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Movies > Lemonade Mouth

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message 1: by Nia (new)

Nia (sunset284) | 385 comments Mod
One of my favorite movies. I bought it and everything

message 2: by Ginny (new)

Ginny  Weasley  | 96 comments I like that movie, Brigit Mendler (Olivia) is my favorite actor and singer!!!

message 3: by Nia (new)

Nia (sunset284) | 385 comments Mod
I have that movie. I love Bridget

message 4: by brooke1994 (new)

brooke1994  (formerlynarnian525) I love Lemonade Mouth :) Olivia is the character that's the most like me.

message 5: by Nia (new)

Nia (sunset284) | 385 comments Mod
Ummm idk who mine is

message 6: by Basma (new)

Basma (bookishbasma) It was pretty good. I liked it. :)

message 7: by brooke1994 (new)

brooke1994  (formerlynarnian525) Basma wrote: "It was pretty good. I liked it. :)"

Which song did you like?

message 8: by BlackStarYTC {Formerly 103}, ORIGINAL MOD/CREATOR (new)

BlackStarYTC {Formerly 103} (blackstarytc) | 1457 comments Mod
I enjoyed it, most Disney channel films aren't that great plot or character wise but this film has both

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