
What Matters Most Quotes

Quotes tagged as "what-matters-most" Showing 1-19 of 19
“I live to enjoy life by the littlest things, feeling the grass between my toes, breathing fresh air, watching the wind sway the trees, enjoying the company of loved ones, a deep conversation, getting lost in a good book, going for a walk in nature, watching my kids grow up. Just the feeling itself of being alive, the absolute amazing fact that we are here right now, breathing, thinking, doing.”
Marigold Wellington

Richard Carlson
“Almost universally, when people look back on their lives while on their deathbed [...] they wish they had spent more time with the people and activities they truly loved and less time worrying about aspects of life that, upon deeper examination, really don't matter at all that much. Imagining yourself at your own funeral allows you to look back at your life while you still have the chance to make some important changes.”
Richard Carlson, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff ... and It's All Small Stuff: Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things From Taking Over Your Life

Frank  Sonnenberg
“Know what matters most to you and be unwilling to compromise those priorities at almost any price.”
Frank Sonnenberg, Soul Food: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Steve Shallenberger
“The key to achieving your sustainable best is to organize around doing what matters most.”
Steve Shallenberger, Becoming Your Best: The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders

“At the end of the day or week or month what really matters is that you & your loved ones are safe & well, you have done your best & are grateful for being who you are & touching the world with your presence.

I wish to repeat that your ability to think & behave in a normal manner, your sound health, your safety, your feeling great, your family & the ability to start anew matters most in life.

Darling listen – at the end, also remind yourself that it doesn’t matter what you’ve done so far, what you choose to do from here will matter most to you & your world in times to come.

Keep Smiling, Keep Doing Something Meaningful & Stay Blessed!”
Rajesh Goyal

Jo Victor
“What really mattered, Alex supposed, was not how the world saw you, but how you saw yourself, and whether you and the people around you treated one another with respect.”
Jo Victor, Romance by the Book

Marilynne Robinson
“When things are taking their ordinary course, it is hard to remember what matters. There are so many things you would never think to tell anyone.”
Marilynne Robinson, Gilead

“It does not matter where you came from. What matters is how much you care.”
Rian Mileti, The Decision To Have World Peace

Frank  Sonnenberg
“At the end of the day, if you’re not proud of who you are and the way you choose to live your life, little else matters.”
Frank Sonnenberg, Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others

Noelle  Adams
“I’d never expect you to give me details about your personal life,” he said at last. “And I know it’s hard for you to share things that run deep. I know it might be easier if you had a mother you could talk to. But, if something has hurt you, you shouldn’t try to carry it alone.” He cleared his throat. “I’m your family, pumpkin. I’m the one you tell.”
Noelle Adams, One Night with her Bodyguard

“what matter most ? _ you . only you.everyday every event would pass by through your vein”

Christina Baker Kline
“The things that matter stay with you, seep into your skin”
Christina Baker Kline, Orphan Train

Cynthia  Anderson
“The howling of the world holds no voice. The winds, the rain, and the storms have no effect on Him who commands them all.”
Cynthia Anderson, One Mom To Another: Be Kind to Yourself, Embrace the Good, Find Joy in the Everyday

Brittany Burgunder
“I care about your: mind, words, heart, actions, attitude and effort.

I don’t care about your: age, appearance, salary, weight or social status.”
Brittany Burgunder

Kailey Bright
“You are free, and you bind yourself to what sets your heart on fire. You bind yourself to what matters.”
Kailey Bright, Unity