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Dead Discussions > I am currently reading (2009)...

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message 1: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Post what you are reading right now, and let us know how it is going! :)

message 2: by Lauren (new)

Lauren | 244 comments [image error]

I will be starting it tonight.

message 3: by Debra (new)

Debra | 9 comments Mortal Fear
I absolutely love Greg Iles but I'm having a tough time with this one. I am determined to finish it though. If I knew what I know now I wouldn't have even started it though. :(

message 4: by Melissa (new)

Melissa X-Rated Bloodsuckers by Mario Acevedo

Second in his vampire P.I. series - Felix is asked to solve the murder of a porn star. This is series has a unique take on vampires.

message 6: by Ann (new)

Ann Noell (fantasyannie) I'm reading Running Hot by Jayne Ann Krentz and also Minx by Qulia Quinn; they are both for July challenges.

message 7: by Lisa (new)

Lisa | 617 comments The Amber Spyglass ... Finally.

message 8: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
I am about to begin Surrender to Me by Sophie Jordan. I've been on a romance kick lately, but I might get back to the paranormal soon...:)

Lisa Anne wrote: "The Amber Spyglass ... Finally."
For some reason I thought you had read that ages ago! LOL

message 9: by Lisa (new)

Lisa | 617 comments Lisa Anne wrote: "The Amber Spyglass ... Finally."

I read the first two when I was 12, but the third didn't come out until well into high school and by that point I had forgotten all the details of the first two and wasn't nearly as interested. One good thing about the movie (since in general it wasn't very good) is that it made me reread the first two so I remembered them, which has led me back to the third... only 10 years later. haha.

message 10: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Lisa Anne wrote: "Lisa Anne wrote: "The Amber Spyglass ... Finally."

I read the first two when I was 12, but the third didn't come out until well into high school and by that point I had forgotten al..."

That explains why I thought you had already read the series... I bought the 1st book in the series but haven't read it...yet. Andrew (hubby) did though...

message 11: by Jackie M (new)

Jackie M | 452 comments I am reading It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas.

message 12: by Terri (new)

Terri (terrilovescrows) | 188 comments Dear Theo - Letters from Vincent van Gogh to his brother

message 13: by LaTrica (new)

LaTrica Monkey/Folk Novel of China which has been fun so far.

Nana through DailyLit. This was a surprise. I'm really enjoying it but suspect I got the abridged version.

Also thumbing through Home Comforts The Art and Science of Keeping House

message 14: by Catamorandi (new)

Catamorandi (wwwgoodreadscomprofilerandi) I'm reading The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame.

message 15: by gina~* (new)

gina~* | 39 comments I'm reading Lover Enshrined by JR Ward, very good. I can't wait to start the newest book in the series it's next!

message 16: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Finished X-Rated Bloodsuckers. It was okay. Too much description, it got in the way of the actual story. Not sure if I'll continue with the series.

Starting Bones of Faerie by Janni Lee Simner now.

message 17: by Chasidy (new)

Chasidy I'm currently reading Thrill of the Knight by Julia Latham.

So far it's quite good. :)

message 18: by Corrine (new)

Corrine (itsactuallycorrine) | 9 comments Don't Tempt Me by Loretta Chase. Very fun so far.

message 19: by Dina (new)

Dina (missdina) I'm currently reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling. I think I'm the last person on Earth to read this book - well, the last person who likes the HP saga, that is... :)

I'm really enjoying it and can't wait to see how it ends! Yes, I've managed to avoid everything that's ever been said and written about this book so far, so I really don't know any spoilers! It wasn't easy, I almost had to "hide in a cave" around the time the book was released, LOL.

message 20: by Terri (new)

Terri (terrilovescrows) | 188 comments I enjoyed Deathly Hallows BUT I thought he wandered around the forest for WAAAAYYYY too long. But the battle was fantastic!

message 21: by Dina (new)

Dina (missdina) I'm about to start Chapter 24 and they left the forest some chapters ago. I agree, they did spend a lot of time there but I kind of understand that - I mean, they didn't have anywhere else to go/hide.

Things are getting more exciting now, and I can't wait for the final battle. :)

message 22: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Finished Bones of Faerie. It was a great YA book about life after a human/fae war. Very well written.

About to start Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantasky

message 23: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie I just started Lover Avenged (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #7) by J.R. Ward .

I think Rev maybe my fav...

message 24: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Melissa wrote: "Finished Bones of Faerie. It was a great YA book about life after a human/fae war. Very well written.

About to start Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantasky"

Its a fairly good book. Very YA. For a 1st try I thought it was a good job...:) Let me know what you think!

message 25: by Chasidy (new)

Chasidy Stephanie, I've been trying to remember to pick up Rev's story when I go to the bookstore but I always forget. How do you like it so far? I hear it reads more like an Urban Fantasy than a Paranormal romance.

Michelle (In Libris Veritas) (shadowrose) I started The Man Who Loved Books Too Much The True Story of a Thief, a Detective, and a World of Literary Obsessionlast night. I just received this from one of the giveaways here on Goodreads, so I'm eager to read it.
So far I'm enjoying it, even if you are not familiar with the book collecting scene you can follow along very nicely.

message 27: by Nikki ♥ (new)

Nikki ♥ Shelter Mountain by Robyn Carr. I really like Preacher, I'm glad to see Jack and Mel in this book.

message 28: by Julianna (new)

Julianna (authorjuliannad) | 654 comments Dina wrote: "I'm currently reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling. I think I'm the last person on Earth to read this book - well, the last person who likes t..."

You're definitely not the last Dina. I read through book 3 a few years ago with my kids, but then we just didn't seem to have the time for such long books. This year I started re-reading them on my own, and plan to follow-through to the end. I've been trying to avoid any spoilers too.:-)

message 29: by BK (new)

BK Blue (paradoxically) I am in-between books. :( Just finished Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and am debating whether I want to start An Instance of the Fingerpost A Novel or not. It was a New York Times Bestseller but it is 700+ pages...

message 30: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Just finished Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side. It was one of those emotional roller coasters. It had a bit of humor to it, but it turned dark towards the end. It was a page turner for me, because I just had to get to the end to see how it was all going to turn out. It had me twisted up in knots for awhile there! I thought it was well written.

I'm going to start Until Proven Guilty by J.A. Jance to take a break from the paranormal and the romance.

message 31: by Jackie M (new)

Jackie M | 452 comments I am reading Kitty and the Midnight Hour (Kitty Norville, #1) by Carrie Vaughn

message 32: by Dina (new)

Dina (missdina) Finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows last night - loved it! - and don't know what to read next... Let me go and rummage my TBR mountain! :)

message 33: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Dina wrote: "Finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows last night - loved it! - and don't know what to read next... Let me go and rummage my TBR mountain! :)"
You should try "What should I read next..." in our suggestion folder. Post the books you are trying to decide between and we'll help you decide. :)

message 34: by Dina (new)

Dina (missdina) Thanks, Joy! I'm awful at this group thing, I have a hard time tracking all the discussions. :)

message 35: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Dina wrote: "Thanks, Joy! I'm awful at this group thing, I have a hard time tracking all the discussions. :)"

Don't worry about it. There are a lot of dicussions on here. It can be daunting, but that is what makes it fun. The more discussions, the more likely you are to find a discussion that you truly enjoy.

The "What should I read next..." is a really new discussion anyways. It just sounded like something that could be beneficial to you. :) I already used it, and figured out what I am reading next. :)

message 36: by SoBeA (new)

SoBeA (sobe1982) | 39 comments Just finsihed Predestined by R, Garland Gray....As for how it was? was okay...I started it last Sunday, then went out of town for a few days and I thought for sure I'd be able to finish it, but it just seemed to drag on and on...and I kept finding better things to do! I pretty much sped read through it this morning just to get it over with! But at least I finished it!

Now, If I can remember where I put them, I'm thinking I'll move on to Nalini Singh's Anegel's Blood or Hostage to Pleasure as I know (and I hope I'm not jinxing myself here) I can always count on her for a good read :)

message 37: by J.D. (last edited Jul 03, 2009 08:30AM) (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
I have Nalini Singh's book Angels Blood on my TBR list. It looks good!

message 38: by Dina (new)

Dina (missdina) I love Nalini Singh's Psy-Changeling series but haven't really bought the concept of her new Guild Hunter series yet because I'm not an Urban Fantasy fan. I'm going to wait for the next book, Archangels' Kiss, to see if it's my cuppa.

message 39: by SoBeA (new)

SoBeA (sobe1982) | 39 comments Dina wrote: "I love Nalini Singh's Psy-Changeling series but haven't really bought the concept of her new Guild Hunter series yet because I'm not an Urban Fantasy fan. I'm going to wait for the next book, [book..."

It's Urban Fantasy?! Really? Is it in First person, too? I bought it mostly because it had Singh's name on it, but I'm not really into Urban Fantasy either...I keep thinking I'll change my mind, but I never do...And I have a really hard time reading books in first person, so that's usually a deal breaker for me as well... So it looks like it's the next psy book for me! I'll eventually give Angel's Blood a chance (I guess), but probably not for a good long while...

message 40: by Lauren (new)

Lauren | 244 comments i started Guilty Pleasures

message 41: by Dina (last edited Jul 03, 2009 10:27AM) (new)

Dina (missdina) Sobia wrote: "It's Urban Fantasy?! Really? Is it in First person, too? ..."

From what I heard and read, it's not 100% UF - for example, it isn't written in 1st person POV - but it has a strong UF vibe and the H/h don't have a "definitive" HEA at the end of the 1st book. Nalini Singh has said that Raphael and Elena's love story will wrap up in the 2nd book and another couple will take center stage on the 3rd book. I need my HEA, that's why I'm waiting for the 2nd book: I'll read the 1st two books in a row, so "everything" will be nice and tidy when I finish it - I hope...

message 42: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
I just started our group read "Evernight"!

message 43: by new_user (new)

new_user I dunno, seemed like an HEA to me, LOL.

Btw, Jo, On the Road does draw from his experiences but he writes the story through that character's perspective.

message 44: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
new_user wrote: "I dunno, seemed like an HEA to me, LOL.

Btw, Jo, On the Road does draw from his experiences but he writes the story through that character's perspective."

I'm going to sound like a complete ditz, and ask what "HEA" stands for... LOL
I was thinking "Happily Ever After", but I'm not sure...

message 45: by Dina (new)

Dina (missdina) You're not a ditz, Joy! HEA does mean "Happily Ever After". ;)

message 46: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Dina wrote: "You're not a ditz, Joy! HEA does mean "Happily Ever After". ;)"
Yeah! I was right! LOL

According to the epilogue it looks like there is going to be some strife...hardship...whatever you want to call it. I don't think the entire series is going to be happy, but it'll probably end that way. Although, I'm not a fan of books that end badly...

message 47: by SoBeA (new)

SoBeA (sobe1982) | 39 comments Dina wrote: From what I heard and read, it's not 100% UF - for example, it isn't written in 1st person POV - but it has a strong UF ..."

Thanks for all the info, Dina! It doesn't sound as bad as I thought, but I'll probably do what you're doing and wait for the next book, as I prefer HEA's too!

message 48: by Ann (new)

Ann Noell (fantasyannie) I'm reading The Prefect Poison by Jayne Ann Krentz, had to make myself put it down last night or I would have been up all night lol.... I'm loving this story.

message 49: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Evernight just got sooooo much better! :)

message 50: by Melissa (last edited Jul 03, 2009 03:43PM) (new)

Melissa OOOOHHHH! I might have to buy it now. Not sure I can wait for my copy from the library with a comment like that, Joy!

Just finished Until Proven Guilty. It was an easy read. The first in a long series. It was good, but I'm not rushing to pick up the next.

I'm about to start Raven and the Cowboy by Sandra Chastain to fill my "cowboy" and "western" requirements in my challenges. This is not the typical kind of book I go for, so we'll see.

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