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message 1: by Simon (last edited Aug 23, 2016 01:36AM) (new)

Simon Vale | 300 comments Mod
Recently we came up with the idea of creating a series of GIF-booktrailers. They’re relatively easy to make, they’re catchy and you can put animated GIF almost anywhere, so basically, it’s the simplest way to tell about your book via internet browser.

This thread is for animated GIF-book-things only! You can put links and descriptions too, but those have to be an addition to your gif-animated material.

message 2: by Simon (last edited Aug 23, 2016 01:35AM) (new)

Simon Vale | 300 comments Mod
Way of the Shaman series by Vasily Mahanenko

Way of the Shaman

message 3: by Simon (last edited Aug 23, 2016 01:35AM) (new)

Simon Vale | 300 comments Mod
Mirror World by Alexey Osadchuk

Mirror World

Smilla's Sister (smillassister) | 7 comments Mod
Thanks Simon! I love them. Whoever makes them for you is very clever.

message 5: by Simon (last edited Sep 23, 2016 04:00AM) (new)

Simon Vale | 300 comments Mod

A strange body that refuses to obey you; a weird game you can't quit until your contract expires; a world teeming with powerful and very real enemies. The game in which your reputation and faction relationship are the only things that matter.

These are the conditions of the agreement Ruslan signs without reading. The only thing he remembers is that he's been contracted to command a space fleet in a brand new game he knows nothing about. Objective: to survive for six months. After having made some inevitable newb mistakes, Ruslan has to rethink his strategy, dropping traditional gaming conventions. But what will it cost him? What new trials and tribulations await him that even the game designers have failed to anticipate?

message 6: by Simon (last edited May 09, 2017 09:51AM) (new)

Simon Vale | 300 comments Mod
Hey, guys!

Brand new Steampunk/Noire novel The Illustrious by Pavel Kornev is on sudden discount - 0,99$ for 24 hours!


message 7: by Simon (last edited Jan 20, 2017 03:38AM) (new)

Simon Vale | 300 comments Mod

The 21-century SS Sturmbannführer Loktev embarks on a crazy and impossible mission. Whole areas of planet Earth have begun to disappear, revealing portals to other realities and filling the world with the identities of long-dead people. A “trigger agent” of the disaster is on the loose in a world ruled by the victorious allies Germany and Japan. If Loktev doesn’t stop the looming catastrophe, the Nazis might regret they won the war back in 1941.

From Russia’s bestselling science fiction author G. Zotov comes a book which is equal parts alternative history, dystopia and satire. Lovers of Philip K. Dick’s The Man in the High Castle will appreciate the author’s dry black humor and psychedelic imagination which rule the streets of a post-apocalyptic Nazi-controlled Moscow.

message 8: by Simon (new)

Simon Vale | 300 comments Mod
Mirror World, Book 3: The Way of the Outcast by Alexey Osadchuk

Mirror World is stirring, about to embrace the new global changes of its map. Everyone is getting ready to colonize No-Man's Lands. The strongest clans send their best fighters on recon missions, impatient to make a stake for the juiciest locations. Market prices have taken to the sky like flocks of scared pigeons. New alliances are struck while mercenaries upgrade their armor and grind an edge on their swords. Their time is looming. A war is coming to Mirror World. Olgerd too is getting ready, a new goal already in his sights. The ancient Ennan City awaits him. All he needs to do now is gain some strength.

message 9: by Simon (new)

Simon Vale | 300 comments Mod
The Dark Herbalist

Would you be prepared to work for free? How would you like to bust your hump for a large corporation 60-plus hours a week without a wage or a single day off for the vague promise of some mysterious perks in the distant future? You'd refuse point blank, wouldn't you? But what if the job in question was playing a state-of-the-art fantasy MMORPG game? And what if this was the only thing you're really good at? Especially considering that your in-game partner is someone really special to you - and this person already lives a virtual life? Knowing all this, would you consider the mysterious future bonus worth your while? I dare you to try it!

message 10: by Simon (new)

Simon Vale | 300 comments Mod
This fast-paced collection of novellas and short stories from leading Russian LitRPG authors sheds new light on their signature worlds. New works by Vasily Mahanenko, Andrei Livadny, Alexey Osadchuk, Michael Atamanov, Pavel Kornev and Andrew Novak! (Kindle, KU)

message 11: by Simon (new)

Simon Vale | 300 comments Mod
Dark Paladin by Vasily Mahanenko

Is it easy to survive in the game world? You could say yes, if you didn’t know what the additional conditions were. They are unusual: it’s the real world in which you have lived all your life. The enemy, craving to destroy you. Your own class who couldn’t care less about you. Are you still sure that survival is easy? Then welcome to THE GAME! It will prove you wrong.

message 12: by Simon (new)

Simon Vale | 300 comments Mod

AlterGame: The First Player by Andrew Novak


The book is released May 9, 2017

Kindle & KU

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