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Book Chat > Books into Movies

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message 2: by Marc (new)

Marc (monkeelino) | 3305 comments Mod
Any of these your looking forward to seeing? I've read Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, which I think would lend itself very well to film. I'm guess Pride and Prejudice and Zombies would also work very well in film (although I donated my copy before actually reading it).

message 3: by Whitney (new)

Whitney | 2457 comments Mod
Inherent Vice is already out, and looks great. Silence is directed by Scorsese, Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Vinterberg, and The Martian by Ridley Scott so high hopes for those (I liked Prometheus; to heck with all the naysayers). I'm sure Pride and Prejudice and Zombies will be up there with Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter in the pantheon of great films. I have zero interest in these as well, book or movie.

In general, I think that frequently the less popular a book is the better chance it has of being a good movie. The filmmaker is usually freer to make changes that work better for a film, without having the studio wanting an illustrated version of the book to please its fans.

message 4: by Violet (new)

Violet wells | 354 comments Motherless Brooklyn is coming out soon with ed norton. Funniest novel i read last year. And I've just finished Brooklyn which i reckon will make a decent film.

message 5: by Marc (new)

Marc (monkeelino) | 3305 comments Mod
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter was a much better movie than I expected... Just sayin'.

message 6: by Whitney (new)

Whitney | 2457 comments Mod
Violet wrote: "Motherless Brooklyn is coming out soon with ed norton. Funniest novel i read last year. And I've just finished Brooklyn which i reckon will make a decent film."

Not holding my breath on Brooklyn. Norton optioned the rights soon after the book came out 15 years ago, and it's still in development stages. Although my understanding is he finally got financing?

Marc, I'll take your word on Abe. I have zero respect for authors who make their name writing pastiches of other works. It's one of my cranky pet peeves.

message 7: by Marc (new)

Marc (monkeelino) | 3305 comments Mod
I'm with you on the zero interest part. My son requested we watch the film.

The film based on JG Ballard's High-Rise is also due out in 2015. Heard very good things about this book, but the library hasn't had it the last couple times I checked.

message 8: by Julie (new)

Julie (readerjules) | 197 comments I heard that Still Alice is going to be another movie coming out

message 9: by Whitney (last edited Jan 13, 2015 11:48AM) (new)

Whitney | 2457 comments Mod
Julie wrote: "I heard that Still Alice is going to be another movie coming out"

Not familier with Still Alice. Did you read it?

High-Rise, yay! Tom Hiddleston, yay!

message 10: by Julie (new)

Julie (readerjules) | 197 comments Whitney wrote: "Julie wrote: "I heard that Still Alice is going to be another movie coming out"

Not familier with Still Alice. Did you read it?"

Yes....seems like the type of thing that would make a good movie. :-)

message 11: by Caroline (new)

Caroline (cedickie) | 384 comments Mod
Julie wrote: "I heard that Still Alice is going to be another movie coming out"

I haven't read the book, but the movie is coming out in the US this week. Julianne Moore just won a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Drama for the movie.

Americanah is supposed to come out at some point this year with Lupita Nyong'o starring.

message 12: by LindaJ^ (last edited Jan 13, 2015 04:14PM) (new)

LindaJ^ (lindajs) | 2548 comments Whitney wrote: "Julie wrote: "I heard that Still Alice is going to be another movie coming out"

Not familier with Still Alice. Did you read it?

High-Rise, yay! Tom Hiddleston, yay!"

Ugh. Still Alice. I read it. Wished I hadn't.

Now Serena by Ron Rash should make a great movie.

message 13: by DK (new)

DK Simoneau (dksimoneau) Kirsten wrote: "While browsing the Audible.com site, they have the following books listed as being adapted for movies in 2015!

Child 44Child 44 (Leo Demidov, #1) by Tom Rob Smith by Tom Rob Smith

Thanks for sharing this. I like that I will have time to read some of these BEFORE the movies. I hate when I find out a movie is based on a book, because then I don't imagine the book quite the way I would have, and I generally just end up not reading it.

message 14: by Tom (new)

Tom | 4 comments Motherless Brooklyn? With Ed Norton? I'm in!

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