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message 201: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Katherine this edition of that book gets us mini challenge points as well Sisters Red (Fairytale Retellings, #1) by Jackson Pearce I'm gonna add mini challenge points to the spreadsheet on it.

updated to here

message 202: by Katherine (last edited Jun 18, 2015 11:10AM) (new)

Katherine (katkattrinn) | 760 comments I think Ezin got to me with all that fly thing, because the next my book will be Fifty Shades Freed (Fifty Shades, #3) by E.L. James

579 pages the will get 40 points. Has a number in the title then I will get 20 points.

The authors name is E.L. James so would i get the points for Author Initial? EL

Never mind I fill find some other book. With more points. ;P

message 203: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katkattrinn) | 760 comments Jenne wrote: "Katherine this edition of that book gets us mini challenge points as well Red (Fairytale Retellings, #1) by Jackson Pearce I'm gonna add mini challenge points..."

Ou I didn't see that. :D well good then. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

message 204: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments That'd be EJ, when there's a middle initial like that ignore it for this one. JR Ward would be JW.

message 205: by Katherine (last edited Jun 18, 2015 11:24AM) (new)

Katherine (katkattrinn) | 760 comments Jenne wrote: "That'd be EJ, when there's a middle initial like that ignore it for this one. JR Ward would be JW."

If I found a book, with mechanism which looks like clock mechanism, then I can use it on Mini?
The Beast (The Hunter Legends #1) by Lindsay Mead

message 206: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 1862 comments Jenne wrote: "I've got that one on board for July Katherine.
I'm gonna go with Snow A Retelling of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Tracy Lynn It gets FTR, TNB, AI, MC, PP, and fits the task woot woot!"

I'm about halfway through that one now :)

message 207: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Katherine it looks like clock mechanisms but without it actually showing the clock I'm gonna have to say no to it fitting the mini.

Nichole are you liking it?

I found some zombie fairy tales....score! I think I'll check one of them out next instead.

message 208: by Belinda (new)

Belinda | 461 comments I'm sorry......zombie fairytales?!?! Do tell!!!!

message 209: by Jenne (new)

message 210: by Joeera (new)

Joeera | 395 comments Just started my book today should be finished by tomorrow

message 211: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (thesebooksaremyfriends) FINISHED TEMPLATE:
Read: Shadowboxer (Tapped Out, #1) by Cari Quinn
By: Cari Quinn
Finish Date: 6/18/2015
Rating: ★★
Task Book: Yes
Pages: = 360 (30 points)
AI: = NO

30 points

message 212: by Steph Ann (new)

Steph Ann | 509 comments I'm definitely going to have to make time for zombie fairy tales! :)

I'm really enjoying Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1) by Marissa Meyer too, Kat! I read it for the first time back in January, but I wasn't sure how I would feel about it re-reading it so soon. I'm just as caught up in it as I was the first time!

message 213: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 1862 comments Book: The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle, #1) by Maggie Stiefvater
By: Maggie Stiefvater
Finished: 6/18/15
Rating: ★★★★☆
Task #1 (Red): Yes
Pages: 408
FTR: 50 (tagged 8x as fairy-tales)
AI: No

Total Points: 85

message 214: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (thesebooksaremyfriends) Read: Enchanted Erotic Bedtime Stories For Women by Nancy Madore
By: Nancy Madore
Finish Date: 6/18
Rating: ★
Task Book: Yes
Pages: = 256 (25 points)
FTR: = Yes (marked 12 times as fairy tales, 50 points)
TNB: = No
AI: = NO

75 points

message 215: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 1862 comments I should finish Snow A Retelling of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Tracy Lynn tonight or maybe tomorrow. It's worth 195 points! It's okay but I do tend to wander, lol.

My husband put on a movie last night and then almost immediately fell asleep in his chair. He was snoring SOOO loud!!! I don't know how he didn't wake himself up, lol! I watched the movie though :)

message 216: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments I'm 30% into it Nichole. It's alright so far readable but not great.
Lol at the hubby! Mines not too bad every now and then.
Glad y'all are enjoying Cinder. It's a good one, I like the narrator. I'm up to #3 on that series maybe I'll start the audio of it after I finish my current audio.

message 217: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm about 35% into my book and so far I'm really enjoying it. I didn't get much reading done today cause I worked then tonight I went to see San Andreas with my bff. The movie was really good, not a huge fan of the Rock but this was one of his better movies ☺

message 218: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments I really want to see that one, it looks really good.

message 219: by Christina T (new)

Christina T (crysteena73) | 963 comments There is a series by Marina Myles called The Cursed Princes all are fairy-tale romances but not enough people have shelved them to count according to the rules. Yet the 3rd book Sleeping Beauty and the Demon has Fairy Tales shelf on the first page 4th down. Is there any way these can be approved as retelling anyway?

message 220: by [deleted user] (new)

Jenne wrote: "I really want to see that one, it looks really good."

it's definitely worth seeing on the big screen the effects are amazing! and it has a pretty good story behind it as well, it gave me a few scares and made me cry, so very good movie in my book :)

message 221: by [deleted user] (new)

Christina T wrote: "There is a series by Marina Myles called The Cursed Princes all are fairy-tale romances but not enough people have shelved them to count according to the rules. Yet the 3rd book Sleeping Beauty an..."

I'm pretty sure Christina that if the book is a fairy tale re-telling it can still be used even if it's not on any list but I think the story line has to be pretty obvious that it's based on a fairy tale.

Also thanks for the suggestion I added the series to my fairy tales shelf incase I ever want to check them out :)

message 222: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Yeah if you know it's one and it's not been shelved enough or put in a list you're good :)

message 223: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments updated to here

We need 3 more task books to have our first set done. Right now our total points are 580 with 7 books :)

Good job ladies.

message 224: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (thesebooksaremyfriends) Jenne wrote: "updated to here

We need 3 more task books to have our first set done. Right now our total points are 580 with 7 books :)

Good job ladies."

Both the ones I'm working on work for the task and I know I'll at least have one of them done today, maybe two depending on homework.

message 225: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments I'll have that Snow White one done today too which fits the task too.

message 226: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katkattrinn) | 760 comments Two questions.
Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge
1. Do in this book is enough red?
2. Will I get the points for name. Because Crimson means red. (Red Riding Hood)

message 227: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
Katherine wrote: "Two questions.
Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge
1. Do in this book is enough red?
2. Will I get the points for name. Because Crimson means red. (Red Riding Hood)"

1. Yes. Enough red.
2. Crimson for red?...I'm wondering the same thing.

message 228: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katkattrinn) | 760 comments Ezinwanyi~the Impish Angel wrote: "Katherine wrote: "Two questions.
Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge
1. Do in this book is enough red?
2. Will I get the points for name. Because Crimson means red. (Red Riding Hood)"

1. Yes. Enou..."

And Scarlet means red. ;D

message 229: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
I just finished that book. It reminded me of Grave Mercy but the romance wasn't as prominent or enjoyable.

message 230: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm hoping to get my book done by tomorrow

message 231: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Katherine wrote: "Two questions.
Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge
1. Do in this book is enough red?
2. Will I get the points for name. Because Crimson means red. (Red Riding Hood)"

I'll be back with that answer in just a minute. Gotta shout at my fellow mods right quick :)

message 232: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (thesebooksaremyfriends) Read: The Unidentified Redhead (Redhead, #1) by Alice Clayton
By: Alice Clayton
Finish Date:
Rating: ★★★★
Task Book: Y
Pages: = 336 (30)
AI: = NO

30 points

message 233: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments FINISHED TEMPLATE:
Read: Snow A Retelling of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Tracy Lynn
By: Tracy Lynn
Finish Date: 6/19/15
Rating: ★★★
Task Book: Yes
Pages: 259 = 25
FTR: yes = 50
TNB: yes = 50
AI: yes = 50
MCP: yes (once) = 20

message 234: by Steph Ann (new)

Steph Ann | 509 comments I'm pretty sure I'll have my book finished tonight!

message 235: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Katherine we decided against using crimson.

Go SA!!!

message 236: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katkattrinn) | 760 comments Jenne wrote: "Katherine we decided against using crimson.

Go SA!!!"

Then I think you can't use these words too: Little, Wee, Small.
Because they are synonyms, just like red, crimson, scarlet.

message 237: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katkattrinn) | 760 comments Stacie Mass D-Struction wrote: "Read: The Unidentified Redhead (Redhead, #1) by Alice Clayton
By: Alice Clayton
Finish Date:
Rating: ★★★★
Task Book: Y
Pages: = 336 (30)
AI: = NO

30 po..."

Wait could Redhead give use points, because in this word is Red and head.

message 238: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Omg Katherine you're right I've gone over soooo many questions they're running together lol. I'm gonna go holler at the mods again.
I'm so embarrassed that slipped past me.

message 239: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (thesebooksaremyfriends) Katherine wrote: "Stacie Mass D-Struction wrote: "Read: The Unidentified Redhead (Redhead, #1) by Alice Clayton
By: Alice Clayton
Finish Date:
Rating: ★★★★
Task Book: Y
Pages: = 336 (30)
TNB: =..."

I thought so too but then again I wasn't sure...Jenne?

message 240: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments I had said no to embedded and compound words. If it was red head it'd be ok. But redhead isn't.

message 241: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (thesebooksaremyfriends) Jenne wrote: "I had said no to embedded and compound words. If it was red head it'd be ok. But redhead isn't."

Thanks Jenne! You rock.

message 242: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katkattrinn) | 760 comments Jenne wrote: "Omg Katherine you're right I've gone over soooo many questions they're running together lol. I'm gonna go holler at the mods again.
I'm so embarrassed that slipped past me."

I really want to know if I get the points for Crimson. So I hope that in the morning (my morning :D) you will give me the answer.

message 243: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments We're working on it :)

message 244: by Steph Ann (new)

Steph Ann | 509 comments FINISHED:

Read: Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1) by Marissa Meyer
By: Marissa Meyer
Finish Date: 6/19/15
Rating: 5 stars
Task Book: Yes
Pages: = 390 (30 points)
FTR: = Yes (Cinderella, 50 points)
TNB: = Yes (Cinder, 50 points)
AI: = No
MCP: = Yes (Lunar in series name, 20 points)

150 points

message 245: by Steph Ann (new)

Steph Ann | 509 comments I have a review book I need to finish tonight. I don't think I can count that towards this challenge since I started it prior to the 17th, correct?

Tomorrow, I'll be starting Cursed Moon (The Prospero's War, #2) by Jaye Wells . It should be good for the main task (there's a red symbol on the left side of the cover - if that's not enough red, Jenne, let me know!) as well as the mini challenge (Moon in the title).

message 246: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
Snooping on my girls. What are y'all doing tonight? I took the day off and went to have a girls day with my daughter. We got mani-pedi and our hair done. Then we had chipotle together. I just got home and my sons are pissed. LOL

message 247: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 1862 comments Sounds like a nice day! But now you'll have to come up with something for the boys :P Or volun-tell your husband to give them a boys day out.

message 248: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (last edited Jun 19, 2015 05:46PM) (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
Nichole wrote: "Sounds like a nice day! But now you'll have to come up with something for the boys :P Or volun-tell your husband to give them a boys day out."

I told hubby to do that. He said it was hot outside 95 degrees and he didn't want to go to the park. He took them to chipotle but didn't let them eat there.
My 6yr old Said "mommy can I go with you next time to the salon?"
I felt bad but that's on daddy.

message 249: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 1862 comments Ha! Mommy is fun, Daddy is boring, lol.

message 250: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 1862 comments Book: Snow A Retelling of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Tracy Lynn
By:Tracy Lynn
Finished: 6/19/15
Task: Yes
Pages: 259
PP: 25
FTR: 50
TNB: 50
AI: 50
MCP: 20

Total Points: 195

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