YA LGBT Books discussion

New Releases > May 2017 New Releases

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message 1: by Kaje (new)

Kaje Harper | 17193 comments This is for YA books with significant LGBTQ content released in May 2017 - anyone can post books here (author or not.) If the book is on Goodreads please link it (and maybe show us the cover.) If you read it, feel free to add a short comment or synopsis. Consider also adding the book to our group bookshelf.

Thanks for helping to keep our group up to date.

message 2: by Leieni (last edited Mar 11, 2017 12:03PM) (new)

message 3: by David (last edited May 15, 2017 03:27PM) (new)

David (dde11678) | 20 comments My Fairy Godmother Is a Drag Queen by David Clawson My Fairy Godmother Is a Drag Queen by David Clawson (May 16, 2017)

UPDATE: Now scheduled for release on May 30, 2017

message 4: by Jon (new)

Jon Keane (JonEliotKeane) | 3 comments Option Four by Jon Eliot Keane (May 25, 2017)

message 5: by Kim (new)

Kim (lokilady) | 412 comments Due out May 16th is Rough Patch , by Nicole Markotic.

message 6: by David (new)

message 8: by Jon (new)

Jon Keane (JonEliotKeane) | 3 comments Option Four is now available for preorder on Amazon (release date: May 25 2017): http://mybook.to/optionfoureb

It's 1997, and seventeen-year-old Donn Carhart wants to come out. There are four ways it could go: reject, tolerate, accept, or they'll say 'me too!'

But his parents don't like gay people, and he doesn't know any other gay kids.

After meeting Alex, an openly gay transfer student, and learning a little bit about gay history in the United States, Donn starts the Acceptance Project club at school. The club is about addressing discrimination, and it draws a lot of student members, including Thad - the most popular guy in his class, who just so happens to be Donn's crush.

After Donn comes out, a group of parents try to shut it down as a 'gay club' - a danger to their children and the community. With his family, community, and classmates pushing back on his decisions, will Donn push forward or will he opt out?

message 9: by David (new)

David (dde11678) | 20 comments Cody Redux by Keith Hale Cody Redux by Keith Hale (May 15, 2017)

This is a complete re-write, along with 35 pages of new material, of the classical LGBT YA novel, Clicking Beat on the Brink of Nada (originally published in 1983).

message 10: by K (last edited May 30, 2017 01:18AM) (new)

K (k-polipetl) | 4090 comments Ann Gallagher has released her first YA trans story (MtF) called Having Her Back

Trevor Larson is a Navy brat. He’s used to moving every few years, and thanks to social media, he can stay in touch with the friends he leaves behind. But shortly after he leaves Okinawa, his best friend, Brad Gray, cuts off contact and disappears.

Four years and two bases later, Brad resurfaces—and announces his family is coming to Trevor’s base in Spain. But a lot’s changed in four years, and Trevor is stunned to find out Brad is now Shannon. Their reunion isn’t quite what either of them had hoped for, but they quickly find their footing, both relieved to have each other back.

Except nothing is ever all sunshine and roses. The military is a small world, and there’s no keeping Shannon’s transition a secret. Parents warn their kids away from her. She can’t attend school on-base for fear of harassment or worse. And although her parents try to hide it, being ostracized by their only social circle while they’re thousands of miles from home is taking a toll on them too.

More and more, Shannon leans on Trevor. But she’s also drawn to him, and he’s drawn right back to her, feeling things he’s never felt for anyone before.

Trevor’s scared, though. Not of dating a trans girl. Not of damaging his chaplain father’s career or reputation. After finally getting his friend back, does he dare take things further and risk losing Shannon a second time?

message 11: by Sammy Goode (new)

Sammy Goode | 5380 comments Cody Kennedy has released Book 3 in his Elpida series--the first two being Omorpi and Tharros.

Elpída by C. Kennedy Elpída by Cody Kennedy (May 30th, 2017)

message 12: by E.L. (new)

E.L. Croucher | 14 comments Hi all,

I hope this is ok to add on here. I just wanted to promote my LGBT novel The Butterfly on Fire: Mind, Body and Soul. It's a fantasy / fiction novel made up of three narratives that entwine together throughout the book. The main character is a transwoman, and the story follows her journey in modern day Londo. This is mixed with the wonderful fantasy world that reflects her situation.

Overall, it's a very empowering novel, and I really hope you all like it.
Feel free to ask me if you want any more info on the story! :D

The Amazon URL link is here (eBook and Paperback):

The main website is also here with more information, including the first Chapter available as a preview.


The Butterfly on Fire: Mind, Body and Soul
The Butterfly on Fire Mind, Body and Soul by E L Croucher


E L Croucher

message 13: by Jonah (last edited Jun 24, 2017 11:27AM) (new)

Jonah Bergan (jonahbergan) Heathens
by Jonah Bergan
Heathens by Jonah Bergan

"The Sort of Book That Should Win Awards"
5 Stars! "Wow, this author can write!"
-Amazon Customer Review

Well it finally happened. The world ended. It didn't happen the way anyone expected it would. No nukes, no pandemics, just a whole lot of rage and a whole lot of violence. None of us saw it coming. There were plenty of clues, but none of us figured it out in time. The real kicker is, I'm pretty sure someone planned it. I'm pretty sure someone did it on purpose.

I'm Holden. I survived. You won't like my story. That's too bad, because your world's headed the same way as mine. Everything that happened to me, is going to happen to you. The same kind of people that did this to me, will do it to you. They're doing it right now. They're making it worse and you don't even see it. Sure, I could help you. I could give it a try, but you won't listen. I'm not the same as you. I'm a different kind than you, so you won't listen. That's why it'll happen to you. Don't say I didn't warn you. Don't say you didn't have a clue. Not when all you had to do was listen.

Heathens is a young adult post apocalyptic science fiction novel. Heathens contains some coarse language and violence.

Can One Angry Boy Save the World?

"Fascinating and Suspenseful"

message 14: by Kim (new)

Kim (lokilady) | 412 comments On a LARP , by Stefani Deoul

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