Book Haven discussion

Nook > Does anyone have this book?

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message 1: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
If you are having trouble finding someone who has a specific book for Lend Me... Post the title here. That way when someone does get it, or if they already do... they can let you know! :)

message 2: by Bee (new)

Bee (mzzbookworm) | 32 comments Im looking for the book" Losing it" by Cora Carmack, if anyone have it please let me know Thanks!

message 3: by Tracy (new)

Tracy (tracesoftracy) | 2 comments Does anyone have "endure" by carrie jones ? If so please lend it to me at thanks!

message 4: by Jamielee (new)

Jamielee (babypeace) I'm looking for two series from one author. I've read the first book an I am now looking for the rest. The author is Laurann Dohner. The series are New Species and Zorn Warriors.

message 5: by Missy (new)

Missy *Am I alive and a reality, or am I but a dream? * (missyke) | 1 comments Im looking for a book from Tabatha Vargo- Perfecting Patience, if anyone have it please-please let me know... :) Thanks!

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