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Monthly "Reads" > nov 2010 - sandi

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message 1: by Sandi (new)

Sandi (sandin954) | 1270 comments This had to be one of my best months ever for overall quality with Voices being the best of the month.

Here are my November reads:

Top Reads

Cornflakes with John Lennon And Other Tales from a Rock 'n' Roll Life by Robert Hilburn Cornflakes with John Lennon: And Other Tales from a Rock 'n' Roll Life
Robert Hilburn
One of the better rock memoirs I have read. Hilburn, the former rock critic from the LA Times, has a very readable style and obviously was a great interviewer. All of the stories of the various artists in this book were very interesting and I hope that someday he does a follow-up since I am sure he has many other rock tales to tell.

A Mist of Prophecies (Roma Sub Rosa, #9) by Steven Saylor A Mist of Prophecies
Steven Saylor
Another entry from my favorite historical mystery series. In this book, Gordianus the Finder takes on a personal mission of detection which takes him into the homes of the most powerful women in Rome.

Moonlight Mile (Kenzie & Gennaro, #6) by Dennis Lehane Moonlight Mile
Dennis Lehane
A worthy sequel to Gone, Baby, Gone. It was so great to catch up with two of my favorite detective characters again and see how they have changed and weathered the years. The plot did show some strains at times but I thought everything was wrapped up well and the ending hit all the right notes.

The freedom trap by Desmond Bagley The freedom trap
Desmond Bagley
Another masterful adventure thriller from Desmond Bagley. I love the author's smooth writing style and expert plotting.

Deadline by John Dunning Deadline
John Dunning
Published back in 1981 and nominated for the Best Paperback Edgar this was a totally engrossing tale of a former prize winning journalist who gets caught up in the biggest story of his life.

Voices by Arnaldur Indriðason Voices
Arnaldur Indriðason
During the run-up to Christmas, Erlendur and his team are called in to investigate the murder of a doorman, who was found in his Santa costume, at a large Rejkjavik hotel. This was another exceptional crime novel by Arnaldur Indriðason. Very dark and introspective, the plot focuses on family relationships and secrets. The characters were all memorable, the Icelandic setting fascinating, and there was even a tiny bit of the absurd to lighten the tone occasionally.

Good Reads

Throne of Jade (Temeraire, #2) by Naomi Novik Throne of Jade
Naomi Novik
While not quite as good as the first book in the series this was a pretty entertaining listen. Not as much action but more intrigue and diplomacy. Simon Vance, as always, did a wonderful job with the narration.

The Eighth Circle (Paperback) by Stanley Ellin The Eighth Circle
Stanley Ellin
Classic PI story, set in New York City, which won the Edgar Award for best mystery in 1959. For such a short book there were lots of characters and a pretty elaborate plot but the author did a good job of tying everything together and providing a satisfying conclusion.

Fade To Blonde (Hard Case Crime #2) by Max Phillips Fade To Blonde
Max Phillips
One of Hard Case Crime's original works, this is a rather nifty homage to the hardboiled works of the Forties and Fifties. Set in Hollywood, Ray Corson wants to be a screenwriter but like many he has to find other work to pay the bills. Enter Rebecca LaFontaine who is looking for a hired hand. Only 220 pages, but plenty of plot, a self aware hero, and just enough hardboiled dialogue made this a quick enjoyable read.

The Tender Bar A Memoir by J.R. Moehringer The Tender Bar: A Memoir
J.R. Moehringer
After a slow start (partly because the first two c/d's were in terrible shape and skipped around so much that all I ended up hearing was men, unintelligible, men, unintelligible, men) I did end up enjoying this memoir about growing up in a fairly dysfunctional family, the author's quest to find suitable male role models, and his fascination with the local bar. The narration by Adam Grupper was professionally done and I was able to check out the paper version so I could fill in the blanks.


Trust No One by Gregg Hurwitz Trust No One
Gregg Hurwitz
I found this political conspiracy type thriller to be a bit underwhelming especially as a follow-up to the author's previous book The Crime Writer which I thought was really good. Lots of action, twists, and turns that, to me, were fairly predictable. Listened to the audio version which was read by Patrick G. Lawlor.

message 2: by Marcy (new)

Marcy | 865 comments Looks like you did have a quality and quantity month! Deadline looks good (I really like Dunning's Cliff Janeway series) as does Voices. As I usually need to RIO, I was wondering if Voices can be read OOR or should I start from the beginning? Best advice, please.

message 3: by Melodie (new)

Melodie (melodieco) | 3679 comments Good month! I may have to check out CORNFLAKES WITH JOHN LENNON! Sounds like just my thing!

message 4: by Carol/Bonadie (new)

Carol/Bonadie (bonadie) | 9121 comments Wow, Sandi, impressive production this month. Some good suggestions there.

I listened to The Tender Bar a few years ago with the Book Nook group on GR and enjoyed it.

message 5: by Sandi (new)

Sandi (sandin954) | 1270 comments Melodie wrote: "Good month! I may have to check out CORNFLAKES WITH JOHN LENNON! Sounds like just my thing!"

I bet you would like it.

message 6: by Sandi (new)

Sandi (sandin954) | 1270 comments Marcy wrote: " As I usually need to RIO, I was wondering if Voices can be read OOR or should I start from the beginning? Best advice, please. "

Well, I thought the first two books that were translated into English, Jar City and Silence of the Grave, were both excellent too so I would RIO. The characters relationships change and grow throughout the three books so I do think it is worth starting at the "beginning". I am a pretty hard-core RIO type though.

message 7: by Shomeret (new)

Shomeret | 1449 comments I read Arctic Chillby Indridason in November and it was the best book I read last month!

message 8: by Marcy (new)

Marcy | 865 comments OK - I'm convinced. I love finding new authors - Jar City is on my list.

message 9: by Ann (last edited Dec 04, 2010 10:28AM) (new)

Ann (annrumsey) | 16232 comments Sandi: Your comments hit the exact reasons I loved Silence of the Grave (book 4) and The Draining Lake (book 6) by Arnaldur Indriðason! I haven't read in order ;) but definitely plan to return to this author's books soon!

Sandi wrote: "This had to be one of my best months ever for overall quality with Voices being the best of the month. .... This was another exceptional crime novel by Arnaldur Indriðason. Very dark and introspective, the plot focuses on family relationships and secrets. The characters were all memorable, the Icelandic setting fascinating, and there was even a tiny bit of the absurd to lighten the tone occasionally. "

message 10: by Shomeret (last edited Dec 04, 2010 07:27PM) (new)

Shomeret | 1449 comments I have Silence of the Graveon my PBS wish list. The archaeology aspect makes it sound interesting to me. I also want to read Hypothermia. I read Arctic Chill out of order without any problem, but then I'm a UOOOR.

message 11: by C.J. (new)

C.J. (cjwest) | 14 comments Great list Sandi. I added voices to my tbr list.

I was surprised you didn't like Trust No One. I enjoyed that one.


Mary/Quite Contrary Phillips | 459 comments Shom...a chill just went up my spine at the thought of UOOOR-ing! Ach!

Sandi...I just read THEY'RE WATCHING by Hurwitz in October and I loved it.

Mary/Quite Contrary Phillips | 459 comments Sandi...great month...what is your total so far for the year? You must be way past the magical 144...

message 14: by Ann (new)

Ann (annrumsey) | 16232 comments Mary QC:
I am way past (hope of getting close to) the magical goal of 144.
My goal now is to hit 55. ;( I envy Sandi her organization of her READ Goodreads shelves all organized by year back to 2000. I have only done 2009-2010.
Mary/Quite Contrary wrote: "Sandi...great month...what is your total so far for the year? You must be way past the magical 144..."

message 15: by Donnajo (new)

Donnajo | 4065 comments Ihaven't gone back that far yet on the GR's bookcase. One of these days maybe I'll do it. But at this point if I remember a book I read I'll stick it in. But at least I have this year up to date finished books. And some of the future ones. I still would like to add the ones I have for my 2011 Novel ladies challenges. But I think I'll take off the few shelves I did this year for new and the month I bought it since those aren't really totally up to date. I don't think it matters how many shelves you have anyway but I just don't like alot o shelves looking messy LOL.

message 16: by Sandi (new)

Sandi (sandin954) | 1270 comments Mary/Quite Contrary wrote: "Sandi...great month...what is your total so far for the year? You must be way past the magical 144..."

I'm at 143 so almost there.

CJ and MQC I am not the biggest thriller fan (I'm one of the few who does not love the Jack Reacher books) and some plots, no matter how well done, just don't work for me. I do plan on reading They're Watching by Gregg Hurwitz since I enjoyed The Crime Writer so much.

message 17: by Melodie (new)

Melodie (melodieco) | 3679 comments Ann wrote: "Mary QC:
I am way past (hope of getting close to) the magical goal of 144.
My goal now is to hit 55. ;( I envy Sandi her organization of her READ Goodreads shelves all organized by year back to ..."

I have mine organized by year from 2003 to the present. Everything prior to that is just on a shelf marked "pre-2003"!

message 18: by Ann (new)

Ann (annrumsey) | 16232 comments Melodie: Good for you too!
My shelves are organized with pre-1998 as a shelf, 2009 and 2010 as a shelf each and the rest of the books read not organized further, simply under read (with high hopes of someday organizing)!

Melodie wrote: "I have mine organized by year from 2003 to the present. Everything prior to that is just on a shelf marked "pre-2003"! "

message 19: by Donnajo (new)

Donnajo | 4065 comments I'll probably do the same thing if I decide to add stuff rather than all those extra shelves for each year.

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