
Thirties Quotes

Quotes tagged as "thirties" Showing 1-25 of 25
Helen Fielding
“Tom has a theory that homosexuals and single women in their thirties have natural bonding: both being accustomed to disappointing their parents and being treated as freaks by society.”
Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones’s Diary

Helen Fielding
“As women glide from their twenties to thirties, Shazzer argues, the balance of power subtly shifts. Even the most outrageous minxes lose their nerve, wrestling with the first twinges of existential angst: fears of dying alone and being found three weeks later half-eaten by an Alsatian.”
Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones’s Diary

Tennessee Williams
“To begin with, I turn back time. I reverse it to that quaint period, the thirties, when the huge middle class of America was matriculating in a school for the blind. Their eyes had failed them, or they had failed their eyes, and so they were having their fingers pressed forcibly down on the fiery Braille alphabet of a dissolving economy.”
Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie

John Updike
“What you haven't done by thirty you're not likely to do. What you have done you'll do lots more.”
John Updike, Rabbit Redux

Candace Bushnell
“There are worse things than being thirty-five, single, and female in New York. Like: Being twenty-five, singled, and female in New York. It's a rite of passage few women would want to repeat. It's about sleeping with the wrong men, wearing the wrong clothes, having the wrong roommate, saying the wrong thing, being ignored, getting fired, not being taken seriously, and generally being treated like shit. But it's necessary.”
Candace Bushnell, Sex and the City

F. Scott Fitzgerald
“It is in the twenties that the actual momentum of life begins to slacken, and it is a simple soul indeed to whom as many things are significant and meaningful at thirty as at ten years before. At thirty an organ-grinder is a more or less moth-eaten man who grinds an organ — and once he was an organ-grinder! The unmistakable stigma of humanity touches all those impersonal and beautiful things that only youth ever grasps in their impersonal glory. A brilliant ball, gay with light romantic laughter, wears through its own silks and satins to show the bare framework of a man-made thing — oh, that eternal hand!— a play, most tragic and most divine, becomes merely a succession of speeches, sweated over by the eternal plagiarist in the clammy hours and acted by men subject to cramps, cowardice, and manly sentiment.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Beautiful and Damned

Will McIntosh
“It's funny. Friendships are Catch twenty-twos when you're single and in your thirties. Friends are your life rafts. You try to help each other meet people, you confide in each other, you spend Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, all those emotional land-mine holidays together. But sooner or later one of you is going to meet someone and be gone into the world of couples.”
Will McIntosh, Love Minus Eighty

Sara Gruen
“Even in your twenties you know how old you are. I'm twenty-three, you say, or maybe twenty-seven. But then in your thirties something strange starts to happen. It's a mere hiccup at first, an instant of hesitation. How old are you? Oh, I'm – you start confidently, but then you stop. You were going to say thirty-three, but you're not. You're thirty-five. And then you're bothered, because you wonder if this is the beginning of the end. It is, of course, but it's decades before you admit it.”
Sara Gruen

Rose Macaulay
“We may say that all ages are dangerous to all people, in this dangerous life we live. But the thirties are a specially dangerous time for women. They have outlived the shyness and restraints of girlhood, and not attained to the caution and discretion of middle age. They are reckless, and consciously or unconsciously on the lookout for adventure. They see ahead of them the end of youth, and that quickens their pace.”
Rose Macaulay, Dangerous Ages

Michelle M. Pillow
“When people get into their 30s plus "boyfriend" sounds weird...if you really think about it. Instead, I think we should universally start using the term "manfriend" or "snookie bookie cuddles pie".”
Michelle M. Pillow

Steven Magee
“For many people, a western lifestyle equates to living in a toxic home, working a toxic job, eating toxic food, being sick from your thirties onward and eventually dying from preventable disease.”
Steven Magee

Fateh Emam
“Ce témoignage relate les pérégrinations d’un jeune Afghan à travers beaucoup de pays et plusieurs continents.
A une époque où prendre l’avion était en soi une charmante aventure. Et où le commun des mortels en Occident avait quelque peine à localiser l’obsolète royaume afghan sur une mappemonde.
Il couvre une période allant de 1930 à 1965 environ, révélant au passage la face cachée des monarchies théocratiques et leur cohorte d’arbitraires et d’injustices.”
Fateh Emam, Au-delà des mers salées... Un désir de liberté

“My first impression of [Patricia Highsmith] was a loneliness, a sadness in one so young (we were both in our early thirties) with absolutely no sense of joy or balance. Gauche to an extreme, really physically clumsy as well as boyish, it was almost impossible to put her at ease. It was as if she felt a deep distrust of everything.”
Patricia Schartle

Steven Magee
“By the end of my thirties I was a mental and physical wreck!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“In western societies many people become sick in their thirties, develop serious medical conditions in their forties and are disabled in their fifties.”
Steven Magee

Ashley       Clark
“So Eliza walked the path to East Bay Street that summer evening alone, wearing a scoop-neck black dress and her hair in Victory Rolls so that she felt like a dark-haired Ingrid Bergman in that new movie Notorious.”
Ashley Clark, Paint and Nectar

Sally Rooney
“And I want that - to prove that the most ordinary thing about human beings is not violence or greed but love and care. To prove it to whom, I wonder. Myself, maybe.”
Sally Rooney, Beautiful World, Where Are You

Kathleen Rooney
“The way a crane creates, then erases itself, from the skyline." He'd been referring to how I, as a copywriter, created R.H. Macy's, but the same metaphor might easily have been applied to how I, as a mother, was creating my son.”
Kathleen Rooney, Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk

“Jeg skriver dette i angst. I angst for den flydende overgang. For ikke at have mærket, at jeg er blevet voksen. Uden overgangsritualer eller manddomsprøver er jeg bare gledet gennem livet, til jeg var tredive. Har bestået alle eksaminer, overholdt alle aftaler, smilet meget, grædt lidt, kun lidt, men frem for alt smilet.”
Simon Strauss, Sieben Nächte

“হৃদয় তোমাকে পেয়েছি, স্রোতস্বিনী !
তুমি থেকে থেকে উত্তাল হয়ে ছোটো,
কখনো জোয়ারে আকণ্ঠ বেয়ে ওঠো
তোমার সে-রূপ বেহুলার মতো চিনি।
তোমার উৎসে স্মৃতি করে যাওয়া আসা
মনে-মনে চলি চঞ্চল অভিযানে,
সাহচর্যেই চলি, নয় অভিমানে,
আমার কথায় তোমারই তো পাওয়া ভাষা।
রক্তের স্রোতে জানি তুমি খরতোয়া,
ঊর্মিল জলে পেতেছি আসনপিঁড়ি,
থৈথৈ করে আমার ঘাটের সিঁড়ি,
কখনো-বা পলিচড়া-ই তোমার দোয়া।
তোমারই তো গান মহাজনী মাল্লার,
কখনো পান্সী-মাঝি গায় ভাটিয়ালি,
কখনো মৌন ব্যস্তের পাল্লায়,
কখনো-বা শুধু তক্তাই ভাসে খালি।
কত ডিঙি ভাঙো, যাও কত বন্দর,
কত কী যে আনো, দেখো কত বিকিকিনি,
তোমার চলায় ভাসাও, স্রোতস্বিনী,”
Bishnu Dey, স্মৃতি সত্ত্বা ভবিষ্যৎ

Steven Magee
“There was no history of mental illness in my family for people in their thirties, so it was very surprising when I developed it.”
Steven Magee

Kristian Ventura
“These are the years of lonely nights. There may be no one to talk to for years other than a notebook, a dead role model, a pet, a lamp post, or just your sad footsteps scraping against pavement. This doesn’t make sense, but it will.”
Karl Kristian Flores, The Goodbye Song

Steven Magee
“My assumption with anyone in their thirties or above is they have health issues and are on prescription medication.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I am surprised at how many people in their thirties onward appear to own no assets!”
Steven Magee

Dolly Alderton
“31st birthday parties were better than 30ths. The 30ths had too much symbolism. Symbolism is good for a story but bad for a party. But by 31 we knew where we were. One hangover a week, merino knitwear, DIY, IPA- the early 30s.”
Dolly Alderton, Good Material