Wild Things: YA Grown-Up discussion

Religion/Faith > Janette Oke

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message 1: by Linda (new)

Linda Her "Love Comes Softly" series is great, and then of course they came out with the movies, too. I really wish I could get my 15 yo daughter to read these kinds of books but she thinks they're old-fashioned and "cheesy". Oh well, there's no accounting for tastes I guess.

message 2: by Kate (new)

Kate (kathrynlouwca) | 120 comments I liked her when I was younger... not so much now that I am older. I liked this series (and the first movie) but not the other movies. Umm, did she write A Bride for Donnigan? That was one of my favorites!

message 3: by Emily (new)

Emily (ejfalke) Totally loved the Canadian West Saga as a teen...it's on my to-read (well, re-read) list now!

message 4: by Brenda (new)

Brenda Klaassen (librarymom23) I own both series. I did loan them to a neighbor girl this summer, but she only read the first one from each series and then gave them back because she found them to "perfect". She said 12yo girls of today like a happy ending but a touch of real life has to be in the stories.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ รђ๏รђคภคђ  (shoey924) | 17 comments Kathryn wrote: "I liked her when I was younger... not so much now that I am older. I liked this series (and the first movie) but not the other movies. Umm, did she write A Bride for Donnigan? That was one of my fa..."

Yes she did! I read it too. One of my fave series that I've read over and over is The Stonewycke trilogy and the sequel trilogy. It's by Michael Phillips and Judith Pella and is absolutley wonderful!

I highly recommend it to anyone wanting a riveting read for any age with adventure, mystery, love , and obviously, the journey one takes when becoming a believer.

message 6: by Sara ♥ (last edited May 23, 2013 07:47PM) (new)

Sara ♥ (saranicole) | 719 comments I've seen all the movies! I liked them! I actually read quite a lot of Christian "western" romances, but Janette Oke is NOT my favorite! I think it's because they were written so long ago; her writing style isn't very modern. And I hate what happens a lot in this genre: the man and woman fall in love in book 1, then one of them DIES in the next book! :( I want to picture them living happily ever after for ever and ever and ever! So I tend more toward books/series in the genre that don't have main characters dying left and right! :P

I'm reading Mary Connealy's books right now (not YA, but clean, so whatever), and I love her writing style!! :) They are serious at times (life was hard!), but the characters are funny and witty!

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