
Vaccination Quotes

Quotes tagged as "vaccination" Showing 1-30 of 46
Benjamin Franklin
“In 1736 I lost one of my sons, a fine boy of four years old, by the small-pox, taken in the common way. I long regretted bitterly, and still regret that I had not given it to him by inoculation. This I mention for the sake of parents who omit that operation, on the supposition that they should never forgive themselves if a child died under it; my example showing that the regret may be the same either way, and that, therefore, the safer should be chosen.”
Benjamin Franklin

George Bernard Shaw
“At present, intelligent people do not have their children vaccinated, nor does the law now compel them to. The result is not, as the Jennerians prophesied, the extermination of the human race by smallpox; on the contrary, more people are now killed by vaccination than by smallpox.”
George Bernard Shaw

Betty  Smith
“A free country? they asked. You should live so long. What's free about it, they reasoned, when the law forces you to educate your children and then endangers their lives to get them into school?”
Betty Smith

Eula Biss
“I know you're on my side," an immunologist once remarked to me as we discussed the politics of vaccination. I did not agree with him, but only because I was uncomfortable with both sides, as I had seen them delineated. The debate over vaccination tends to be described with what the philosopher of science Donna Haraway would call "troubling dualisms." These dualisms pit science against nature, public against private, truth against imagination, self against other, thought against emotion, and man against woman.”
Eula Biss, On Immunity: An Inoculation

Brad McKay
“It's important for children to be vaccinated so that they have the opportunity to become adults.”
Brad McKay, Fake Medicine

“Here in Bosnia I had already seen several cases of rheumatic fever and a case we thought was miliary tuberculosis, diseases now rare in America. It was sobering to think that the mundane process of vaccinating these children might ultimately save more lives than any UN-brokered peace treaty.”
Pamela Grim, Just Here Trying to Save a Few Lives: Tales of Life and Death from the ER

“Dr. W. B. Clarke's research into the problems of childhood vaccines, came across the evidence that all vaccines given over a short period of time to an immature immune system deplete the thymus gland, (the primary gland of the immune reactions) of irreplaceable immature immune cells. Each of these cells could have multiplied and developed into an army of valuable cells to combat infection and growth of abnormal cells. When these cells are used up permanent immunity may not appear. Work at the Arthur Research Foundation in Tucson, Arizona estimates that up to 60% of our immune system may be exhausted by multiple mass vaccinations. With naturally acquired immunity, only 10% of immune cells are lost. This constitutes a grave concern for vaccinations ruining the immune system”
Patricia Jordan, Mark of the Beast: Hidden in Plain Sight

“Science appears calm and triumphant when it is completed; but science in the process of being done is only contradiction and torment, hope and disappointment." - Pierre Paul Émile Roux, French bacteriologist and developer of the first effective treatment for diphtheria”
Meredith Wadman, The Vaccine Race: Science, Politics, and the Human Costs of Defeating Disease

“Vaccination causes a lot of behavioral problems not the least of which is increased rage and aggression also anxiety. These behavioral changes are scientifically proven in both human and animals.”
Patricia Jordan, Mark of the Beast: Hidden in Plain Sight

“In veterinary medicine we have long known the post vaccination sequele that results in seizures, epilepsy other demyelization diseases. We have as a profession acted "dumb" in recognizing the training difficulties, regression from socialization, increase in aggressiveness, development of phobias, attention deficit disorders, increased anxiety, irritability and a whole host of behavioral disorders that parallel what they have found in children and adult humans following vaccine administration. As a veterinary homeopath I have many, many cases where the vaccine has brought these events on distemper and rabies more frequently but any of the vaccines seem capable.”
Patricia Jordan, Mark of the Beast: Hidden in Plain Sight

“The increase in the aggressive tendencies in
"man's best friend" that is leading to so many euthanasias is another example of the companion animal as the sentinel to mankind of the effects of vaccines. Mercury is now known to increase anxiety, irritability, depression and aggression. They have both animal and human studies to prove that vaccines containing mercury and aluminum are responsible for a large field of neurodegenerative disorders.”
Patricia Jordan, Mark of the Beast: Hidden in Plain Sight

“Ever wonder why so many children suffer peanut allergies today? What do you think happens when you inject peanut oil into the mammalian immune system and the body responds by turning on the peanut oil as if on terrorists? There is woeful reason why cutting edge doctors were advocating glutathione injections and lecithin supplementation for their patients. Cholesterol and phosphatidyl choline (lecithin) are used to make gobs to stick subunit particles on in the chase for another vaccine; did they make a "better or safer" vaccine? Problem is that these components are part of the body's matrix, specifically part of nerves, and therefore we are at risk of attack by our own immune system thanks to the researchers developing these weapons of mass destruction, weapons that will turn our own immune systems against ourselves.”
Patricia Jordan, Mark of the Beast: Hidden in Plain Sight

“The WHO (World Health Organization) listed the adjuvant in vaccines as carcinogenic; McNeil showed that in cell culture, adjuvant is causing mutations of the genome and cancer. Why it is so hard to see that there is the culpable responsibility of the vaccine in causing cancer in humans as well? All human cancers to date are virus and P53 mutation associated; what a coincidence!”
Patricia Jordan, Mark of the Beast: Hidden in Plain Sight

“Vaccinated animals are not only getting cancer at the injection site, they are getting cancer at every level of the immune system including lymphoma and leukemia. Canine retrovirus associated with lymphomas is identified. Thanks to the work of
Dr. Larry Glickman at Perdue and the Haywood Study we see that only vaccinated animals are developing auto antibodies, from Dr. Jean Dodd's work we see the connection to thyroid disease from vaccines, from aggression and seizures and lowered fertility and immunosuppression, we now see the T cell suppression that results after vaccination generating a rise in the cases of fungal, Demodex, coccidia, parasites and other diseases that rely on the cell mediated immunity to fend off the problems like Lyme's disease and other diseases with intracellular pathogens.”
Patricia Jordan, Mark of the Beast: Hidden in Plain Sight

Abhijit Naskar
“The Vaccine Sonnet

Listen to the experts,
Listen to Fauci.
Grow up you big sissy,
Enough with the ouchie!
I got the vaccine,
Trust me it's safe.
Every scientist will confirm,
Listen to reason not hearsay.
Vaccines produce immunity,
Masks prevent the spread.
If you follow some simple steps,
You'll prevent someone's death.
Freedom without reason is savagery.
During pandemic accountability is key.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mucize Insan: When The World is Family

“Trying to pause or stop vaccination is a aggressive approach.”

“Corona virus — COVID–19, which is an acronym that stands for, “Certificate Of Vaccination Identification (C.O.V.I.D.) — Artificial Intelligence (1 represents the first letter in the alphabet = A and 9 represents the ninth letter in the alphabet = I).”
Robert O. Young, CPT, MS, D.SC., Ph.D.

Abhijit Naskar
“I am alive, well and fully vaccinated.”
Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar
“I am alive, well and fully vaccinated, despite pledging allegiance to no authority. Listening to experts is not complacency, it's just an act of common sense humanity.”
Abhijit Naskar, Handcrafted Humanity: 100 Sonnets For A Blunderful World

Abhijit Naskar
“Fully Vaccinated (The Sonnet)

I am alive, well and fully vaccinated,
Despite pledging allegiance to no authority.
Listening to experts is not complacency,
It's just an act of common sense humanity.
You trust bus-drivers to get you to work,
You trust pilots to fly you to places.
Then why are you afraid to trust scientists,
Without science we'd still be living like savages.
State doesn't need to put microchip in your body,
Future tech isn't needed to rule prehistoric veggies.
Your dependency on social media is sufficient,
To observe, manipulate and exploit your life stories.
Be cautious of your online footprint, not inoculation.
Be accountable and get your shot trampling all hesitation.”
Abhijit Naskar, Handcrafted Humanity: 100 Sonnets For A Blunderful World

Steven Magee
“The greatest government biological experiment on humans is well underway.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“2021 was the year we were being told COVID-19 was coming to an end due to vaccination and the year finally ended with a huge global outbreak of COVID-19!”
Steven Magee

Chris von Csefalvay
“The word 'vaccination' comes from vacca, the Latin word for 'cow'. This is a poignant recapitulation of the history of vaccines. The first vaccine properly so called had, as its active ingredient, the cowpox virus, a close relative of smallpox that however was much less likely to cause severe, disfiguring or lethal disease. Edward Jenner observed that milkmaids, who were often exposed to cowpox, suffered a relatively mild disease, but would be immune to the much more serious smallpox.

In an experiment that would unlikely pass muster in the modern world, he infected James Phipps, then an 8-year-old, with cowpox. He suffered a mild and transient illness, but when he was later exposed to scabs from a smallpox patient, he proved immune.

Unlike the earlier practice of variolation, which has been practised in late Song dynasty China that sought to induce the cutaneous form of smallpox, variola minor, to protect against the more severe forms of smallpox (variola major), Jenner's vaccination used a less pathogenic virus.
He relied on what would later be called 'antigenic similarity', but which was at the time hardly understood.”
Chris von Csefalvay, Computational Modeling of Infectious Disease: With Applications in Python

Chris von Csefalvay
“Vaccination has made smallpox extinct in the wild, as well as rinderpest, a relative of measles that affects cattle and buffalo, among others. Poliomyelitis, which has in its heyday killed and maimed millions of children and adults alike, is close to eradication, with fewer than 200 wild-type cases documented in 2020. Vaccines are some of the most effective public health interventions against infectious disease.”
Chris von Csefalvay, Computational Modeling of Infectious Disease: With Applications in Python

Chris von Csefalvay
“The term 'natural immunity' has been often used to express post-infectious immunity and differentiate it from vaccine-induced immunity. In practice, this is not necessarily helpful. There is nothing fundamentally "unnatural" in vaccine-induced immunity, and while the minutiae of natural infection and vaccine-induced immunity might differ, this is a quintessentially unhelpful notion.”
Chris von Csefalvay, Computational Modeling of Infectious Disease: With Applications in Python

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
“Free speech stands no differently than freedom from vaccination.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Neal Stephenson
“Here in the First World, everyone has already been vaccinated, and we don't let religious fanatics come up and poke needles into us. But we do take a lot of drugs.”
Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash

“Pets that never go near areas in which a given disease is reported are routinely vaccinated against it anyway. A cat living alone on the twelfth floor in downtown Manhattan can receive up to ten vaccines at a time every year for life. A dog that never goes beyond the fire hydrant at the corner can be inoculated with up to twelve diseases each time.”
Charles Danten, Un vétérinaire en colère - Essai sur la condition animale

“Encouraged by relaxed licensing requirements, pharmaceutical companies have flooded the market with unnecessary, poorly tested, and ineffective vaccines since the late 1970s. The focus is on creating wealth and jobs rather than quality products backed by sound medical and scientific evidence. In the United States alone, there are currently eighty trademarked canine vaccines, and as many for cats. It is possible to vaccinate animals against thirty diseases and counting. In 1998, vaccination specialist Dr. Richard B. Ford warned, “Most of these vaccines are so useless as to be called ‘vaccines in search of diseases.”
Charles Danten, Un vétérinaire en colère - Essai sur la condition animale

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