
Villain Romance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "villain-romance" Showing 1-30 of 37
Sarah Rees Brennan
“She curled her fingers in under the blood-slick straps of his armour.
His cracked leather gloves caught on her hair.
'You don’t have to kill if you don’t like it,' Key promised. 'I’ll kill them for you.'
'Kill who?'
Against her hair, she felt his mouth curve. 'Everyone.”
Sarah Rees Brennan, Long Live Evil

Madilyn DeRose
“Learn how to kill without crying and I'll loop you in.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“Every great man has enemies. It's the nature of being powerful... I will never bow to lesser men, nor will I be defeated.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“You've captivated my soul and breathe life into me when I've spent what feels like a hundred years and more feeling empty.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“I cannot love in the insipid way others do. What I feel is different; it's more. This thing I feel when I look at you is formidable. It burns through my veins and infects my mind with a weakness to you I've never felt. It's terrible.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“Whatever was in his gaze told me I was strong, beautiful. Something to be praised.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“It might have been ironic, but Lock, the tormenter of men, was my peace.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“She was standing on the precipice right now and if she jumped, she'd hurtle down to hell to sit beside me. If I ended up having to push her off the edge, that also counted.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“There's a feeling of power that comes when a woman chooses to bleed for you. Begs to bleed for you.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“I was born to be your god and I have the power to end your miserable existence.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“No escaping. I told you I'd never let you go.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“This isn't pure, patient, or kind. It's calamitous and cruel, powerful and all-consuming. Make no mistake about it's ferocity, Belladonna. It would have me not only sacrificing every other being for your pleasure, but also myself, and that is something I've never been willing to give someone.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“Never forget that I am a monster, Belladonna. I am a poison that all of humanity must fear.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“I love to hurt you. Perhaps one day I'll choose to imprison and torture you so I can hear your screams day and night.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“I was fucked. Lock had clearly ruined me and I wasn't even pressed about it.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“I may have broken you, but know that you've broken me just the same.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“Feel what it is to have the power to hold one's soul in your hand. And you know what? I think you'll like ripping it out.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“Your name is fitting, Hemlock. You're fucking poison.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“Love is so easily mistaken for hate. Such powerful emotions.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“Let me free you of the constraints of virtue. Better yet, free yourself.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“If human nature allows for such egregious impulses, who are we to deny what it has designed, what it so desperately craves?”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“Have you ever had a thought so dark you feared what would happen if anyone heard it?”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“Darling, my name is Hemlock. Do you think I was given it because my mother thought I would be good?”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“You surrendered yourself to me. Now be a good girl and draw his blood for me.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“You're named after a poison'
'Yes, Samara, and you're supposedly protected by god, but here you are fucking the devil.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“Like this you are powerful. Learn what it is to command the attention of a god.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“I am greater than you and every other creature that walks this Earth. I am the malefic shadow that haunts your waking nightmares.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Madilyn DeRose
“You desperately pined for her and all I had to do was show her what it meant to be corrupted by the divine.”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock

Berlyn Hayes
“How can someone so evil—so cruel—possibly be that attractive?”
Berlyn Hayes, Heirs of Secrets

Kailey Bright
“I wished I could separate him out. Make him two different people. One I could despise with my entire being and one I could support and comfort. If he wasn’t one person, I might have understood him better.”
Kailey Bright, Unity

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