Wild Things: YA Grown-Up discussion

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message 1: by Angela Sunshine (last edited Apr 15, 2010 03:45PM) (new)

Angela Sunshine (angelasunshine) Hi everyone, Chicks on Lit just did a bookmark swap (that I missed) and I want to steal their idea!
I think it'd be kinda fun to each swap a bookmark (handmade or bought one if you could find it!) relating to, representing or featuring our personal favorite YA book.
It'd be optional, of course, and we could do a sign-up sheet with a deadline for when we should mail them, and a specific date to all open them.
Fiona, would it be alright to do this if anyone wants to participate?

Angela Sunshine (angelasunshine) Okey dokey... I started a new topic about it. Please respond there!

message 3: by Lyrical (new)

Lyrical (lyricalbrown) Bag 2 books of your choice in my 200 follower giveaway, open internationally.

The giveaway will run until one week after I reach 200 followers so the more people enter, the quicker the prizedraw!


Angela Sunshine (angelasunshine) Lyrical wrote: "Bag 2 books of your choice in my 200 follower giveaway, open internationally.

The giveaway will run until one week after I reach 200 followers so the more people enter, the quicker the prizedraw! ..."

Lyrical, your post is better suited for this folder: http://www.goodreads.com/topic/group_...

Can you please repost there instead?

message 5: by Dorina (new)

Dorina Stanciu (cinderelle) | 5 comments I invite you to read a generous sample from my romantic suspense novel here:
The book is 99cents on Kindle.

message 6: by Anasheh (new)

Anasheh Satoorian Hello,

I am a new blogger featuring reivews on YA books. I have a giveaway up to celebrate my blog launch, featuring a signed copy of Prodigy, the second book in the Legend series, by Marie Lu. If you are interested in participating please stop by the blog for instructions on how to.

Thank you!


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