Writing Advice Quotes

Quotes tagged as "writing-advice" Showing 121-150 of 1,103
“I don't create as much as I collect...the world is already so rich. All I can do is distill the messiness of human life into a concentrated reading experience.”
RF Kuang

Ellen Palestrant
“The Ephemerality of Ideas: Here at 2 - Gone by 2:15 ... It is only by capturing, quickly, that sudden inspiration that we prevent a creative opportunity from being lost forever.”
Ellen Palestrant, Have You Ever Had a Hunch? The Importance of Creative Thinking

“A writer is an overflowing reader.”
A. B. Langrial

Nanette L. Avery
“A day without adverbs is a day without tomorrow….”
Nanette L. Avery

Lisa Cron
“But the simple fact remains that without the first half of the story, there can be no second half. The first half establishes where the problem came from and who the protagonist is to begin with, so that the plot you then create can force her to struggle with that problem and, in the process, change.”
Lisa Cron, Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel

Barbara Dee
“I thought your writing was going better lately. So why are you forcing yourself to write something different? I mean besides your story, which is what you really want to write. What you need to write. Isn't that what you keep telling me?”
Barbara Dee, Unstuck

Barbara Dee
“Remember, you don't write to win a trophy. You write because you love to, and because there's a story you want to tell. That's the prize you give yourself, and it's the only one that matters.”
Barbara Dee, Unstuck

Donna Goddard
“When it comes to writing fiction, I have three nonnegotiable guidelines. It must be FAIR (the Divine values everyone; no one can be existentially abandoned, which does not negate their faults and failures). It must be REAL (all characters must eventually face their issues honestly, as in life). It must be SIMPLE (if something cannot be explained simply, it is not understood well enough).”
Donna Goddard, Writing: A Spiritual Voice

Joyce Carol Oates
“Writer’s block doesn’t exist, except it’s a very expensive block in Park Slope where all these writers live.”
Joyce Carol Oates

Holly Black
“No part of that was a lie, save for the
Holly Black, How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories

“You are eminently qualified to speak from your lived experience.”
Vindy Teja & Anna Brooke

“There's no right, wrong, good or bad way to begin writing. It just matters that you start.”
Vindy Teja & Anna Brooke, WRITE! Your Guide to Revealing the Writer Within

“Perfectionism and creativity tend to hamper productivity. If you’re prone to perfectionism, give yourself permission to let go of any judgment around the best or right way to write. There is no right or wrong way of writing as long as you're writing!”
Vindy Teja & Anna Brooke, WRITE! Your Guide to Revealing the Writer Within

“Jot down ideas, phrases and metaphors as they occur to you, whether it’s in a notebook or the device you’re carrying. We humans are way less likely to recall those lightbulb moments later on, so don’t hesitate to capture your thoughts in the moment.”
Vindy Teja & Anna Brooke, WRITE! Your Guide to Revealing the Writer Within

“We often think we don’t have the time to write. The real question is: are you willing to make time?”
Vindy Teja & Anna Brooke, WRITE! Your Guide to Revealing the Writer Within

“The question of time can certainly bedevil a writer, so we encourage you to make a choice for yourself, give it a try, and see how it works.”
Vindy Teja & Anna Brooke, WRITE! Your Guide to Revealing the Writer Within

“Keeping it simple helps keep procrastination at bay. The fewer the distractions, the more productive a writing practice can become.”
Vindy Teja & Anna Brooke, WRITE! Your Guide to Revealing the Writer Within

“Honor where you are. Don't judge the conditions. You are enough. What you are writing counts and is valuable.”
Vindy Teja & Anna Brooke, WRITE! Your Guide to Revealing the Writer Within

“Write about what you know and tell the truth. It is powerful and resonant for the reader.”
Vindy Teja & Anna Brooke, WRITE! Your Guide to Revealing the Writer Within

“Your story can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of what it meant to be alive during your lifetime.”
Vindy Teja & Anna Brooke, WRITE! Your Guide to Revealing the Writer Within

“The creative process is a brave one. The word courage comes from the Latin and French words for heart, so keep coming back to loving kindness toward yourself as you write. Keep showing up with compassion for yourself, and you’ll get to where you’re wanting to go.”
Vindy Teja & Anna Brooke, WRITE! Your Guide to Revealing the Writer Within

“No matter your relationship to the act of continuing, it’s a crucial part of the brave journey of writing and more importantly, the successful completion of your piece.”
Vindy Teja & Anna Brooke, WRITE! Your Guide to Revealing the Writer Within

“Let’s destabilize the concept of a dominant narrative and show up for our stories, our lives, and our journeys.”
Vindy Teja & Anna Brooke, WRITE! Your Guide to Revealing the Writer Within

“Make an appointment with yourself to write. Schedule it into your calendar and treat it like any other appointment. Respect it, and use it!”
Vindy Teja & Anna Brooke, WRITE! Your Guide to Revealing the Writer Within

Audre Lorde
“Beware the terror of not producing.
Beware the urge to justify your decision.
Watch out for the kitchen sink and the plumbing and the painting that always needed being done. But remember the body needs to create too.
Beware feeling you're not good enough to deserve it.
Beware feeling you're too good to need it.
Beware all the hatred you've stored up inside you, and the locks on your tender places.”
Audre Lorde, Sister Love: The Letters of Audre Lorde and Pat Parker 1974-1989

Dana Gioia
“The Catholic writer has the inestimable advantage of a profound and truthful worldview that has been articulated, explored, and amplified by two thousand years of art and philosophy, a tradition whose symbols, stories, personalities, and concepts and correspondences add enormous resonance to any artist’s work.”
Dana Gioia, The Catholic Writer Today: And Other Essays

Lois McMaster Bujold
“The fundamental substance of a book, if you are writing a real book, in your own blood, is not optional.”
Lois McMaster Bujold, Young Miles

Avijeet Das
“Writing your thoughts in a journal helps a lot, when you don't find the right people to talk to.”
Avijeet Das

Don Roff
“Writing is a form of rebellion against reality. Rebel!”
Don Roff