sexy!

Lisa Adler
The Demon’s Deception
Certainly a Demon strong enough to survive being chained for a millennium beneath the Earth’s crust can resist one virginal princess when she demands his help.

Jan Springer
Sex With The Ex
Sky undertakes a dangerous mission to the dark sensual world of sex slave training…

Sarah Mäkelä
The Witch Who Cried Wolf
When her magic gets mixed up, supernatural forces are unleashed and suddenly she’s being pursued by werewolves that she didn’t even realize existed…

Maureen O. Betita
The Kraken’s Mirror
Where anything can happen. And usually does.

Riley J. Ford
Fifty Shades of Fifty Shades of Grey
Unable to withstand the pent-up ache radiating from his tender blue testicles, Ben decides to take Grey’s methods to a whole new level in order to relieve the pressure on his . . . er, marriage.

Travis Luedke
Blood Slave
From the ghettos of Spanish Harlem to a Manhattan penthouse, follow Hope’s shocking tale of life as a bloodslave to master vampire Enrique.

Save over $50. This set will only be available for one month, so order your copy before it’s gone! The price will increase to $2.99 once it’s release so get your copy TODAY!

message 47: by Amanda (new)

Amanda | 22 comments Read the complete first chapter of Caressed by Shadows (Rulers of Darkness, #4). To be Released August 2nd!
Caressed by Shadows (Rulers of Darkness, #4) by Amanda J. Greene

Purchase the firs three installments of the Rulers of Darkness series from Amazon - currently on sale!

Caressed by Moonlight

Caressed by Night

Caressed by a Crimson Moon

message 48: by Louise (new)

Louise O'Connell (httpwwwgoodreadscomlouiselake) | 3 comments Mina Harker: The Curse of the Vampire by Louise Lake.

Seven years after the eventful night that Mina was almost turned into a vampire, she is now happily married to Jonathan Harker and has a lovely son called Quincy until her past comes back to haunt her.
Mina’s life is thrown into turmoil as a gypsy sorceress with a hidden agenda casts a spell from the book of the dead to bring Dracula back from his grave.
Mina’s worst nightmares are unleashed as her husband and child are brutally slaughtered and she is reborn with a bloodthirsty appetite and dark vengeance.
Seeking revenge and to be reunited with her loved ones, Mina battles against all odds and survives into the twenty first century, until a handsome stranger arrives to document Mina’s life who is not quite what he seems…
Mina Harker: The Curse of the Vampire is a compelling sequel to Dracula, which also acts as a standalone story. Bringing back the old characters and adding new ones to create an emotional, action packed modernised fantasy from Mina’s perspective with an added twist at the end. (E-book link to Amazon) (printed book link to createspace) (printed book link to Amazon) (link to author page on goodreads) (link to book on goodreads)

message 49: by [deleted user] (last edited Jul 06, 2014 12:16PM) (new)

behind blue eyes book one
(of a 2 part series), on sale for 99c

Little taster

“Salmia, you had better get out here now, you’re in big trouble you little bitch. I know you are in these woods somewhere.”

Cain stalked Phil for a few minutes, watching his every move, all the time wondering if he should kill him quickly or take his time, make it a little painful…well, very painful. He could have some fun. After all, he was a monster and this was his time to play. He would make him as petrified as the child was. He would enjoy watching him beg for mercy. Yes, slowly!

Without making a sound Cain approached his prey, and then spoke in a low menacing voice: “The little bitch is not here.”

Phil jumped at the sound of a man’s voice. “Who the hell are you?” He shouted. As he turned around to face the voice, he froze at the sight of a man with jet-black eyes, a look of pure evil emanated from them, like they were boring into the depths of his soul.

I hope this is allowed: I am looking for reviews, if anyone is interested in a *free read for review copy* please send me a PM. I can provide MOBI or PDF Thanks

message 50: by Louise (new)

Louise O'Connell (httpwwwgoodreadscomlouiselake) | 3 comments Mina Harker The Curse of the Vampire by Louise Lake

To celebrate my E-book Mina Harker: The Curse of the Vampire being published on Smashwords I am giving 50% off with the below coupon for a limited time only. Visit to get yours now for only $1.50/88p by adding the Coupon Code: BY38U at the checkout.
Available for all E-reading devices including Nook, Kobo, Kindle, Ibooks and PC.
Expires: August 22, 2014

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