
Zoe Quotes

Quotes tagged as "zoe" Showing 1-30 of 75
Rick Riordan
“Can’t this thing go any faster?” Thalia demanded.
Zoe glared at her. “I cannot control traffic.”
You both sound like my mother,” I said.
Shut up!” they both said in union.”
Rick Riordan, The Titan’s Curse

Rick Riordan
“Boys are usually forbidden to have any contact with the Hunters. The last one to see this camp…” She looked at Zoe. “Which one was it?”
That boy in Colorado,” Zoe said. “You turned him into a jackalope.”
Ah, yes.” Artemis nodded, satisfied. “I enjoy making jackalopes…”
Rick Riordan, The Titan’s Curse

Rick Riordan
“That’s us,” he said. “Those five nuts right there.”
Which one is me?” I asked.
The little deformed one,” Zoe suggested.
Oh, shut up.”
Rick Riordan, The Titan’s Curse

R.L. Mathewson
“Can we get back to work now?" Haley asked, sounding innocent, but Zoe didn't miss the woman's lips twitching
or the humor sparkling in her eyes. Something told her that this woman truly enjoyed torturing her husband.
"For god sake's, my little grasshopper, you love the Yankees more than I do! What the hell is going on?" He turned accusing eyes on Zoe. "How dare you brainwash my wife?" he hissed.
"A re you going to leave so that we can get some work done?" Haley demanded, turning her attention to the computer.
"No," he said stubbornly, folding his arms over his chest, glaring at them.
"Buttercream frosting," Haley said softly, never taking her eyes away from her computer screen.
Jason licked his lips as he looked his pregnant wife over hungrily. "Tonight?" he croaked out.
"If you're good," Haley said, with a small shrug. "But you have to leave-"
"Bye," Jason said quickly, cutting her off and rushing out of the trailer just as fast as he came.”
R.L. Mathewson, Perfection

R.L. Mathewson
“You knew? How the hell did you know?" he demanded,wondering which bastard in his family had ratted his ass
"It wasn't too hard to figure out, Trevor," she murmured, looking totally enthralled with what she was doing.
"What the hell does that mean?" He'd been careful, very careful. He'd never
read anything in front of her, never
wrote anything more than his name or a word or two in her presence. There was
no way she could have found out without
one of his interfering relatives clueing her in.
"Who the hell told you?" Zoe rolled her eyes even as she leaned over to press a quick kiss on his lips, which made him slightly happy, but not enough to forget that he needed to kill one of his relatives.
"You never read anything around me. You
think you tricked me into reading for you. Then there was the time we ran out of condoms and you flipped out because you thought there was supposed to be 42 condoms in the box of 24."
"Would it have killed them to put a few extra condoms in the box so that you could have seen to my needs?" he asked, remembering that damn night and trying not to wince. Okay, so maybe he gave himself away...just a little.”
R.L. Mathewson, Perfection

Dannika Dark
“Where did you meet?” he pressed on.
I shrugged and considered a little rephrasing. “I was out for a run.”
“From who?”
I leaned back to take a long, very long, slow sip of that beer.
Knox leaned forward. “I think we’re both bullsh*tting here, you ever play that card game?”
“With my grandma, every Sunday after church.”
Dannika Dark, Sterling

Garth Stein
“She was my rain. She was my unpredictable element. She was my fear. But a racer should not be afraid of rain; a racer should embrace the rain.”
garth stein, The Art of Racing in the Rain

Dannika Dark
“Women were gravitating towards him from all directions like a planetary orbit.
(Zoe on meeting Justus)”
Dannika Dark, Sterling

Deborah Cooke
“White." He spoke with conviction and I knew he'd seen. "A thousand shades of white, from mist to snow to starlight.”
Deborah Cooke, Winging It

Alyson Noel
“And just as I start to move past him, my hip accidentally rubs against his, and his face is so close, and his eyes so deep, that I can't help but lift my fingers to his smooth, sculptured cheek. Then without even thinking, I close my eyes, lean in, and kiss him.”
Alyson Noel, Saving Zoë

Dannika Dark
“Adam isn't here."

"How do you know? Because the only balls I see on you aren't crystal.”
Dannika Dark, Sterling
tags: knox, zoe

Alex Adams
“My two best friends are dead, which means they're great listeners now, but lousy as far as support goes.”
Alex Adams, White Horse
tags: nick, zoe

Michael Ben Zehabe
“Zoe rubbed her forehead and grimaced. “America is one toll booth after another. In Noshahr I could park anything in front of our compound, but not in free America. I tried to buy a goat to roast. I am not going to tell you the trouble that caused.”
“You can’t roast goat in America?”
“You can roast,” Zoe said, “but there are certain rules about goats. And it made the neighborhood children cry. The details are too tedious for the telephone.”
Michael Benzehabe

Alex Adams
“And while I tell him all my thoughts, I don't always share my secrets.”
Alex Adams, White Horse
tags: zoe

Alex Adams
“She's unhurt—or at least not bleeding on the oustide.”
Alex Adams, White Horse
tags: lisa, zoe

Alex Adams
“Please don't' ask me how I feel about it. If I had to pick a word, I'd say homicidal.”
Alex Adams, White Horse
tags: nick, zoe

Michael Ben Zehabe
“Pleading for forgiveness was always on the tip of her tongue. She had tried doing a good thing, but because of one thoughtless act, his two beautiful daughters were brutally raped, and running to the other side of the world hadn’t helped. Because of her, two innocent ADP employees were dead. She was older but not a shekel wiser, still opening the wrong doors.”
Michael Benzehabe

Michael Ben Zehabe
“All the way, Zoe kept her chin up and pretended she wasn’t mortified, but his sour expression stayed with her. She wasn’t good at making American friends. She changed her language, conduct, and clothing, but it didn’t seem to matter. Whether she wore modest Middle-Eastern clothing or cute Western fashions, everyone knew she didn’t belong.”
Michael Benzehabe

Michael Ben Zehabe
“Saul stared at his Whisky Sour. He hadn’t heard from Zoe in about a week. Maybe she had lost interest.
All at once, the room was filled with people laughing, talking about how wonderful it was to be a couple. He was mildly amused at how disconcerting being alone felt. He had met Zoe about a month ago, when he helped her cross a busy boulevard. Yet, it seemed like he had known her for years.
He stepped outside to call and leave another message.”
Michael Benzehabe

Heather Anastasiu
“We're fighting for a dream, for a life unlike anything we've ever known.”
Heather Anastasiu, Override

Heather Anastasiu
“If we don't fight, we've already lost. Without hope, without trying, there's no point.”
Heather Anastasiu, Override

Heather Anastasiu
“Having something to fight for will make us stronger than anything they can throw at us.”
Heather Anastasiu, Override

Kit Frick
“In the dream, the height doesn't scare me at all. My fingers dance across the top of the railing like it's a set of piano keys.”
Kit Frick, I Killed Zoe Spanos

Alex Adams
“I pray to a God I don't really have faith in just so I feel like I have company.”
Alex Adams, White Horse
tags: zoe

C.S. Lewis
“La forma de vida biológica que nos viene dada por la naturaleza y que (como todo lo demás en la naturaleza) siempre tiende a gastarse y decaer de modo que sólo puede mantenerse por medio de incesantes subsidios de la naturaleza en forma de aire, agua, comida, etc., es Bios. La vida espiritual que está en Dios desde la eternidad, y que creó el universo entero, es Zoe. Bios tiene, por supuesto, una cierta semejanza vaga y simbólica con Zoe, pero sólo la clase de semejanza que hay entre una fotografía y un lugar, o una estatua y un hombre. Un hombre que cambiase de tener Bios a tener Zoe habría pasado por una transformación tan grande como la de una estatua que pasara de ser una piedra tallada a ser un hombre auténtico.”
C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Kit Frick
“I’m looking down on the estate from above, and then I’m on the balcony, sitting all the way at the edge, legs pressed through the wooden rails and dangling down, down in the night. In
the dream, the height doesn’t scare me at all. My fingers dance across the top of the railing like it’s a set of piano keys.”
Kit Frick, I Killed Zoe Spanos

Kit Frick
“Maybe it was only grief, after all, bubbling to the surface in all its ugly trappings—grief like a gaping wound for a daughter who is gone and likely not coming home again.”
Kit Frick, I Killed Zoe Spanos

Sebastian Fitzek
“Welchen Sinn hatte es überhaupt, durch das Leben zu hetzen, wenn am Ende niemand auf einen wartete?”
Sebastian Fitzek, Das Geschenk

Kit Frick
“There are no parents, no lawyers. The girl’s father is unreachable, has been unreachable for years.”
Kit Frick, I Killed Zoe Spanos

“Concerning spiritual things, many have adopted the language of it and neglected its reality. There's more talk going on about it and less experience of its beauty, its reality, and its effectual power.”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

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