Brain to Books Cyber Convention (FAIRGROUNDS) discussion

2018 Romance Showcase > Love is in the Air!

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message 1: by A.F. (last edited Mar 17, 2018 11:28AM) (new)

A.F. (scribe77) | 369 comments Mod
Open the Pages to the Sultry World of Romance!

message 2: by Sage (last edited Mar 15, 2018 07:31PM) (new)

Sage M. Nestler (amnestler) | 110 comments description

Welcome to the romance playroom! I am your emcee, A.M. Nestler, and we have quite a few tricks up our sleeves. Inside you will find sci-fi, thriller, fantasy, and contemporary romance authors! We are quite an eclectic bunch, and our stories are sure to woo you and challenge the way that you see the romance genre. THere is no fluff here. All of our authors pack a punch. ;)

So come in, take a seat on our velvet couch, and have a cocktail on the house! Hollar if you need anything, and don't be shy. Comment away and let us know why you are passionate about the romance genre!

Much love,

A.M. Nestler
Romance Genre Manager

message 3: by Raven (new)

Raven Price | 3 comments Convicted
Christian Fantasy/Romance with a supernatural twist.

Convicted: Hope Anderson is a woman down on her luck. After two failed marriages, she seeks God for answers and his help to fight a fearful;l existence. She doesn't expect to be granted supernatural gifts to fight the demons behind her chaos. Will she find love again, or does Satan use her ex-husband to destroy her forever?

message 4: by Raven (new)

Raven Price | 3 comments Convinced

Gina Grimes is a rebellious woman who goes through a near-death experience only to return a changed person. Convinced there is a God who cares, she asks for a mentor to teach her what to expect in her Christian walk. When Hope befriends Gina, all hell breaks out and Satan is up against more than he could ever handle.
Christian Fantasy/Speculative/Romance.

message 5: by Raven (last edited Apr 05, 2018 06:51AM) (new)

Raven Price | 3 comments Commissioned
Will Gina find her man after she humiliates Satan? Love and war clash when a heavenly battle has been unleashed against Satan and his hordes. Before the war begins, God has Jesus rescue one woman from Satan's grip that can settle the score with His arch-enemy once and for all. Who is this harlot that Jesus redeems who has the power to change the world? Why does God love her so much?
Christian Fantasy/Speculative/Romance.

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