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Archives - Monthly Challenges > April 2022 Scattergories

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message 1: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod

✱ Please use the TLC STANDARD RULES when participating in this challenge.
If you are not familiar with these rules, please click on the link and read them over. ✱

The general rules of Scattergories are that you are given a list of categories and a time limit. Then the letter dice is rolled and you have to come up with something that matches the letter and the category.

The object of this challenge is the same sort of thing as the board game. We give you a list of 12 categories/words and a letter and you find items that MATCHES the letter and category in your books. The goal is to find all 12 items. You may use a book to fulfill as many categories as it fits (you don't have to read 12 books this month...don't worry!)

The first 6 categories will stay the same, the second 6 will be announced each month. You may use the same words, BUT you must use different sentences.

Please remember to add a link to the book, the author and give the date you finished reading it.
You also need to post a partial sentence and page/loc# for items 7-12.

April Scattergories
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
2. Author (first or last name)
3. Main Character (first or last name)
4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch')
6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items)

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide
8. Another Word for Father
9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't
10. A Free Item
11. Things With Feathers
12. Ends With -E

Your letter is:

message 2: by JoAnne (last edited May 02, 2022 02:07PM) (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod







Flying Snow FINISHED


Genevieve FINISHED





JoAnne - mod FINISHED









Olivermagnus FINISHED








message 3: by JoAnne (last edited Apr 10, 2022 11:31AM) (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
April Scattergories - Letter D
Read: 12

Recurring Items:

1. Book Title: Deflected Jami Davenport 4/4/22

2. Author: Jami Davenport Deflected 4/4/22

3. Main Character: Darren Starlight Christine DePetrillo 4/6/22

4. Secondary Character: David Ronan Summer People Elin Hilderbrand 4/2/22

5. Place/Setting: Dallas Stealing Home Tara Wyatt 4/6/22

6. Item on cover: Dock
Someone Like You (Wild Widows #1) by Marie Force Someone Like You Marie Force 4/9/22

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide: Delusion
Barefoot Elin Hilderbrand 4/3/22 p 63 But then I realized that was my own delusion.

8. Another Word for Father: Dad Summer People Elin Hilderbrand 4/2/22 p 144 She never told my dad.

9. A Word With An Apostrophe: Didn't Summer People Elin Hilderbrand 4/2/22 p 145 ...herself she didn't care what he thought.

10. A Free Item: Dirt Summer People Elin Hilderbrand 4/2/22 p 132 ...long stretch of dirt road that led...

11. Things With Feathers: Darts Goaltending Jami Davenport 4/5/22 p 95 Amelia looked to Brick, who was shooting poisonous darts at Rush with his eyes.

12. Ends With -E: Dare Summer People Elin Hilderbrand 4/2/22 p 120 How dare they put her through this!

message 4: by [deleted user] (last edited Apr 09, 2022 08:11AM) (new)


April Scattergories - D
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

Recurring Items:
✔1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
Daughter of Black Lake/Cathy Marie Buchanan

✔2. Author (first or last name)
Isak Dinesen/Winter's Tales

✔3. Main Character (first or last name)
Dawn Edelstein The Book of Two Ways

✔4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
DESHAWN Brown Upgrade

✔5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch')
DUBLIN Portrait in Death

✔6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items)
DIRT Treasure Mountain

And the Specials for April are:
✔7. Something You Hide
.. they were DANCING in here .. Winter's Tales loc 1355

✔8. Another Word for Father
.. “Hey, DAD,” Ava said, .. Upgrade loc 537

✔9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't
.. DON'T make me do this .. Upgrade loc 3351

✔10. A Free Item
.. Nonalcoholic DRINKS with snappy names .. Portrait in Death pg 76

✔11. Things With Feathers
.. hovering over him like a mother DUCK .. Portrait in Death pg 345

✔12. Ends With -E
.. I would DISABLE her .. Upgrade loc 3358

The Book of Two Ways by Jodi Picoult 4/1/22 2☆ Winter's Tales by Isak Dinesen 4/2/22 3☆ Daughter of Black Lake by Cathy Marie Buchanan 4/1/22 3☆
Upgrade by Blake Crouch 4/3/22 3.75☆ Portrait in Death (In Death, #16) by J.D. Robb 4/5/22 4☆ Treasure Mountain by Louis L'Amour 4/8/22 4☆

message 5: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Karen!

message 6: by Frankie (last edited Apr 20, 2022 05:13PM) (new)

Frankie Johnson | 3879 comments April Scattergories. D.
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

12/12 Completed. Finish

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
Dead End Girl-L.T. Vargus 4/08

2. Author (first or last name)
Devney Perry-Timid 4/06

3. Main Character (first or last name):Delphine Larue
The Girl in the Mist-Kristen Ashley 4/14

4. Secondary Character (first or last name):Dara Watkins
Temptation After Dark-Marie Force 4/02

5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch'):Dallas
Only One Forever-Natasha Madison 4/20

6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items):Dog
Down a Country Road-Inglath Cooper 4/11
Dead End Girl (Violet Darger, #1) by L.T. Vargus Timid (Lark Cove, #2) by Devney Perry The Girl in the Mist (Misted Pines #1) by Kristen Ashley Temptation After Dark (Gansett Island, #22) by Marie Force Only One Forever (Only One, #8) by Natasha Madison Down a Country Road by Inglath Cooper

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide:Drugs
Pg.36:"Drugs are way too easy to get in L.A."
Temptation After Dark-Marie Force 4/02

8. Another Word for Father:Dad
Pg.36:"My dad used to tell us..."
Temptation After Dark-Marie Force 4/02

9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't:Don't
Pg.20:"I don't even want to know."
Temptation After Dark-Marie Force 4/02

10. A Free Item:Donations
Pg.44:"...who always supported dad in his donations,..."
A Hero to Keep-Susan Gable 4/01

11. Things With Feathers:Ducks
Loc.1080:"I can shoot all my ducks in a row,..."
It Had to Be You-Jill Shalvis 4/08

12. Ends With -E:Dime
Pg.13:"...elaborate bouquets that were a dime a dozen..."
Temptation After Dark-Marie Force 4/02
Temptation After Dark (Gansett Island, #22) by Marie Force Temptation After Dark (Gansett Island, #22) by Marie Force Temptation After Dark (Gansett Island, #22) by Marie Force A Hero to Keep (Hawkins Brothers, #1) by Susan Gable It Had to Be You (Lucky Harbor, #7) by Jill Shalvis Temptation After Dark (Gansett Island, #22) by Marie Force

message 7: by Rissa (last edited Apr 13, 2022 01:20PM) (new)

Rissa | 396 comments My spot for April! :)

April 2022 Scattergories

April Scattergories
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022


Recurring Items:
✔1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored) ~ Death on Denial by E.J. Russell (4/4/2022)
✔2. Author (first or last name) ~ Jocelynn Drake , Deadly Dorian (4/8/2022)
✔3. Main Character (first or last name) ~ Jeremy Dalton: Code Blue by N.R. Walker (4/2/2022)
✔4. Secondary Character (first or last name) ~ David: Death on Denial by E.J. Russell (4/4/2022)
✔5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch') ~ Dance Studio: Cursed is the Worst by E.J. Russell (4/11/2022)
✔6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items) ~ Duvet, Drinks, Dessert: Only One Bed by Keira Andrews by Keira Andrews (4/5/2022)

And the Specials for April are:
✔7. Something You Hide ~ "I found a dead body." (page 19), The Less Than Spectacular Times of Henry Milch by Marshall Thornton (4/7/2022)
✔8. Another Word for Father ~ "Sounds about right. That'll be cool that you can spend more time with Obaachan and Mom and Dad." (page 65), Only One Bed by Keira Andrews (4/5/2022)
✔9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't ~ He doesn't approve. (page 141), Death on Denial by E.J. Russell (4/4/2022)
✔10. A Free Item ~ I'd watched enough HGTV to know how enthusiastically construction workers approached demo day. (page 54), Death on Denial by E.J. Russell (4/4/2022)
✔11. Things With Feathers ~ Etienne hadn't made the bed, and the red and black plaid duvet was in a pile at the foot of the mattress. (page 38), Only One Bed by Keira Andrews (4/5/2022)
✔12. Ends With -E ~ "I'll take care of the discharge paperwork, so you can leave as soon as you like." (page 69), Death on Denial by E.J. Russell (4/4/2022)

Your letter is: D

message 8: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn (an80slady6886) | 630 comments April Scattergories - D
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
2. Author (first or last name)
3. Main Character (first or last name)
4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch')
6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items)

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide
8. Another Word for Father
9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't
10. A Free Item
11. Things With Feathers
12. Ends With -E

message 9: by Anne (last edited Apr 26, 2022 05:43AM) (new)

Anne | 1295 comments April Scattergories - Letter D

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
A Dance in Donegal by Jennifer Deibel 4/20/2022
2. Author (first or last name)
A Dance in Donegal by Jennifer Deibel 4/20/2022
3. Main Character (first or last name)
A Dance in Donegal by Jennifer Deibel 4/20/2022
Moira Doherty
4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
Arsenic and Old Books by Miranda James 4/12/2022
Deisel Harris
5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch')
A Dance in Donegal by Jennifer Deibel 4/20/2022
Donegal, Ireland
6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items)
A Dance in Donegal by Jennifer Deibel 4/20/2022
A Dance in Donegal by Jennifer Deibel dress

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide
The One That Got Away by Leigh Himes 4/4/2022
Page 59 drunken uncle
I laughed the entire time : at Jimmy's impersonation of their drunken uncle
8. Another Word for Father
The One That Got Away by Leigh Himes 4/4/2022
Page 6 Daddy
"Yes, our Daddy"
9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't
The One That Got Away by Leigh Himes 4/4/2022
Page 6 Doesn't
He doesn't count.
10. A Free Item
The Bishop’s Wife by Mette Ivie Harrison 4/8/2022
Page 151 dust
...making a snap judgment of me based on the dust on my cabinets.
11. Things With Feathers
Death by the Finish Line by Alexis Morgan 4/26/2022
Page 42 duck
He knows you'd never duck out on your duty.
12. Ends With -E
The One That Got Away by Leigh Himes 4/4/2022
Page 36 dance
...wheeling my IV pole around like a dance partner.

message 10: by Joann (last edited Apr 29, 2022 07:30AM) (new)

Joann | 1366 comments April Scattergories

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title
Deadly Virtues - Jo Bannister - 4/29/22
2. Author Diamond
Summer at Shell Cottage - Lucy Diamond - 4/8/22
3. Main Character D.D. Warren
Live to Tell- Lisa Gardner - 4/19/22
4. Secondary Character Dexter
Summer at Shell Cottage - Lucy Diamond - 4/8/22
5. Place/Setting DEVON
Summer at Shell Cottage - Lucy Diamond - 4/8/22
6. Item on cover Dogs
Murder Wears White (A Wedding Planner Mystery, #2) by Stephanie Blackmoore - Stephanie Blackmoore - 4/17/22

7. Something You Hide p. 19 “...her DIAMOND ring and emerald earrings.”
The World that We Knew - Alice Hoffman - 4/3/22
8. Another Word for Father p. 292 “My DAD died when I was little.”
Goodnight from London - Jennifer Robson - 4/5/22
9. A Word With An Apostrophe p. 10 “DON’T look,” she told Leah.”
The World that We Knew - Alice Hoffman - 4/3/22
10. A Free Itemp. 214 “He had made DONATIONS to many…”
The World that We Knew - Alice Hoffman - 4/3/22
11. Things With Feathers p.112 “...with a DOVE in her hand.”
The World that We Knew - Alice Hoffman - 4/3/22
12. Ends With -E p. 8 “Before she could DECIDE whether or not….”
The World that We Knew - Alice Hoffman - 4/3/22

message 11: by Genevieve (last edited Apr 21, 2022 02:09PM) (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod
April Scattergories D
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
Death on Tap by Ellie Alexander 4/21/2022
2. Author (first or last name) Run Rose Run by Dolly Parton and James Patterson 4/19/2022
3. Main Character (first or last name) Devinaira Nile
Outlaws by Jen Calonita 4/1/2022
4. Secondary Character (first or last name) Daniel
You'll Be the Death of Me by Karen M. McManus4/4/2022
5. Place/Setting Dewberry Farm Wicked Harvest by Karen MacInerney 4/7/2022
6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items)Dagger
Heroes (Royal Academy Rebels, #3) by Jen Calonita by Jen Calonita 4/13/2022

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide dirty laundry
Outlaws by Jen Calonita 4/1/2022 p 182 "airing our royal dirty laundry"
8. Another Word for Father Dad.
You'll Be the Death of Me by Karen M. McManus 4/4/2022 "p 79 "Dad keeps claiming"
9. A Word With An Apostrophe - Don't
Outlaws by Jen Calonita 4/1/2022 p 195 "don't try to be a hero"
10. A Free Item Drink (happy hour) Wicked Harvest by Karen MacInerney 4/7/2022 p 197 "cool sweet drink"
11. Things With Feathers dusters. Murder Most Malicious by Alyssa Maxwell p184 "batted a feather duster"
12. Ends With -E distribute Outlaws by Jen Calonita 4/1/2022 p87 "distribute her stories"

message 12: by Donna (last edited Apr 22, 2022 07:57PM) (new)

Donna | 147 comments April Scattergories - Letter D

<::: *D* :::>CHALLENGE COMPLETE<::: *D* :::>

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored):Dead Land by Sara Paretsky, completed 04.13.22

2. Author (first or last name): Sarah Dunn, author of The Arrangement, completed 04.22.22

3. Main Character (first or last name): Lucas Davenport, Invisible Prey by John Sandford, completed 04.09.22

4. Secondary Character (first or last name): Dani Shipman, The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix, completed 04..07.22

5. Place/Setting: Dominican Republic, Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo, completed 04.03.22

6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items): Diorama,
Tales from the Ant World by Edward O. Wilson
Tales from the Ant World by Edward O. Wilson, completed 04.01.22

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide: Drugs Page 54, “something other than drugs”, Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo, completed 04.03.22

8. Another Word for Father: Dad, Page 187, “more than my dad ever made”, Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo, completed 04.03.22

9. A Word With An Apostrophe -- Didn’t: Page 14, “He didn’t know if it worked”, Promise Me by Harlan Coben, completed 04.03.22

10. A Free Item -- Dreams: Page 15, “not in your wildest dreams”, Promise Me by Harlan Coben, completed 04.03.22

11. Things With Feathers- Dancer: Page 123, “She’s an erotic dancer”, Promise Me by Harlan Coben, completed 04.03.22

12. Ends With -E: Disguise, Page 367, “You wore a disguise”, Promise Me, by Harlan Coben, completed 04.03.22

message 13: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Frankie, Rissa, Kathryn, Anne, Joann, Genevieve and Donna!

message 14: by Julia (last edited May 07, 2022 09:40AM) (new)

Julia (nojiri23) | 403 comments FINISHED!! April Scattergories - Letter D
Completed tasks: 12 of 12

Recurring Items:
✔1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored): Destroy All Monsters by Ed Brubaker (4/14)
✔2. Author (first or last name): Olivia Dade, author of Spoiler Alert (4/1)
✔3. Main Character (first or last name): Tess Dunn in 40-Love by Olivia Dade (4/13)
✔4. Secondary Character (first or last name): DJ Chuck Chillout, Snoop Dogg, and many other DJs in Music Is History by Ahmir Questlove Thompson (5/7)
✔5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch'): Detroit, Dayton: Music Is History by Ahmir Questlove Thompson (5/7)
✔6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items): a diabolic symbol: Friend of the Devil by Ed Brubaker (4/12)
Friend of the Devil (Reckless, #2) by Ed Brubaker

And the Specials for April are:
✔7. Something You Hide: Dream: p.35 in All the Feels by Olivia Dade (4/3): "All his fanfic and real-life dreams had come true."
✔8. Another Word for Father: Dad: p.167 in Spoiler Alert: "No, Dad."
✔9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't: Don't: p.16 in All the Feels: "What happens if you don't change the script?"
✔10. A Free Item: Doughnut: p.240 in Spoiler Alert "... take you to my favorite doughnut shop..."
✔11. Things With Feathers: Ducks: p.101 in Broken Resolutions by Olivia Dade (4/4): "Maybe the duck, too."
✔12. Ends With -E: Dance: p.80 in The Buddha in the Attic by Julie Otsuka (5/7): "Who would dance for them?"

message 15: by Emeli (new)

Emeli Webb | 490 comments April Scattergories
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
2. Author (first or last name)
3. Main Character (first or last name)
4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch')
6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items)

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide
8. Another Word for Father
9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't
10. A Free Item
11. Things With Feathers
12. Ends With -E

message 16: by Olivermagnus (last edited Apr 30, 2022 08:28PM) (new)

 Olivermagnus (lynda11282) | 1160 comments April Scattergories - D
April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

of 12 Complete

Recurring Items:
📍1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
Deserts, Driving, & Derelicts - Tonya Kappes - 4/15/22
📍2. Author (first or last name)
Danielle Girard - White Out - 4/4/22
📍3. Main Character (first or last name)
David Stark - Flower Net - Lisa See - 4/12/22
📍4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
Diana Lovesey - Night Over Water - Ken Follett - 4/6/22
📍5. Place/Setting - Denver
The Bounty Hunter's Bride - Victoria Bylin - 4/30/22
📍6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items) - Dogs
Hounding the Pavement - Judi McCoy - 4/25/22
Hounding the Pavement (Dog Walker Mysteries, #1) by Judi McCoy

And the Specials for April are:
📍7. Something You Hide - Debt
Deserts, Driving, & Derelicts - Tonya Kappes - 4/15/22 - page 137 - "She has so many loans from medical school, she's drowning in debt."
📍8. Another Word for Father - Dad
Hounding the Pavement - Judi McCoy - 4/25/22 - page 171 - "His mother had been reading the death notices every day since his dad passed away."
📍9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't - Don't
Winter Garden - Kristin Hannah - 4/16/22 - page 406 - I don't honestly know how Nina and Meredith would have been different if their mother had been more emotionally present."
📍10. A Free Item - Desert
Deserts, Driving, & Derelicts - Tonya Kappes - 4/15/22 - page 8 - "This month's is about this late Indian summer we are having so it has a desert theme."
📍11. Things With Feathers - Duckling
Hounding the Pavement - Judi McCoy - 4/25/22 - page 234 - "I was the ugly duckling of my high school graduating class."
📍12. Ends With -E - Dove
Hounding the Pavement - Judi McCoy - 4/25/22 - page 23 - "She must have enjoyed that Dove bar a lot more than she realized."

message 17: by Beth (last edited Apr 17, 2022 05:48PM) (new)

Beth | 331 comments Scattergories: D
April 2022

11/12 completed

Recurring Items
1. Book Title - David Foster Wallace: The Last Interview by David Foster Wallace - 4/13 ★★★★
2. Author - David Leavitt - Arkansas - 4/4 ★★★★
3. Main Character - David - Arkansas by David Leavitt - 4/4 ★★★★
4. Secondary Character - Sister David - A Vow of Silence by Veronica Black - 4/2 ★★★★
5. Place/Setting -
6. Item on cover - Dog - Hooking Up by Tom Wolfe - 4/5 ★★★★
Hooking Up by Tom Wolfe

April Specials
A Vow of Silence by Veronica Black - 4/2 ★★★★
7. Something You Hide - Dust - page 65: "the unmistakable smell of dust and mould"
8. Another Word for Father - Daddy - page 46: "Did that mean Daddy was dead"
9. A Word With An Apostrophe - Don't - page 6: "I don't quite follow you"
12. Ends With -E - Divine - page 127: "she was never a divine being"

Hooking Up by Tom Wolfe - 4/5 ★★★★
10. A Free Item - Daylight - page 248: "you caint tale me you seen no snakes outcheer in no broad daylight"

Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are? by Frans de Waal - 4/16 ★★★★★
11. Things With Feathers - Ducklings - page 33: "ducklings imprint on the first moving object they see"

message 18: by Shannon (last edited Apr 18, 2022 04:40PM) (new)

Shannon (merrychristman) | 278 comments April Scattergories
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored) Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie 4/4/22

2. Author (first or last name) Don't Ever Get Old by Daniel Friedman 4/8/22

3. Main Character (first or last name) The Summons byPeter Lovesey 4/15/22 -- Peter Diamond

4. Secondary Character (first or last name) The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien 4/8/22 -- Dave Jensen, Eddie Diamond, and Henry Dobbins

5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch') Sunburn by Laura Lippman 4/18/22 -- Delaware

6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items) Toss the Bouquet Three Spring Love Stories (A Year of Weddings Novella) by Ruth Logan Herne -- dress

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide Eight Perfect Hours by Lia Louis 4/6/22 (Audiobook Part 2, 17:08 -- "...all the daydreaming about Sam...")

8. Another Word for Father Toss the Bouquet: Three Spring Love Stories by Ruth Logan Herne 4/1/22 (Audiobook part 6, 58:58 -- "My dad happened through at that very moment and laughed.")

9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien 4/8/22 "They didn't know Bao Dai from the man in the moon." p. 45

10. A Free Item The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien 4/8/22 "...took a drink from his canteen..." p. 45

11. Things With Feathers Catching Christmas by Terri Blackstock 4/5/22 -- "Duck is always better than turkey." (Audiobook, Part 4, 17:11)

12. Ends With -E Toss the Bouquet: Three Spring Love Stories by Ruth Logan Herne 4/1/22 (Audiobook, Part 6, 59:22 -- "...a family vacation at a dude ranch...")

message 19: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Julia, Emeli, Lynda, Beth, and Shannon!

message 20: by Kim (last edited May 01, 2022 09:12AM) (new)

Kim (kmyers) | 438 comments April Scattergories
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
Dinner on Primrose Hill. Jodi Thomas. 4.6.22

2. Author (first or last name)
44 Cranberry Point. Debbie Macomber. 4.13.22

3. Main Character (Will Drake)
Spirit of the Season. Fern Michaels. 4.7.22

4. Secondary Character (Drew Parnell)
Checking Out Crime. Laurie Cass. 4.14.22

5. Place/Setting (desert/City of David)
The Secret Chord. Geraldine Brooks. 4.26.22

6. Item on cover (door)
Ink and Shadows (Secret, Book, & Scone Society, #4) by Ellery Adams . Ellery Adams. 4.7.22

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide desire
Dinner on Primrose Hill. Jodi Thomas. 4.6.22 but the desire never happened for Ben…14%

8. Another Word for Father dad
Dinner on Primrose Hill. Jodi Thomas. 4.6.22 Your dad still farms? 12%

9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't don't
Dinner on Primrose Hill. Jodi Thomas. 4.6.22 So you don't want a ride home? 8%

10. A Free Item daisy
Ink and Shadows. Ellery Adams. 4.7.22 Bren made a hundred daisy crowns for us to wear…p. 191

11. Things With Feathers dove
The Secret Chord. Geraldine Brooks. 4.26.22
as light and docile as a dove…p. 236

12. Ends With -E dare
Ink and Shadows. Ellery Adams. 4.7.22 Don't you dare! p.207

message 21: by Shelly (last edited Apr 24, 2022 03:14PM) (new)

Shelly | 703 comments FINISHED 04/24/22

April Scattergories
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

Recurring Items: 6/6
🐣1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
Deadly Summer Nights - Vicki Delany 04/07/22

🐣2. Author (first or last name)
Vicki Delany - Deadly Summer Nights 04/07/22

🐣3. Main Character (first or last name)
A Zen for Murder - Leighann Dobbs 04/24/22 Dominic Benedetti
A Zen for Murder (Mooseamuck Island, #1) by Leighann Dobbs

🐣4. Secondary Character (first or last name) - Deputy Dave Dawson
Deadly Summer Nights - Vicki Delany 04/07/22

🐣5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch') - Diner
No Grater Crime - Maddie Day 04/15/22

🐣6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items). Killer Comfort Food - Lynn Cahoon 04/01/22 DOG

Killer Comfort Food (Farm-to-Fork Mystery #5) by Lynn Cahoon Deadly Summer Nights (Catskill Summer Resort Mystery #1) by Vicki Delany No Grater Crime (A Country Store Mystery) by Maddie Day

And the Specials for April are: 6/6

🐣7. Something You Hide - DONUTS
Killer Comfort Food pg. 145 “After pouring her coffee, Angie peeked into the box. “Donuts?”

🐣8. Another Word for Father - DAD
Killer Comfort Food pg. 70 “She rang again, and a dog started barking. “Hey, Timber, is your dad home?”

🐣9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't - DIDN’T
Killer Comfort Food pg. 9 “but that didn’t mean the guy had gone away.”

🐣10. A Free Item - DUST
Killer Comfort Food - Lynn Cahoon 04/01/22 pg. 38 “clapping his hands together to get rid of the dust from the goat food.”

🐣11. Things With Feathers - DUCK
Deadly Summer Nights - Vicki Delany 04/07/22 pg. 57 “A duck perhaps.”

🐣 12. Ends With -E - DECIDE
Deadly Summer Nights - Vicki Delany 04/07/22 pg. 66 It flickered, as though trying to decide if it wanted to work at this time of night,

Killer Comfort Food (Farm-to-Fork Mystery #5) by Lynn Cahoon Deadly Summer Nights (Catskill Summer Resort Mystery #1) by Vicki Delany

Your letter is:

message 22: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Kim and Shelly!

message 23: by JoAnne (last edited Apr 30, 2022 08:41PM) (new)

JoAnne (joannemwct) | 1347 comments April Scattergories - Letter D

Read 7 books; Completed 12/12 tasks DONE!

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title
Dessert at The Beach House Hotel (Beach House Hotel #6) by Judith S. Keim Dessert at The Beach House Hotel (Beach House Hotel #6) by Judith S. Keim 4/15/22 4.5stars

2. Author - Di Maio, Camille
A Parade of Wishes (The Wishing Tree Series Book 6) by Camille Di Maio A Parade of Wishes (The Wishing Tree Series #6) by Camille Di Maio 4/28/22 4stars

3. Main Character - Duroy, Carlie
The Best of Me by Sharon Sala The Best of Me (Blessings, Georgia #13) by Sharon Sala 4/21/22 5stars

4. Secondary Character - Gabrielle Dermody
Lady Helena Investigates (Scott-De Quincy Mysteries, #1) by Jane Steen Lady Helena Investigates (Scott-De Quincy Mysteries #1) by Jane Steen 4/5/22 4stars

5. Place/Setting - The Duke of Marlborough Hotel
Crazy For You by Mollie Mathews Crazy For You by Mollie Mathews 4/2/2022 4stars

6. Item on cover - dog
Lady Helena Investigates (Scott-De Quincy Mysteries, #1) by Jane Steen Lady Helena Investigates (Scott-De Quincy Mysteries #1) by Jane Steen 4/5/22 4stars

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide: debts
Kindle location 2481- I wonder just how badly she's in debt, but it seems a rude thing to ask and I don't want to ruin the moment.
Go Hex Yourself by Jessica Clare Go Hex Yourself (The Hex series #1) by Jessica Clare 4/12/22 3stars

8. Another Word for Father: Dad
Kindle location 3891 - "My dad used to work wood-he told me many a tale of severed fingers and blades buried halfway into an arm...
Lady Odelia's Secret (Scott-De Quincy Mysteries, #2) by Jane Steen Lady Odelia's Secret (Scott-De Quincy Mysteries #2) by Jane Steen 4/8/22 4.5stars

9. A Word With An Apostrophe: Don't
Kindle location 4570 - "Of course they don't."
Lady Helena Investigates (Scott-De Quincy Mysteries, #1) by Jane Steen Lady Helena Investigates (Scott-De Quincy Mysteries #1) by Jane Steen 4/5/22 4stars

10. A Free Item - dreams
Kindle location 447 - Neither looking backward nor creating dreams and ambitions for the future.
Lady Helena Investigates (Scott-De Quincy Mysteries, #1) by Jane Steen Lady Helena Investigates (Scott-De Quincy Mysteries #1) by Jane Steen 4/5/22 4stars

11. Things With Feathers: Doves
Kindle location 2428 - "Doves' nest' is somewhat poetic for a farmer," Fortier said eventually.
Lady Helena Investigates (Scott-De Quincy Mysteries, #1) by Jane Steen Lady Helena Investigates (Scott-De Quincy Mysteries #1) by Jane Steen 4/5/22 4stars

12. Ends With -E Duke
Kindle location 57 - night at The Duke of Marlborough Hotel in Russell, the iconic history-rich luxury hotel in the swoon-worthy Bay of Islands.
Crazy For You by Mollie Mathews Crazy For You by Mollie Mathews 4/2/2022 4stars

message 24: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome JoAnne!

message 25: by Chelsea (last edited Apr 21, 2022 09:00AM) (new)

Chelsea Skinner (chelspels) | 1021 comments April Scattergories - Letter D
Read: 12/12

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title Disorderly Lady - Claudy Conn 4/18/22
2. Author The Bandalore - Danielle K. Girl 4/13/22
3. Main Character Dalton, Rex - The Power of Three - J.C. Ryan 4/7/22
4. Secondary Character Doyle Disorderly Lady - Claudy Conn 4/18/22
5. Place/Setting Desert The Power of Three - J.C. Ryan 4/7/22
6. Item on cover Dress The Aviary - Emily Shore 4/15/22
The Aviary (Uncaged, #1) by Emily Shore

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide Dust The Aviary - Emily Shore 4/15/22 {pg 144 "...grinds mine into dust."}
8. Another Word for Father Dad The Aviary - Emily Shore 4/15/22 {pg 45 " dad would probably..."}
9. A Word With An Apostrophe Don't The Aviary - Emily Shore 4/15/22 {pg 2 "...I don't shrink into..."}
10. A Free Item Dream The Aviary - Emily Shore 4/15/22 {pg 30 " a dream by..."}
11. Things With Feathers Doves The Aviary - Emily Shore 4/15/22 {pg 23 "...not a goose. Doves perhaps?"}
12. Ends With -E Die The Aviary - Emily Shore 4/15/22 {pg 4 "I will die before..."}

message 26: by Katelyn (last edited Apr 08, 2022 04:11PM) (new)

Katelyn | 972 comments April Scattergories -- D
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
2. Author (first or last name)
✅3. Main Character (Alex Claremont-Diaz)
🐣Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, 4/1/22
✅4. Secondary Character (June Claremont-Diaz)
🐣Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, 4/1/22
✅5. Place/Setting (DC, District of Columbia)
🐣Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, 4/1/22
✅6. Item on cover (DENIM)
🐣 Trust the Focus (In Focus #1) by Megan Erickson - Megan Erickson, 4/8/22

And the Specials for April are:
✅7. Something You Hide (DIAMONDS)
🐣Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, 4/1/22 -- pg.81, eye cream with DIAMONDS in it
✅8. Another Word for Father (DAD)
🐣Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, 4/1/22 -- pg.3, along like his DAD to Rich Girl
✅9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't (DON'T)
🐣Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, 4/1/22 -- pg.7, because you DON'T want to see your archnemesis
✅10. A Free Item (DIRT)
🐣Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, 4/1/22 -- pg.415, a family with Texas DIRT under their shoes
✅11. Things With Feathers (DUCK)
🐣Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, 4/1/22 -- pg.123, holding her hand as they DUCK behind the cafe
✅12. Ends With -E (BLUE)
🐣Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, 4/1/22 -- pg.15, tawny hair and big BLUE eyes

message 27: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Chelsea and Katelyn!

message 28: by Tammie (last edited Apr 13, 2022 07:18PM) (new)

Tammie | 571 comments D

Read: 12/12


1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
Dax, Sawyer Bennett ★★★★ 4/13

2. Author (first or last name)
One with You, Sylvia Day ★★★★ 4/3

3. Main Character (first or last name) - Dax
Dax, Sawyer Bennett ★★★★ 4/13

4. Secondary Character (first or last name) - Hawk Delgado
Law Man, Kristen Ashley ★★★★ 4/5

5. Place/Setting - Denver
Law Man, Kristen Ashley ★★★★ 4/5

One with You (Crossfire, #5) by Sylvia Day 6. Item on cover - diamonds
One with You, Sylvia Day ★★★★ 4/3

7. Something You Hide - decision
Law Man, Kristen Ashley ★★★★ 4/5
It was definitely time to make a decision.

8. Another Word for Father - dad
Law Man, Kristen Ashley ★★★★ 4/5
He had two kids of his own and he was a good dad.

9. A Word With An Apostrophe - don't
Law Man, Kristen Ashley ★★★★ 4/5
They don't pay my water bill.

10. A Free Item - delivery
Law Man, Kristen Ashley ★★★★ 4/5
"Remember, two-hour window on delivery freeing you up for the rest of your day."

11. Things With Feathers - duck
Law Man, Kristen Ashley ★★★★ 4/5
...force me down to duck under the crisscross tape.

12. Ends With - E - dance
One with You, Sylvia Day ★★★★ 4/3
Why didn't I dance with my husband more often?

message 29: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Tammie!

message 30: by Ferenc (last edited May 02, 2022 12:46AM) (new)

Ferenc (aeneth) | 2474 comments April Scattergories - Letter D
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

Goal: 12/12

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
Dark - The Dark Queens: The Bloody Rivalry that Forged the Medieval World - Shelley Puhak - 04/21/22

2. Author (first or last name)
Danielle - Flowers in the Snow - Danielle Stewart - 04/03/22

3. Main Character (first or last name)
Daniel Ellis - Tell Me - Anne Frasier - 04/03/22

4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
Deidra Lundy - Tell Me - Anne Frasier - 04/03/22

5. Place/Setting
Djibouti - Djibouti - Elmore Leonard - 04/23/22

6. Item on cover
Dance partners / Dancing - Instructions for Dancing - Nicola Yoon - 04/25/22
Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide
Drugs - Tell Me - Anne Frasier - 04/03/22
"...because the drugs and the dark had scrambled the clock in her head. (Kindle Locations 2470-2471)"

8. Another Word for Father
Dad - Tell Me - Anne Frasier - 04/03/22
"and he wasn’t her real dad anyway. (Kindle Location 2059) "

9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't
Don't - Tell Me - Anne Frasier - 04/03/22
"“I don’t think she ever said.” (Kindle Location 2062)."

10. A Free Item
Drinks - Tell Me - Anne Frasier - 04/03/22
"Give them a drink. Give them a treat. (Kindle Location 882)"

11. Things With Feathers
Duck - Over the Top: A Raw Journey to Self-Love - Jonathan Van Ness - 04/27/22
"I felt like a duck that had finally gotten into the right pond..." (Kindle Locations 2276-2277)

12. Ends With -E
Dance - Over the Top: A Raw Journey to Self-Love - Jonathan Van Ness - 04/27/22
“I know! It’s a really good dance! (Kindle Location 751)"

message 31: by Flying Snow (last edited May 11, 2022 06:07PM) (new)

Flying Snow | 197 comments ***FINISHED***

April Scattergories: Letter D
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

Completed: 12/12

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored):
Decluttering at the Speed of Life: Winning Your Never-Ending Battle with Stuff
by Dana K. White (30th April)
2. Author:
Abi Daré
: The Girl with the Louding Voice (20th April)
DDana K. White: Decluttering at the Speed of Life: Winning Your Never-Ending Battle with Stuff (30th April)
3. Main Character (first or last name): Dakin
The History Boys by Alan Bennett (28th April)
4. Secondary Character (first or last name): Daisy Bowman
It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas (9th April)
5. Place/Setting: Denmark
Oktober 43: Oplevelser og tilstande under jødeforfølgelsen i Danmark by Aage Bertelsen (13th April)
6. Item on cover: deck (on the boat) & doors (on the little houses)
The Island Home by Libby Page (18th April)
The Island Home by Libby Page

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide: debts
It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas (9th April) - "Marcus was not one to forget past debts" (p.79)
8. Another Word for Father: dad
Idol by Louise O'Neill (15th April) - "This isn't about your mom and dad accepting your sexuality, it's about you accepting it." (p.12)
9. A Word With An Apostrophe: don't
It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas (9th April) - "I like to have my way, and I'm very cross when I don't get it." (p.126)
10. A Free Item: dialogue
It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas (9th April) - "Have you reached a sticking point in your dialogue with Thomas Bowman?" (p.221)
11. Things With Feathers: duck
Idol by Louise O'Neill (15th April) - "hand-painted wallpaper in a whisper of duck-egg blue" (p.15)
12. Ends With -E: dislike
It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas (9th April) - "The older one, Lillian, had become a particular focus of his dislike" (p.22)

message 32: by Laila Jane (last edited Apr 13, 2022 11:06AM) (new)

Laila Jane (axlilxlala) | 315 comments April 2022 Scattergories

Letter: D
Goal: 12/12


Recurring Items:
✓1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
 Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris (04/08/22)

✓2. Author: Darynda Jones
 Eighth Grave After Dark by Darynda Jones (04/08/22)

✓3. Main Character: Dominic Hughes
 Swink by Adriana Locke (04/01/22)

✓4. Secondary Character: Daren Ackwood
 Best Kind of Broken by Chelsea Fine (04/07/22)

✓5. Place/Setting: Department Store
 Window Shopping by Tessa Bailey (04/13/22)

✓6. Item on cover: Dress Cage
  Window Shopping by Tessa Bailey Window Shopping by Tessa Bailey (04/13/22)

And the Specials for April are:
✓7. Something You Hide: Deception
 Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris (04/08/22)
 "...that's a huge deception." - Page: 273

✓8. Another Word for Father: Daddy
 Eighth Grave After Dark by Darynda Jones (04/08/22)
 "...partly to look out the windows in the hopes of seeing her daddy." - Page: 244

✓9. A Word With An Apostrophe: Don't
 Best Kind of Broken by Chelsea Fine (04/07/22)
 But I don't suck at cooking." - Page: 12

✓10. A Free Item: Deal
 Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris (04/08/22)
 "We're a package deal." - Page: 153

✓11. Things With Feathers: Ducks
 Swink by Adriana Locke (04/01/22)
 "...and fed the ducks and got an ice cream..." - Page: 161

✓12. Ends With -E: Damage
 Swink by Adriana Locke (04/01/22)
 "...couldn't stand to see the damage the next morning." - Page: 163

message 33: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Ferenc, Flying Snow and Laila Jane!

message 34: by Melissa A (last edited Apr 13, 2022 07:44PM) (new)

Melissa A | 1386 comments I’m FINISHED!!! April Scattergories
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022
Letter D


Recurring Items:

1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)

The Dry Jane Harper 04/13/22

2. Author (first or last name)

Last Stop on the 6 Patricia Dunn 04/13/22

3. Main Character (first or last name) - Dylan

The Road Trip Beth O'Leary 04/10/22

4. Secondary Character (first or last name) - Dr. Drew Nichols

The Wedding Party (The Wedding Date #3) Jasmine Guillory 04/02/22

5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch') - Duke University in Durham, NC

Happiness: A Memoir: How to Build a Family Out of True Love and Spare Parts Heather Harpham 04/08/22

6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items) - dress

It Happened One Summer (It Happened One Summer #1) Tessa Bailey It Happened One Summer (Bellinger Sisters, #1) by Tessa Bailey 04/06/22

And the Specials for April are all from: Bright Burning Things Lisa Harding 04/03/22

7. Something you hide - drinking

(Page 91 “. . . drinking ‘too much’? A few drinks . . .”)

8. Another word for father - dad

(Page 10 “. . . three little children and a dad . . . “)

9. A word with an apostrophe - didn’t

(Page 6 “. . . maybe he didn’t hear me, or . . . “)

10. A free item - dive

(Page 69 “. . . close my eyes, and dive down to the depths . . . “)

11. Things with feathers - duvet

(Page 27 “. . . Tommy pulls the duvet off the three of us . . . “)

12. Ends with -E - divorce

(Page 53 “ ‘. . . I’d divorce you if I could . . . ‘“)

message 35: by Sue (new)

Sue Lauzon | 281 comments I'm in for this month's challenge

April Scattergories
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
2. Author (first or last name)
3. Main Character (first or last name)
4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch')
6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items)

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide
8. Another Word for Father
9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't
10. A Free Item
11. Things With Feathers
12. Ends With -E

message 36: by Sue (last edited Apr 01, 2022 12:33AM) (new)

Sue Lauzon | 281 comments I'm in for this month's challenge

April Scattergories
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)

Dirty Secret by Emma Hart

2. Author (first or last name)
3. Main Character (first or last name)
4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch')
6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items)

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide
8. Another Word for Father

Dirty Secret by Emma Hart
Dadda - "Dadda!" Mila claps her hands. Chap 1 page 4

9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't

Dirty Secret by Emma Hart
Don't - "But...I don't move." Chap 1 page 3

10. A Free Item
11. Things With Feathers
12. Ends With -E

message 37: by Kendra (last edited Apr 17, 2022 11:40AM) (new)

Kendra | 2272 comments April Scattergories - D
Duration: Apr. 1st, 2022 - Apr. 30th, 2022


Recurring Items:
✅1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
D: A Tale of Two Worlds by Michel Faber - Apr. 11th
The plot of this book is about a kid who wakes up one day and finds that the letter D has gone missing - so tailor made for this challenge.😉
✅2. Author (first or last name) Darynda
Summoned to Thirteenth Grave by Darynda Jones - Apr. 2nd
✅3. Main Character (first or last name) Davidson, Charley
Summoned to Thirteenth Grave by Darynda Jones - Apr. 2nd
✅4. Secondary Character (first or last name) Davidson, Gemma
Summoned to Thirteenth Grave by Darynda Jones - Apr. 2nd
✅5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch') December
Someday by Drew Hayden Taylor - Apr. 16th
✅6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items) DNA sequence & Doudna, Jennifer
The Code Breaker Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race by Walter Isaacson The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race by Walter Isaacson - Apr. 9th

And the Specials for April are:
✅7. Something You Hide Deception
Summoned to Thirteenth Grave by Darynda Jones - Apr. 2nd
'I felt a niggling of deception" pg. 44
✅8. Another Word for Father Daddy
Summoned to Thirteenth Grave by Darynda Jones - Apr. 2nd
"A quick glower for my baby daddy" pg. 42
✅9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't Didn't
Summoned to Thirteenth Grave by Darynda Jones - Apr. 2nd
"He didn't tell you?" pg. 41
✅10. A Free Item Dream
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo - Apr. 8th
"As fleeting as the dream" pg. 93
✅11. Things With Feathers Ducks
D A Tale of Two Worlds by Michel Faber D: A Tale of Two Worlds by Michel Faber - Apr. 11th
"Paintings of ducks on the walls" pg. 124
✅12. Ends With -E Distance
Summoned to Thirteenth Grave by Darynda Jones - Apr. 2nd
"Osh kept his distance" pg. 44

message 38: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Melissa, Sue and Kendra!

message 39: by Shash (last edited Apr 13, 2022 07:39PM) (new)

Shash | 2714 comments April Scattergories - D
April 2022

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title
The Dating Game by Jenny Proctor (4/12/22)
2. Author
Cade by Diane Darcy (4/12/22)
3. Main Character - Richard Duran
Summer Nights At The Homestead Inn by Kimberly Krey (4/7/22)
4. Secondary Character - Daria Mullins
The Best-Laid Plans by Sarah M. Eden (4/2/22)
5. Place/Setting - Denver
End Zone by Taylor Hart (4/13/22)
6. Item on cover - diamond
Never Fall for Your Fake Fiancé by Kate O'Keeffe (4/5/22)
Never Fall for Your Fake Fiancé by Kate O'Keeffe

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide - drugs
Practically Perfect by Jennifer Youngblood (4/4/22)
"Heavily into alcohol and drugs." (pg 157)
8. Another Word for Father - dad
Practically Perfect by Jennifer Youngblood (4/4/22)
"He and his dad run the only dental office in town." (pg 11)
9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't - don't
Practically Perfect by Jennifer Youngblood (4/4/22)
"We don't have anything for Penelope Norwood." (pg 7)
10. A Free Item - dirt
The Best-Laid Plans by Sarah M. Eden (4/2/22)
"...caked in the muck and dirt of the city..." (pg 64)
11. Things With Feathers - duvet
Never Fall for Your Fake Fiancé by Kate O'Keeffe (4/5/22)
"...who promptly buries her face in the duvet and complains..." (pg 70)
12. Ends With -E - dare
The Best-Laid Plans by Sarah M. Eden (4/2/22)
"...they would not dare to balk at me." (pg 71)

message 40: by Grace (last edited Apr 29, 2022 05:08AM) (new)

Grace | 1650 comments April Scattergories - Letter D

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)- Dragon Mountain-Katie Tsang 4/4
2. Author (first or last name)- Please Send Help-Gaby Dunn 4/17
3. Main Character (first or last name)- Scalped, Vol. 3: Dead Mothers-Jason Aaron 4/20
4. Secondary Character (first or last name)- Dragon Mountain-Katie Tsang 4/4 (Dylan)
5. Place/Setting- The Baby Shift: Delaware-Becca Fanning 4/24
6. Item on cover- Dragon Mountain by Katie Tsang Dragon Mountain-Katie Tsang 4/4 (Dragon)

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide- Doubt- Dragon Mountain-Katie Tsang 4/4 "small doubt had planted itself" pg. 147
8. Another Word for Father- Dad- Dragon Mountain-Katie Tsang 4/4 "Dear Mom, Dad and Eddie" pg. 165
9. A Word With An Apostrophe - Didn't- Dragon Mountain-Katie Tsang 4/4 "he didn't know how deep the tunnel went" pg. 91
10. A Free Item- Dirt- Dragon Mountain- Katie Tsang 4/4 “a little dirt won’t hurt.” 6%
11. Things With Feathers- Duck- Dragon Mountain-Katie Tsang 4/4 “had to duck behind the boulders” 76%
12. Ends With -E- Done- Dragon Mountain-Katie Tsang 4/4 "Xing and Spark were done with Charlotte's suit" pg. 175

message 41: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Shash and Grace!

message 42: by Jessica (last edited Apr 29, 2022 05:50PM) (new)

Jessica (jvblazejak) | 601 comments ✅Done!!!✅ 12/12

April Scattergories
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

Your letter is:

Recurring Items:
✔1. Book Title ~Dead Wednesday~ ★★★ 24 April
✔2. Author ~David Grann~ Killers of the Flower Moon: Adapted for Young Readers: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI ★★★★ 15 April
✔3. Main Character ~Don Tillman~ The Rosie Project ★★★★ 21 April
✔4. Secondary Character ~"Doc" White or Dudley White~ Killers of the Flower Moon: Adapted for Young Readers: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI ★★★★ 15 April
✔5. Place/Setting ~Delaware~ The Book of Unknown Americans ★★★★ 17 April
✔6. Item on cover ~dog~ Allergic: A Graphic Novel ★★★★ 23 April
Allergic A Graphic Novel by Megan Wagner Lloyd

April Specials:
✔7. Something You Hide: ~drug~ " for a drug cartel..." loc. 4290 Love on the Brain ★★★★ 03 April
✔8. Another Word for Father ~dad~ "'A mom and a dad...'" loc. 523 Love on the Brain ★★★★ 03 April
✔9. A Word With An Apostrophe ~didn't~ "'It didn't go quite that way.'" loc. 182 Love on the Brain ★★★★ 03 April
✔10. A Free Item ~drink~ "...a very pink drink." loc. 2272 Love on the Brain ★★★★ 03 April
✔11. Things With Feathers ~duck~ "Have you ever seen a duck dick?" loc. 1765 Love on the Brain ★★★★ 03 April
✔12. Ends With -E ~decide~ "They decide to do the shrooms..." loc. 337 Love on the Brain ★★★★ 03 April

Books Read:
Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood Killers of the Flower Moon Adapted for Young Readers The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann The Book of Unknown Americans by Cristina Henríquez The Rosie Project (Don Tillman, #1) by Graeme Simsion Allergic A Graphic Novel by Megan Wagner Lloyd

message 43: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Jessica!

message 44: by Erica (last edited Apr 05, 2022 12:24PM) (new)

Erica G | 172 comments April Scattergories
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title - The Distant Dead by Heather Young 4/5/22
2. Author (first or last name) - The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis 4/4/22
3. Main Character (first or last name) - Dawn The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis 4/4/22
4. Secondary Character (first or last name) - Dex The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis 4/4/22
5. Place/Setting - desert The Distant Dead by Heather Young 4/5/22
6. Item on cover - dress A Sweet Mess by Jayci Lee 4/3/22
A Sweet Mess by Jayci Lee

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide - A dustblood's debt could never truly be paid. pg 22 The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis 4/4/22
8. Another Word for Father - "We had everything we needs, but my dad still wanted more." pg 108 A Sweet Mess by Jayci Lee 4/3/22
9. A Word With An Apostrophe - They didn't have to pay for anything, but they didn't earn any wages, either. pg 23 The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis 4/4/22
10. A Free Item - The burn of betrayal and disappointment tore through him, but he felt stronger against it. pg 109 A Sweet Mess by Jayci Lee 4/3/22
11. Things With Feathers - The welcome house doctor always let her follow him around like a lost little duck. pg 135 The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis 4/4/22
12. Ends With -E - All that damage, all that suffering. pg 338 The Distant Dead by Heather Young 4/5/22

message 45: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Erica!

Love #10!

BUT #12 needs to also begin with D!!!

message 46: by Erica (new)

Erica G | 172 comments JoAnne wrote: "Welcome Erica!

Love #10!

BUT #12 needs to also begin with D!!!"

LOL Not sure what I was thinking there. I fixed it.

message 47: by Erica (new)

Erica G | 172 comments Finished!!!

April Scattergories
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title - The Distant Dead by Heather Young 4/5/22
2. Author (first or last name) - The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis 4/4/22
3. Main Character (first or last name) - Dawn The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis 4/4/22
4. Secondary Character (first or last name) - Dex The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis 4/4/22
5. Place/Setting - desert The Distant Dead by Heather Young 4/5/22
6. Item on cover - dress A Sweet Mess by Jayci Lee 4/3/22
A Sweet Mess by Jayci Lee

And the Specials for April are:
7. Something You Hide - A dustblood's debt could never truly be paid. pg 22 The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis 4/4/22
8. Another Word for Father - "We had everything we needs, but my dad still wanted more." pg 108 A Sweet Mess by Jayci Lee 4/3/22
9. A Word With An Apostrophe - They didn't have to pay for anything, but they didn't earn any wages, either. pg 23 The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis 4/4/22
10. A Free Item - The burn of betrayal and disappointment tore through him, but he felt stronger against it. pg 109 A Sweet Mess by Jayci Lee 4/3/22
11. Things With Feathers - The welcome house doctor always let her follow him around like a lost little duck. pg 135 The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis 4/4/22
12. Ends With -E - All that damage, all that suffering. pg 338 The Distant Dead by Heather Young 4/5/22

message 48: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod

message 49: by [deleted user] (new)


April Scattergories - D
Duration: April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

Recurring Items:
✔1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
Daughter of Black Lake/Cathy Marie Buchanan

✔2. Author (first or last name)
Isak Dinesen/Winter's Tales

✔3. Main Character (first or last name)
Dawn Edelstein The Book of Two Ways

✔4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
DESHAWN Brown Upgrade

✔5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch')
DUBLIN Portrait in Death

✔6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items)
DIRT Treasure Mountain

And the Specials for April are:
✔7. Something You Hide
.. they were DANCING in here .. Winter's Tales loc 1355

✔8. Another Word for Father
.. “Hey, DAD,” Ava said, .. Upgrade loc 537

✔9. A Word With An Apostrophe - like can't
.. DON'T make me do this .. Upgrade loc 3351

✔10. A Free Item
.. Nonalcoholic DRINKS with snappy names .. Portrait in Death pg 76

✔11. Things With Feathers
.. hovering over him like a mother DUCK .. Portrait in Death pg 345

✔12. Ends With -E
.. I would DISABLE her .. Upgrade loc 3358

The Book of Two Ways by Jodi Picoult 4/1/22 2☆ Winter's Tales by Isak Dinesen 4/2/22 3☆ Daughter of Black Lake by Cathy Marie Buchanan 4/1/22 3☆
Upgrade by Blake Crouch 4/3/22 3.75☆ Portrait in Death (In Death, #16) by J.D. Robb 4/5/22 4☆ Treasure Mountain by Louis L'Amour 4/8/22 4☆

message 50: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod

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