Werewolves Quotes

Quotes tagged as "werewolves" Showing 151-180 of 487
Lisa Kessler
“I stole a kiss and whispered, “I’ve never had anyone in my corner before. I like it.”

“Me too.”

A spark of mischief flashed in her dark eyes. “You know what else I like?”

“What’s that?” Her hand slid down to grab my

“Being naked with you.”
Lisa Kessler, Sedona Seduction

Lisa Kessler
“I just want to make you happy, to kiss that dimple on your right cheek and know I made you smile.”
Lisa Kessler, Sedona Seduction

Lisa Kessler
“He searched my face. “I want to be worthy enough to be your mate.”

My lips curved slightly. “You already are.”
Lisa Kessler, Sedona Seduction

Kayla   Edwards
“You can dress however you want to dress, and scum like them shouldn't think it means you're serving yourself to them on a silver platter.”
Kayla Edwards, City of Gods and Monsters

Renée Ahdieh
“Real love may be a choice, but I plan to choose someone who steals the breath from my body and haunts my very dreams. That is the only kind of love worth having.”
Renée Ahdieh, The Damned

Renée Ahdieh
“She walks in beauty like the night...”
Renée Ahdieh, The Damned

Renée Ahdieh
“Because of everything that happened, I've learned to love myself more," she said. And is that not the best gift any trial in life can give you? The power to love yourself today better than you did the day before.”
Renée Ahdieh, The Damned

Kayla   Edwards
“You want to be the first guy I fuck up, get in line.”
Kayla Edwards, City of Gods and Monsters

Renée Ahdieh
“Men were the worst kid of heroes. Riddled with flaws they refused to see.”
Renée Ahdieh, The Damned

Renée Ahdieh
“What you are has no bearing on who you become, Sebastien. Man or demon, that is entirely up to you. It is never too late to chase the better version of yourself.”
Renée Ahdieh, The Damned

Kayla   Edwards
“You light up my life, Loren Calla.”
Kayla Edwards, City of Gods and Monsters

Renée Ahdieh
“One must die so the other may live.”
Renée Ahdieh, The Damned

Kat Kinney
“I fight so that those who cannot will never have to live in fear.”
Kat Kinney, Dark

Cressida Cowell
“...and the problem with werewolves is they do mumble their words, so sometimes you could mistake a grunt for a gurgle, or an oooarrghh for an eereggagh, and completely misunderstand what they were talking about.”
Cressida Cowell, Twice Magic

Margot Berwin
“Anyway, being afraid of a human being is nothing. We're here for such a short period of time, so what does it matter, scared, not scared; what matters is that we last. That's why the blue lotus is so important."
"In legends, immortals are attracted to its scent. Vampires, werewolves, that sort of thing. That's why the ancient Egyptians called it the scent of immortality."
I took Levon's card out of my pocket and rotated the Magician between my fingers. Magical words for good or bad.
"Gabriel told me that you painted werewolves."
"I have painted the odd rougarou from time to time."
"But you don't believe in them?"
"I believe in immortality in whatever form it takes. Paintings, books, music, werewolves. They're all the same- the desire to last forever. In my opinion, every artist is a vampire or a werewolf, or a thief. All we want is to live on and on through the work we do and we'll take whatever we can from the people unlucky enough to be around us- their stories, pieces of their selves, their very souls if they'll let us, which they so often do with surprising ease- in order to reach our creative goals. How is that different from a vampire?”
Margot Berwin, Scent of Darkness

Kayla   Edwards
“Whether he called himself a Devil or not, he had quickly turned into her angel. Perhaps she was becoming his, too.”
Kayla Edwards, City of Gods and Monsters

K.R. Fraser
“Courage is not the absence of fear. It is the decision to move forward in spite of that fear.”
K.R. Fraser, Blood Feud

“There were worse things than being locked up in a cage, worse things than losing a father.”
Jessa Forest, Pulling Teeth and Other Stories: A Grimdark Paranormal Fantasy

Linda Thomas-Sundstrom
“For Blake, the mystery of this accident with the woman had only deepened.
The pretty young naked woman.
And solving mysteries just happened to be the part of his job he liked best.”
Linda Thomas-Sundstrom, Howling

Linda Thomas-Sundstrom
“Immortals weren't supposed to have needs...”
Linda Thomas-Sundstrom, Guardian of the Night

Tanya Huff
“And it's a hell of a lot easier to believe in a nudist than a werewolf”
Tanya Huff, Blood Trail

James Blish
“Maybe God is on the side of the werewolves.”
James Blish, Get Out Of My Sky

Marissa Byfield
“Dianna looked at the moon. That night it was barely a crescent cradling earthshine, a white wisp of silk or a sliver of creamy birch bark. Incomplete, but there. It would grow, as night-blooming jasmine would grow, or a blot of spilled milk, or a hillside gathering snow.”
Marissa Byfield, The Soft Fall

Asher Sharol
“She was foolish to be walking alone at this ungodly hour when demi-gods like himself roamed in search of prey. He would pick this flower, uproot her from the soil. He would part her from her source of life. Her head, hands, and feet were the soft petals, her blood the sweet nectar. She walked by him, ignorant of the brutality that would soon befall her.”
Asher Sharol, Vampires of Twilight Castle

“Prayers don't stop tanks. I stop tanks."--Vlad”
Jessa Forest, Pulling Teeth and Other Stories: A Grimdark Paranormal Fantasy

“They called themselves hunters because hunting was their job.”
Jessa Forest, Pulling Teeth and Other Stories: A Grimdark Paranormal Fantasy

J.R. Vaineo
“Part I: Shut the Way Home

"We're always doing something, Tyler," he says. "You were walking just now. They you stopped. Most likely, you sensed me sleeping . . . My presence. Did it make you uneasy?”
J.R. Vaineo, Hunt the Dragon Within

J.R. Vaineo
“Part II: Journey to Discover

"I fear you are a legend made flesh, before my eyes.”
J.R. Vaineo, Hunt the Dragon Within

Peter  Laws
“Werewolfism may have scared men in particular, being less accustomed than women to the idea of a monthly, biological cycle beyond their control, which involves the shedding of blood, not to mention a potentially beastly mood.”
Peter Laws, The Frighteners: Why We Love Monsters, Ghosts, Death & Gore

Anthony Boucher
“There is no telling what would happen if I taught her The Word.”
“Not the least. Of course, there’s some werethings that just aren’t much use being. Take a wereant. You change and somebody steps on you and that’s that. Or like a fella, I knew in Madagascar. Taught him the Word and know what? He turned wereiplodicus. Shattered the whole house into pieces when he changed and damned near trampled me under hoof before I could say Absarka!”
Anthony Boucher, The Compleat Werewolf and Other Stories of Fantasy and Science Fiction