
Suspense And Drama Quotes

Quotes tagged as "suspense-and-drama" Showing 1-30 of 52
J.K. Franko
“The summer of 2019 had overstayed its welcome in Florida,
lingering well into September. As if to make a point about global
warming, the rabid sun scorched the waters of Biscayne Bay for
weeks, generating a haze of humidity that blurred the line between
the windless sea and the sky above. Not to be accused of playing
favorites, the sun’s rays beat down on the land with equal spite,
pummeling grass, palms, and bushes into limp submission. The
heat weaponized asphalt roads and cement sidewalks, the shimmery
mirages above them a clear warning to all living things to stay away
or burn.”
J.K. Franko, Eye for Eye

Sara Shepard
“I bet you thought I was Alison, didn't you? Well, sorry, but I'm not. Duh. She's dead.”
Sara Shepard, Pretty Little Liars

Julie McElwain
“Whoever had said that appearances were deceiving was only partially right; they could also be deadly.”
Julie McElwain, A Murder in Time

Skye Warren
“Fall in love with you? How could I fall in love with you when I loved you with every breath, every heartbeat, every lash of the fucking whip? When you invaded my dreams, my hallucinations. I can’t stop loving you, bella. I’ve tried. God help me, I’ve tried.”
Skye Warren, Hold You Against Me

Maria Isabel Salsench Ollé
“Porque eso era Audrey, una luna; perfecta y sublime, pero a la vez extraña, sensual y atrayente, distante y huidiza. Era hermosa, debía reconocerlo.”
Maria Isabel Salsench Ollé, Piel de luna

Maria Isabel Salsench Ollé
“Su piel rosada brillaba entre los pliegues rojizos de su vestido y su pelo dorado se extendía sobre el manto blanco en el que reposaba su agraciado cuerpo.”
Maria Isabel Salsench Ollé, Tirabuzones del sol

Mayumi Cruz
“Then beat yourself up if you want to. Afterward, rise above the unreasonable guilt you’ve imposed on yourself. Life is all about rising every time we fall, not only when we feel like it.”
Mayumi Cruz, The Billionaire's Widow

Cate Ray
“I let it go, for all the many reasons that we let a lot of things go as women. You can’t fight everything, everyone. You pick your battles because it’s a long life.”
Cate Ray, Good Husbands

J.M. Northup
“I think most of the people in the area know about the native people’s legends and lore. There are definitely variations in their stories and each tribe has a slightly different description of… Sasquatch, but that’s no surprise when you consider how varied all animals are.”
J.M. Northup, Revived

D.K. Sanz/Kyrian Lyndon
“What had those vile creatures unleashed in me? What beast had they awakened? I think I vowed to kill the beast and bury it so deep in the abyss it would never again rear its ugly head. Part of me did make this promise. The other part embraced an unfolding of life’s inextinguishable flames and the mind’s unspoken bondage.
As far as reinforcing the strength of my mind’s resolve, I supposed my body was a useless entity. Rather, it was this fancy thing I lived in—a mausoleum that beckoned the living, promising gratification, refuge, solace, peace, even immortality. It wasn’t me. It wasn’t mine. I realized then, it had never belonged to me. I could control what happened to it only if people were merciful. Watching Valentin was not merciful. It was a torturous joy.”
Kyrian Lyndon, Deadly Veils Book One Provenance of Bondage

“We are in the Dark to one another's Purposes and Intendments, and there are a thousand Intrigues in our little Matters, which will not presently confess their Design, even to sagacious Inquisitors...”
Joseph Glanville

Tauicita Jones
“A good author can pull you into their world, a great author can make you stay.”
Tauicita Jones, Twisted Secrets

Grace Willows
“Hayden McGregor glanced with contempt at the pitch-black road. “I do not fear the darkness. It fears me.” He dismissed the approaching gloom with a narrowed stare. His steel gray eyes holding it back with a contemptuous regard.”
Grace Willows, Not On My Watch

Ally Fleming
“Tee knew she was staring, but she just couldn’t seem to stop herself. Why couldn’t she stop herself? Losing her composure over gorgeous men was something she hadn’t done in years. Something she hadn’t done since she was a completely different Etienne Shaw.”
Ally Fleming, Intoxicated

Heather  O'Brien
“There are only two things you’ll ever need to know about me, Farin—and you should know them well. I’m very smart, and I’m very rich.”
Heather O'Brien, The Ties That Bind

Temple Carver
“Still having ‘a thing’ for her implies I had her at one time and have experiences that give foundation to my sense of loss. That’s not what I have. What I had was a crush and that’s just altogether different and pathetic. (Zayvier Bynum)”
Temple Carver, Elite Deception

Linda Thomas-Sundstrom
“He was a thing of grace and brooding angles. A brilliant, if toxic, collection of ingredients, so flagrantly like a man in shape and substance.”
Linda Thomas-Sundstrom, Golden Vampire

“Sex appeal....50% what you've got, 50% what people think you've got: The Caramel to your Latte!”
Talva, Caramel Insides

Mayumi Cruz
“She was like the moon illuminating the darkness of the night, her radiance dousing the eclipse in his mind, filling it with her light.”
Mayumi Cruz, The Billionaire's Widow

Mayumi Cruz
“She was her own woman; has been and always will be. Never mind that her heart was torn into shreds and wouldn’t stop bleeding, yearning for him after everything he’s done.”
Mayumi Cruz, The Billionaire's Widow

Mayumi Cruz
“I love her. But I hate her, too. How can I feel both for her. . . at the same time?”
Mayumi Cruz, The Billionaire's Widow

Rabi Chatterjee
“I was walking on the road. A man behind me suddenly told me my bag was open and I reacted to him, “Thank you” and closed my bag - A memorable day.”
Rabi Chatterjee, Finding and other stories

Max E. Nava
“Al finalizar, cada uno de los asistentes deja en la sepultura de Tom un ramo de flores, al igual que yo. ¿Por qué flores? Me comienzo a preguntar mientras camino de vuelta a la calle, tal vez sea por la razón de que nos recuerdan como es la vida: hermosa y a la vez efímera.”
Max E. Nava, Historias de almas perdidas: Loreley

Stephen     Roth
“There is no such thing as being “more desperate” than someone else. You either are or you aren't.”
Stephen Roth, Evolution's Magnum Opus: Innocence on Trial

Neil Peter Christy
“Revenge is a dish best served with old friends.”
Neil Peter Christy, Head Lion

“Killing people is, of course, a terrible thing to do. Lila says it should only be used as a last resort, and these people are really pushing all those buttons.”
Emily Rennie

Lisa Gardner
“You're not a killer," I whisper one last time. Then I drop to the ground, twisting as I roll to light up his form with my flashlight.

Inside Vaughn's cabin, Aolani pulls the trigger.

A single crack. Brent crumples where he stands.

"But now I am," I finish.”
Lisa Gardner, Still See You Everywhere

Ricardo  Coelho
“I am tired. I’ve been trying so hard not to be me. For a very long while, I am trying to be someone else against the wound woman hidden inside a soul prison buried in myself, and it’s hurting you. Somehow, you should’ve seen it. You should’ve read me. It hurts badly. I know it hurts you because it hurts me too.”
Ricardo Coelho, Diary of a Murderer

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