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Monthly "Reads" > Brians August 2024 Reads

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message 1: by Brian (last edited Sep 06, 2024 07:07AM) (new)

Brian Wilde | 19 comments Hi All,

August for me was four Advanced Review Copies and then I continued with one of my favourite authors.

I started the month with a Netgalley ARC for Cabaret Macabre by Tom Mead. This was the third in the Joseph Spector Locked Room Mystery series, and the first for me. I quickly got into the story and the characters so I dont believe you need to have read any of the other books to enjoy this one.
I gave it a five star review as it was cleverly written and was clearly heavily influenced by Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot.

My 2nd book for August was another Netgalley ARC for Witness 8 by Steve Cavanagh. This is also the latest in a series of novels, The 8th book in the Eddie Flynn collection.
Again having not read any of the others in the series didnt distract from my enjoyment with me giving this5 stars. I do think reading some of the earlier books would help flesh out some of the characters back stories hinted at but certainly didn't affect the narrative.
It's always good when you read a book by an author you've never read or heard of, and then start looking at their back catalogue. Mr Cavanagh has not heard the last of me :)

My Third book for August was yet another Netgalley ARC for Guilty by Definition.
This was Susie Dents first venture into the world of fiction and it was a very enjoyable first attempt. I was really looking forward to reading this, being a fan of her TV appearances on the British comedy version of Countdown.
I gave the book a four star review. The story have very clever word puzzles , not surprising given Susie Dent is a lexicographer and were certainly too clever for my brain! I do hope she writes more fiction novels.

The fourth read this month was another Netgalley ARC A Messy Murder by Simon Brett. I think I was drawn in by the cover more than the actual blurb. This was the third in the "Decluttering Mysteries". I hadnt read an of the previous ones and I after reading this one, I probably won't be picking them up.
The characters lacked depth and the investigation seems too easy with every suspect being very willing to help.It was only 200 pages long but i felt this needed more flesh adding to the bones.
Still worthy of a three star review.

My final book for August was Broken by Karin Slaughterand I definitely left the best for last.
Karin Slaughter is probably my favourite author at the moment. I read the Grant County series and fell in love with her characters and writing style. very graphic in her crime scenes, she is not one for cozy murder fans.
Broken is the 4th book in her Will Trent series but it revisits the world of Grant County. Reuniting me with the complicated Detective Lena Adams and Dr Linton's return home since the tragic events of the 6th Grant County book, Skin Privilege (Beyond Reach in US).
I loved reading this one. A huge five stars

message 2: by Sherry (new)

Sherry  | 4286 comments good to hear about Witness 8- i have it from netgalley, too. and haven't read any of the others in the series- I got this one confused and thought it was a stand-a-lone.
i hosted steve cavanaugh for a book event and he was great- personable and really funny.

message 3: by Ann (new)

Ann (annrumsey) | 16232 comments Nice list Brian, you are really getting through the ARC's. Karin Slaughter is a favorite author for me too. I read her latest and it was unputdownable. This Is Why We Lied.

Brian wrote: "Hi All, August for me was four Advanced Review Copies and then I continued with one of my favourite authors.

I started the month with a Netgalley ARC for Cabaret Macabre by Tom Mead. This was the third in the Joseph Spector Locked Room Mystery series, and the first for me. I quickly got into the story and the characters so I dont believe you need to have read any of the other books to enjoy this one...."

message 4: by Brian (new)

Brian Wilde | 19 comments HI Sherry, I'm definitely going to pick up the first Eddie Flynn book and give the series a go. I've never (knowingly) met an author, thats really interesting.Especially hosting!

Sherry wrote: "i hosted steve cavanaugh for a book event and he was great- personable and really funny. ..."

message 5: by Brian (new)

Brian Wilde | 19 comments Hi Ann, I think ARC's are great. I'm new to the whole concept. Just need to "find my voice" writing reviews.
Karin Slaughter is great. I only discovered her by watching the Will Trent tv series, seeing it was based on her books and checking out her back catalogue.
I'm so glad I went all the way back to the beginning with Blindsighted in the Grant County series.
I'm now working my way through the Will Trent series and was desperate to read Fractured (Will Trent 3) which was the return of Sara Linton. I'm totally hooked! Quite a few to go before I catch up to you!

Ann wrote: "Nice list Brian, you are really getting through the ARC's. Karin Slaughter is a favorite author for me too. I read her latest and it was unputdownable. This Is Why We Lied...."

message 6: by Sherry (new)

Sherry  | 4286 comments Brian wrote: "HI Sherry, I'm definitely going to pick up the first Eddie Flynn book and give the series a go. I've never (knowingly) met an author, thats really interesting.Especially hosting!

Sherry wrote: "i ..."

it's a really fun part time job, brian. I've met a lot of really cool authors

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