Warning Quotes

Quotes tagged as "warning" Showing 151-180 of 323
Alex Haley
“I believed he had no human weaknesses or faults, and that, therefore, he could make no mistakes and that he could do no wrong. There on a Holy World hilltop, I realized how very dangerous it is for people to hold any human being in such esteem, especially to consider anyone some sort of "divinely guided" and "protected" person.”
Alex Haley, The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley

Iris Murdoch
“Your infatuation will end in tears.”
Iris Murdoch, The Message to the Planet

Robert Bridges
“The evening darkens over
After a day so bright,
The windcapt waves discover
That wild will be the night.”
Robert Bridges, Poems

Mike Ma
If you came here expecting coherent plot or structure, you bought or stole the wrong book. Hopefully whoever edits this can clean it up a little bit. In reality, do you even care?”
Mike Ma, Harassment Architecture

“Wretches, utter wretches, keep your hands from beans.”

George Washington
“Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally.”
George Washington, George Washington's Farewell Address

Marquis de Sade
“The time has come, friendly reader, for you to prepare your heart and mind for the most impure tale ever written since the world began, for no such book may be found among either the ancients or the moderns.”
Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom

Bernard Kelvin Clive
“Be wary of the generosity of men; it could be a trap.”
Bernard Kelvin Clive

Becky Moynihan
“One thing I’d learned over the years: always listen to your gut. And right now, my gut was chattering like a crazed squirrel.”
Becky Moynihan, Reactive

K.A. Reynolds
“To all those living, BEWARE. Go no farther. Turn back now. For this is the way of the lost, of death, and wandering ghosts. Leave Yesterday in the past, Traveler, lest ye become a lost thing yourself.”
K.A. Reynolds, The Land of Yesterday

K.M. Weiland
“Stay clear, Master Hardy. My husband is a storm. If you give him the chance, he will engulf you.”
K.M. Weiland, Wayfarer

Mika Waltari
“She shook a slim finger before my face, and her eyes laughed as she said, "And remember to beware of women whose loins burn worse than fire!”
Mika Waltari, The Egyptian

Dean F. Wilson
“Let me warn you again, in case your ghost ever tries to condemn me.”
Dean F. Wilson, Lifemaker

Robert Mugabe
“Some people think that being a leader means killing people and beating people, but that is not the way. Even the fallen heroes would not approve of that”
Robert Mugabe

“A woman is a multiplier. Don’t give her anything you don’t want multiplied.”
TemitOpe Ibrahim

“A ship on the beach is a lighthouse to the sea.

Frederick P. Brooks Jr., The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“I don't practice love in war and war in love”
Dr.P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Steven Magee
“The following information really should be placed on all very high altitude job adverts and company contracts: WARNING – Very high altitude commuting presents many known health risks to sea level adapted humans. Some of the documented conditions are headaches, forgetfulness, confusion, irritability, aggression, hallucinations, visions, light headedness, fatigue, fainting, sore throats, runny noses, digestive disturbances, changed personality and panic attacks. Development of cancer, anemia, high cholesterol, heart, lung, brain, and blood oxygenation issues have occurred in very high altitude workers that have resulted in disability and premature death. The nearest fully equipped hospital accident and emergency facility is typically one to two hours away. Numerous very high altitude workers have been killed due to fatal mistakes on the job. Workers are expected to use a variety of company supplied drugs to offset the daily very high altitude sickness including "RX-Only" prescription medical oxygen. Daily long term self medication is known to damage human health. The work environment is comparable to a Faraday cage and Faraday Cage Sickness (FCS) may occur in long term workers. Radiation levels are abnormally high and long term radiation sickness may result. Blood oxygen levels are typically in the region of 80% and the medical profession regards this as a health risk. Extreme night shifts are associated with causing poor health and lifelong sleep disorders. Low oxygen environments are associated with the onset of irritability, fatigue and Sleep Apnea. Repeatedly reporting observations of abnormal behaviors in workers to upper management may result in your contract not being renewed or termination without notice. Permanently sickened workers are unlikely to qualify for corporate government disability payments, which may lead to a lifetime of extreme poverty.”
Steven Magee

Nnedi Okorafor
“Do not take juju lightly, unless you are looking for unexpected death. Juju cartwheels between these pages like dust in a sandstorm. We don’t care if you are afraid. We don’t care if you think this book will bring you good luck. We don’t care if you are an outsider. We just care that you read this warning and are thus warned. This way, you have no one to blame but yourself if you enjoy this story.”
Nnedi Okorafor, Akata Warrior

“We respond to the strut of warfare, this elixir of life harkens back to our primeval days: we harbor a deep-seated need to kill and conquer in order to stay and feel alive”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Dead and mutilated bodies, famine, and citizens handicapped by economic sanctions are all part of the warlords’ bartering chips for seizing power and securing valuable concessions. Many proud nations of indigenous people perished in battle for control of lands that rightfully did not belong to the army bearing superior forces. No army returns territory it took, unless compelled to do so by hard costs. The meek might inherit the earth someday, but for now the most aggressive and ruthless armies control the turf.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Vincent Okay Nwachukwu
“Some stumbles are not intended for our downfall; they’re just warning signals telling us to be more careful.”
Vincent Okay Nwachukwu, Weighty 'n' Worthy African Proverbs - Volume 1

Steven Magee
“Warning – Radiation: Stay back 93 million miles!”
Steven Magee

Johan Norberg
“So it seems that the only way for terrorists to win is if its victims overreact, dismantle civil liberties and blame whole groups for the actions of a few. Doing so stirs up the very conflicts that the terrorists seek and makes it easier to recruit terrorists and continue the battle (103).”
Johan Norberg, Progress - Ten Reasons to Look Forward to the Future

Michael Bassey Johnson
“When God sends a message of warning through dreams and visions, he is not sending them to instill fear in your heart. He wants to avert the evil that could have happened and soothe your heart with profound peace.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

David Jetrè
“You would not believe what the voice in my head tells me about you. Not who you are now, but who you’ve yet to become. That is why I am here. I am the trauma that will transform you into what you should be, but don’t have the courage to become on your own. I am the horror you are missing.”
David Jetre, Elsuon: The Stonecutter's Son

Mike Ma
I preface this all with a reminder that none of what you're about to read reflects upon the author himself. The following is purely fiction.”
Mike Ma, Harassment Architecture

Shaneika Marie
“Full Attempt Warming Warning sign
Stay TF out my inbox Incoming envelope Open mailbox with raised flag
If this don’t have shit to do with
Booking me Calendar
Me making money Banknote with dollar sign
Investing in a project
Family emergency Police cars revolving light
Religion request ”
Shaneika Marie

Steven Magee
“Trying to get Dartmouth College to acknowledge the behavioral problems in all staff that I supervised got me a final warning of dismissal, when no previous warnings had been received.”
Steven Magee

Pierce Brown
“If you attempt to escape, or if you defect to the Syndicate, know this as a certain fact: your friend will die. And be it on Mars, Luna, Earth, the Rim, or Venus itself, one night you will wake in the middle of the dark and find a shadow standing over you. If you are lucky, it will be me. If you are unlucky, it will be Sevro or my husband, and you will die shitting yourself in a foreign bed.”
Pierce Brown, Iron Gold