Yoga Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "yoga-quotes" Showing 31-60 of 245
Yoga is the science of well-being and youthfulness. It is the science of integrating the
“Yoga is the science of well-being and youthfulness. It is the science of integrating the body, mind, and soul.”
Amit Ray, Yoga The Science of Well-Being

“Sexual energy should be wisely grown, prudently cultivated, and profitably expressed. Learn the art of sexual Transmutation, and channelling the sexual energy from root chakra to crown chakra.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, The Wealth Reference Guide: An American Classic

“Answers come when the mind is quiet. This quiet leaves space to hear what your soul knows. It leaves space for inner truths to emerge.”
Raegan Robinson

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“I am giving you the key to get out of frustration. Listen! Any situation you are in, when you are frustrated, look in and find out ‘What must be the best thing in this situation for which I have aspired this situation in my past? Let me look from that context at this situation.’ You will see you are enjoying exactly what you wanted!”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

“Raja Yoga deals primarily with the mind and its control. But this control cannot be attained without leading a pure life, full of loving concern for all, and reflecting rather than reacting to negative thoughts or circumstances.”
Swami Sarvagatananda

“Your sankalpa is like deeply sown seed of resolution that you plant deep inside your being. You connect with it and silently speak this resolution to yourself — stating it as if it has already come to fruition.”
Raegan Robinson

The six pillars of yoga are: health, harmony, compassion, creativity, integrity, and truth.
“The six pillars of yoga are: health, harmony, compassion, creativity, integrity, and truth.”
Amit Ray, Yoga The Science of Well-Being

Donna Goddard
“We can develop a small space between ourselves and our bodies and minds. In this way, even if we are suffering something physically or mentally, it will not have such an impact on our inner stability.”
Donna Goddard, Nanima: Spiritual Fiction

Donna Goddard
“Yoga is often referred to as a moving meditation. In yoga, one goes deeply inward, connecting with the Divine while simultaneously moving the body in a beneficial and life-enhancing way. One does not force the pose or fall asleep. It is awake, reverent attention.”
Donna Goddard, The Love of Being Loving

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“She used to insist: a clean body without negative parasites and microbes is literally living enlightenment, manifesting powers. She will say, ‘any power you are unable to manifest, the reason is parasites in your stomach.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“I used to ask her: ‘you are saying I am an incarnation. Why do I have parasites?’ she will say, ‘you are eating normal food even though it is organic. The purity needed for power manifesting is very high standard purity. For that purity you need to be detoxed.’ she will make different aushadhas to detox / cleanse my body - the muscle memory and biomemory.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Hinduism did not die when the temples were destroyed / when all the wealth was robbed, taken to england. But hinduism is getting destroyed when the gurukul system is getting destroyed.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Actually, life does not need hard work. You should not be afraid of hard work. But life demands only sincere work.Either you do sincere work or you have a guru and surrender to him completely to do the sincere work for you. Fortunately I had amazing gurus who did extreme sincere work on me.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“The body which does not get tired, which does not know something called sickness, the mind which does not get bored, which does not know something called frustration, which is constantly intensely excited, joyful, radiating, fully alive with highest possible visualisation, which has the capacity to infuse energy into any being…all this is the result of the sincere work of my gurus.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Swami Saradananda
“Regular meditation makes you more aware of the uniqueness of each moment, enabling you to live more fully in the presenting, without needless longing for the past or worrying about the future.”
Swami Saradananda

Amit Ray
“Yoga is not stopping the mind and making it dead or Stoney, but yoga is making a divine, lighted, compassionate and peaceful mind.”
Amit Ray, The Science of 114 Chakras in Human Body

Amit Ray
“Yoga is not killing the mind or making it dead or Stoney, but it is making the mind divine, compassionate and deeply peaceful, so that it can merge with the Infinity.”
Amit Ray, Yoga The Science of Well-Being

“The highest disciplined mind, is the highest disturbed as well as dangerous mind.”
Ansh - The Mystic Rider

“YOG is free, what is chargeable is YOGA”
Ansh - The Mystic Rider

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Self-realization is realizing the truth that was already there when you were still unaware of it. Self-help means regaining your full freedom and living according to your desires.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“The yogi rarely gets sick, just because he is practicing his mind control on a daily basis. Positive thinking protects him from illness.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“All yogis are automatically the candidates initiated into the art of secrecy. Simply, because silence is the only main basis for attaining mental and spiritual powers.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“Yoga Nidra is a form of aware sleep — a state of consciousness between sleep and waking. It is a restorative, meditative practice that creates effortless relaxation by guiding you, step by step, deeper into your physical and inner landscape.”
Raegan Robinson

Sagel Urlacher
“Here you are, a breathing being on this spinning blue dot, a safe haven for human life in a universe estimated to be about ninety-three billion light-years in diameter and growing. Here we are, the two of us, connected in this moment, sitting here among perhaps two trillion galaxies, breathing this beautiful breath, intricately linked, shared energy flowing in, out, and through us.”
Sagel Urlacher, Yin Yoga & Meditation

Sagel Urlacher
“In Yin Yoga, your mat is your meditation cushion.”
Sagel Urlacher, Yin Yoga & Meditation

Sagel Urlacher
“You are a miracle of consciousness, a heart beating in your beautiful body, enabling you to perceive and receive this stream of sensory information with appreciation and awe. You, too, are pulsing with energy, activated by the very same Elements animating the stars. Pause to consciously acknowledge the wondrous amalgamation you are, a compilation of complex biological systems that motor your movements inside and out, persistently powering your physical and mental processes, keeping you awake and alive, brimming with potential as a being of peace and of love.”
Sagel Urlacher, Yin Yoga & Meditation

Sagel Urlacher
“Equal parts science and spirit, Yin Yoga & Meditation is a practice of presence and wellbeing for the whole self.”
Sagel Urlacher

Yoga is the religion of truth, health, harmony, compassion, and creativity.
“Yoga is the religion of truth, health, harmony, compassion, and creativity.”
Amit Ray, Yoga The Science of Well-Being

Laura Jaworski
“Each peaceful breath
is a petal opening on the bud of humanity,
a bloom on the flower of life.”
Laura Jaworski

Donna Goddard
“How else can one claim one’s maternal heritage but by being blood and bone, dirt and stone?”
Donna Goddard, Nanima: Spiritual Fiction