Psychological Thrillers discussion

Books To Movies

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message 1: by Karen B. (new)

Karen B. (raggedy11) Miss K., I too liked Red Dragon and in this case liked the movie better than the book. Right now I am excited and looking forward to seeing IT. Some of us read that (or are reading it now). I'm not good at thinking of the movies just off the top of my head but I am sure there are others.

Chelsey | igniting_the_page (igniting_the_page) The 1991 version of "Cape Fear"! Based on John D. MacDonald's novel "The Executioners".
Robert De Niro and Jessica Lang are captivating in this thriller!

message 3: by Chris (new)

Chris | 730 comments Silence of the Lambs with Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins.

message 4: by Karen B. (new)

Karen B. (raggedy11) That's right up there with Red Dragon in my book.

message 5: by June (new)

June (junie25) More often than not, I find the movie disappointing after enjoying the book. One great exception was The Shining by Stephen King. Interesting topic !

message 6: by stephanie, MOD (new)

stephanie | 1534 comments Mod
Just came back from IT,,by Stephen King..This one is better than the first book, and I don't know about the second book, but if you all have time, please go and see it...well worth your money.....If you have a weak heart, don't go, if you tinkle, don't go,,if you have high blood pressure, I don't know if you'll make it,...This movie is well above the expectations that I placed it BEFORE I seen it....

message 7: by Jimmie (new)

Jimmie | 301 comments stephanie wrote: "Just came back from IT,,by Stephen King..This one is better than the first book, and I don't know about the second book, but if you all have time, please go and see it...well worth your money.....I..."

Thank you for providing your insights to the new IT movie. I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. I can't wait to see this movie.

message 8: by Chris (new)

Chris | 730 comments I personally will be passing didn't like the first pennywise and everytime I think of him chills run down my spine.

message 9: by Nicole (new)

Nicole courter | 19 comments I really liked the book before I go to sleep. And the movie was pretty good as well. Of course, I do think that if you read the book 1st, the movie is never as good as the book. But there are some movies that are pretty good even though they are not as detailed or interesting as the book.

message 10: by stephanie, MOD (new)

stephanie | 1534 comments Mod
Hey there Nicol, we read that book, its by S.J,Watson I believe??? and Nicole Kidman played the part...I didn't care for the movie, but loved the book....we read that here in this group...

message 11: by Nicole (new)

Nicole courter | 19 comments Hey Stephanie, yes, I love the book. I read it earlier this year. The movie was a bit confusing.

message 12: by stephanie, MOD (new)

stephanie | 1534 comments Mod
One movie that I liked was The Girl on the Train...Now I took hubby with me to see it, and it was good..did you see it?

message 13: by Nicole (new)

Nicole courter | 19 comments Yes. That movie I actually liked. The book was even better. I want to get the movie since it is out on DVD.

message 14: by Jake (new)

Jake Remington | 26 comments My ten year old wanted to see IT based on the trailers.
Told him I'd take him only if he read the book 1st so we've been reading it together and the little bastard just finished it.
I'll be the horrible father in line taking my ten year old to an R rated movie and then on to a shrink?
Thought the original Carrie movie was very well done, Shining also.
Gone Girl was a pretty good movie adaptation as well.

message 15: by Kathy (new)

Kathy Sales (ksales) Jake wrote: "My ten year old wanted to see IT based on the trailers.
Told him I'd take him only if he read the book 1st so we've been reading it together and the little bastard just finished it.
I'll be the hor..."

The book and the original Carrie movie is what got me hooked on Stephen King years ago.

message 16: by Kereen (new)

Kereen (kerrose) | 3 comments I loved both book and movie for The Girl on the Train. I preferred the book but but the movie was a good enough adaptation.

message 17: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Jake wrote: "My ten year old wanted to see IT based on the trailers.
Told him I'd take him only if he read the book 1st so we've been reading it together and the little bastard just finished it.
I'll be the hor..."

I was probably 9 or 10 when I saw the original It mini series on TV (a few years after it came out). My parents had cable in their room and I watched a number of scary/horror movies as a kid. I was scared but I turned out just fine. I also watched a lot of Are You Afraid of the Dark and honestly, that show was far freakier than most scary movies I was watching at the time.

message 18: by Jake (new)

Jake Remington | 26 comments Ashley, good to know you survived and came out OK.
I took him yesterday - this movie adaptation was very well done - we thoroughly enjoyed it.
I also might have left a pee stain in my panties at one point.

message 19: by ilikeboox (new)

ilikeboox Oh that's so funny! When I saw "Carrie" against my better judgment, the ending scared me so much that I cried for like an hour!

message 20: by Jezzy (new)

Jezzy right on top of my head is "Gone Girl". i saw the adaptation 1st & then read it & they are both amazing. while, i didnt like "The Girl on the Train" film adaptation but hopefully i might enjoy the book.

i used to read 1st & then see it, but i get to be nitpicky & frustrated while watching the adaptation. it wasnt a fun experience anymore, that's why i switch things up. there's always gonna be differences when it comes to adaptations, so i'd prefer to deal with it head-on. i go in blind to watch the movie 1st & then read afterwards.

message 21: by Jimmie (new)

Jimmie | 301 comments Jake wrote: "My ten year old wanted to see IT based on the trailers.
Told him I'd take him only if he read the book 1st so we've been reading it together and the little bastard just finished it.
I'll be the hor..."

Jake, I received some strange looks when I took my twelve year old daughter to see Deadpool. That was not exactly a father of the year moment for me. I look forward to seeing the movie IT this week.

message 22: by Jake (new)

Jake Remington | 26 comments Jimmie, bet you and your daughter enjoyed Dead pool though!
Love that movie.
We're both 'older' fathers so we don't have to be as PC as the Millennials.

message 23: by Chris (last edited Sep 13, 2017 08:34AM) (new)

Chris | 730 comments Jake wrote: "Jimmie, bet you and your daughter enjoyed Dead pool though!
Love that movie.
We're both 'older' fathers so we don't have to be as PC as the Millennials."

You offend my Jimmie or is that the same as letting your 14 year old pick out a movie wherein every other word out of some characters mouths was the "F" bomb.

message 24: by Jake (new)

Jake Remington | 26 comments Chris - Jimmie and I shared some experiences on another thread about being older fathers - my post was meant as playful camaraderie in this regards as we've both now taken our children to age inappropriate movies risking the potential judgement of others - people like yourself.
Thanks for jumping down my throat though and please enjoy your moral superiority.
Jimmie, if I did somehow offend you, I apologize.
I can see why many members are reluctant to participate in the group - I know I got better things to do so, peace out.

message 25: by Chris (new)

Chris | 730 comments Jake wrote: "Chris - Jimmie and I shared some experiences on another thread about being older fathers - my post was meant as playful camaraderie in this regards as we've both now taken our children to age inapp..."

Jake I am so sorry you took that the wrong way. You didn't offend me I made that comment b/c of Jim's mention PC. In today's world, trust me I would not get a Mother of the Year award, quite the opposite. FYI I am an older parent also.

message 26: by Jake (new)

Jake Remington | 26 comments Chris, Sorry on my side also for misunderstanding you and lashing out. I'm turning into a cranky older parent.

message 27: by Jimmie (new)

Jimmie | 301 comments Jake wrote: "Chris, Sorry on my side also for misunderstanding you and lashing out. I'm turning into a cranky older parent."

Jake and Chris, I was not offended in any way. I read your posts as friendly pun like comments. I enjoy being an older parent. It gives me a different perspective. I absolutely love the movie IT. Wow, what a great movie.

message 28: by Chris (new)

Chris | 730 comments Jimmie you are such a sweetheart, guess Jake doesn't know what a warped sense of humor I have. Jake, my kid is 19 I condone some of the things she does BUT, she does in my house which means I can control it.

message 29: by Jake (new)

Jake Remington | 26 comments Chris wrote: "Jimmie you are such a sweetheart, guess Jake doesn't know what a warped sense of humor I have. Jake, my kid is 19 I condone some of the things she does BUT, she does in my house which means I can c..."

Cool - Hugs all around - but those awkward hugs with our butts out so our genitals don't touch.

message 30: by Chris (new)

Chris | 730 comments Jake, btw whenever I hear/read or someone say it's not PC it just makes my blood boil and I say in my head, JFC put your big panties on and get a friggin life.

message 31: by Jimmie (new)

Jimmie | 301 comments Great point Chris. I read a Facebook review of Stephen King's Mr. Mercedes where someone refuses to read a SK book because of his political views. That just seems so narrow minded. Speaking of the AT&T TV series Mr. Mercedes, it is outstanding. Like the movie IT, Mr. Mercedes is a great adaptation of the book.

message 32: by Chris (new)

Chris | 730 comments I am have to check Netflix and see if I can catch any of his older movies on it.

message 33: by Jake (new)

Jake Remington | 26 comments Chris wrote: "Jake, btw whenever I hear/read or someone say it's not PC it just makes my blood boil and I say in my head, JFC put your big panties on and get a friggin life."

My panties are at the cleaners so it's commando today.
Watched the original Carrie movie not long ago and still think it's great.
John Travolta was hilarious in that movie and Sissy Spacek was incredible.
I really thought that movie caught the tone of the novel.

message 34: by Chris (last edited Sep 14, 2017 12:45PM) (new)

Chris | 730 comments My daughter and I watched a remake and the characters were all wrong.

message 35: by stephanie, MOD (new)

stephanie | 1534 comments Mod
Oh yeah, I seen that movie....what a trip of a husband...

message 36: by stephanie, MOD (new)

stephanie | 1534 comments Mod
So I received a sneek of a movie called: Friend Request, which I thought it was about the book......Friend Laura Marshall.......WRONG....
So this movie is about a famous girl named Laura Woodson who seems to be in either first or second year of College. She seems to be the popular girl, and in a good way, she just has a lot of friends, so, while she is sitting in the cafeteria with her good roommates and boyfriend, she sees that someone is really looking at her, and come to find out its a girl who has issues with trying to be friends with people. So as Laura's friends drops off one by one, there seems to be a reason why....Now because I love books and Movies, I ASSUMED that this was the book version...Really creepy movie,,,,

message 37: by Stu (new)

Stu Schreiber | 5 comments Does anyone here have any experience turning their book into a movie or TV series. I'm in discussions with two producers interested in turning my novel, January Chronicles: Isaac's Legacy into a TV series. If so would love to hear about your experience.

message 38: by stephanie, MOD (new)

stephanie | 1534 comments Mod
No Stu, but if you need a good actress, and not the " Driving Miss Daisy" lady, I'm all in for this....

message 39: by Chris (last edited Sep 25, 2017 03:29PM) (new)

Chris | 730 comments Stu wrote: "Does anyone here have any experience turning their book into a movie or TV series. I'm in discussions with two producers interested in turning my novel, January Chronicles: Isaac's Legacy into a TV..."

Congrats to you Stu. Blake Crouch may be able to help you or give you some points. They turned Wayward Pines into a series for TV which we all discussed last year.

message 40: by Martta (new)

Martta Karol (martta_karol) | 1 comments Yes, congratulations, Stu, and good luck in moving your project forward.

message 41: by Gina (new)

Gina  | 3 comments Stu wrote: "Does anyone here have any experience turning their book into a movie or TV series. I'm in discussions with two producers interested in turning my novel, January Chronicles: Isaac's Legacy into a TV..."

Congratulations! I'm very happy for you.

message 42: by Stu (new)

Stu Schreiber | 5 comments Thanks to Stephanie, Chris, Martta and Gina for their posts. Having grown up in Studio City, CA, close to Disney, Universal and NBC, I thought I had a general idea how Hollywood works. Well, I probably did decades ago but it's a different world out there, today. Learning lots about all the various platforms and only hope it still comes down to the story and characters.

message 43: by stephanie, MOD (new)

stephanie | 1534 comments Mod
I am off to see: The Jo Nesbo.....I want to see if its just like the movie or close to it...sneak preview is tonight.....

message 44: by stephanie, MOD (new)

stephanie | 1534 comments Mod
Just came back from this book to movie. There wasn't a lot of sneak peak folks, and I really didn't care for this movie at all. Actually it was not a real crime scene kind of story. So this is suppose to be in Oslo, which is somewhere in Norway area, which is very cold right? well tell me how come folks have skimpy coats, mini dresses, and go-go boots and jump the iron fences without any gloves? and then on top of that, when the guy died from falling through the ice, why didn't the other? I really didn't care for the book, and didn't care for the movie either. I would wait until this hits the Red-Box in front of McDonalds.

message 45: by Jimmie (new)

Jimmie | 301 comments Stu wrote: "Does anyone here have any experience turning their book into a movie or TV series. I'm in discussions with two producers interested in turning my novel, January Chronicles: Isaac's Legacy into a TV..."

Stu, I would recommend you approach Michael Connelly and Nelson Demille about turning your books into a series. Michael Connelly has been really successful with his Harry Bosch Amazon Prime series. James Patterson has also been successful with a number of his books being turned in TV series. His Mr. Mercedes three book series just completed season one on Audience (AT&T/DirecTV) and has already been green lighted for season two. Best of luck to your future TV success.

message 46: by Stu (new)

Stu Schreiber | 5 comments Thanks Jimmie!

message 47: by Doris (new)


message 48: by Cortez (new)

Cortez III stephanie wrote: "Just came back from this book to movie. There wasn't a lot of sneak peak folks, and I really didn't care for this movie at all. Actually it was not a real crime scene kind of story. So this is supp..."

Wow! I almost went to see this one, Stephanie. Michael Fassbender with his turn in Prometheus and Alien: Covenant I thought was a can't miss! I'll wait for it to arrive at the $2 movie in December. Plus, the box office was only $3.4M too. Ouch!

message 49: by stephanie, MOD (new)

stephanie | 1534 comments Mod
Yes, really low in money at the Box Office, so that tells you something.

message 50: by Cortez (new)

Cortez III stephanie wrote: "Yes, really low in money at the Box Office, so that tells you something."

Yes, ma'am.

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