
Strife Quotes

Quotes tagged as "strife" Showing 1-30 of 58
Sarah   Williams
“[The Old Astronomer to His Pupil]

Reach me down my Tycho Brahe, I would know him when we meet,
When I share my later science, sitting humbly at his feet;
He may know the law of all things, yet be ignorant of how
We are working to completion, working on from then to now.

Pray remember that I leave you all my theory complete,
Lacking only certain data for your adding, as is meet,
And remember men will scorn it, 'tis original and true,
And the obloquy of newness may fall bitterly on you.

But, my pupil, as my pupil you have learned the worth of scorn,
You have laughed with me at pity, we have joyed to be forlorn,
What for us are all distractions of men's fellowship and smiles;
What for us the Goddess Pleasure with her meretricious smiles.

You may tell that German College that their honor comes too late,
But they must not waste repentance on the grizzly savant's fate.
Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light;
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.

What, my boy, you are not weeping? You should save your eyes for sight;
You will need them, mine observer, yet for many another night.
I leave none but you, my pupil, unto whom my plans are known.
You 'have none but me,' you murmur, and I 'leave you quite alone'?

Well then, kiss me, -- since my mother left her blessing on my brow,
There has been a something wanting in my nature until now;
I can dimly comprehend it, -- that I might have been more kind,
Might have cherished you more wisely, as the one I leave behind.

I 'have never failed in kindness'? No, we lived too high for strife,--
Calmest coldness was the error which has crept into our life;
But your spirit is untainted, I can dedicate you still
To the service of our science: you will further it? you will!

There are certain calculations I should like to make with you,
To be sure that your deductions will be logical and true;
And remember, 'Patience, Patience,' is the watchword of a sage,
Not to-day nor yet to-morrow can complete a perfect age.

I have sown, like Tycho Brahe, that a greater man may reap;
But if none should do my reaping, 'twill disturb me in my sleep
So be careful and be faithful, though, like me, you leave no name;
See, my boy, that nothing turn you to the mere pursuit of fame.

I must say Good-bye, my pupil, for I cannot longer speak;
Draw the curtain back for Venus, ere my vision grows too weak:
It is strange the pearly planet should look red as fiery Mars,--
God will mercifully guide me on my way amongst the stars.”
Sarah Williams, Twilight Hours: A Legacy of Verse

Dean Mafako
“The reality is that the lives of the smallest patients are in our hands, and their clinical condition can change in an instant. No matter how many times you are involved in situations such as this, the physical stress and anxiety as well as the emotional and psychological effects of being immersed in that environment are dramatic and lasting on the human body, mind, and central nervous system. These effects are severe, and I firmly believe that they are cumulative over your lifetime.”
DEAN MAFAKO, M.D., Burned Out

Shannon L. Alder
“The Anatomy of Conflict:

If there is no communication then there is no respect. If there is no respect then there is no caring. If there is no caring then there is no understanding. If there is no understanding then there is no compassion. If there is no compassion then there is no empathy. If there is no empathy then there is no forgiveness. If there is no forgiveness then there is no kindness. If there is no kindness then there is no honesty. If there is no honesty then there is no love. If there is no love then God doesn't reside there. If God doesn't reside there then there is no peace. If there is no peace then there is no happiness. If there is no happiness ----then there IS CONFLICT BECAUSE THERE IS NO COMMUNICATION!”
Shannon L. Alder

Keisha Keenleyside
“May the fleas of a thousand camels invade the crotch of the person that ruins your day. And may their arms be to short too scratch”
Keisha Keenleyside

Dean Mafako
“One of the greatest realizations that I clumsily stumbled upon during this process, was that these people didn’t need someone like me to tell them what to do; they needed someone like me to show them what can be done, together.”
DEAN MAFAKO, M.D., Burned Out

Dean Mafako
“The hypocrisy was too much to bear, the institution was paying over a million dollars for Mr. Hyde to perform “values training” to “protect our culture,” while they simultaneously paid $2 million a year for Dr. Porter to destroy it. It was a laughable facade, but instead I wanted to cry.”
DEAN MAFAKO, M.D., Burned Out

Dean Mafako
“You understand that you are being manipulated by others and you become overwhelmed by hospital bureaucracy. It feels as though you have been violated by administrators who have robbed you of your passion for helping children. That passion that drove you to become a healthcare provider is replaced with mistrust, negativity, and hopeless skepticism.”
DEAN MAFAKO, M.D., Burned Out

“But that never happened and I moved on, and I think that’s all we can do at this point…”
Cade Mengler, The Companions

T.F. Hodge
“During moments of strife and 'dis-ease', check your flow and redirect your focus to that which is naturally good.”
T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters With the Divine Presence

“Maybe that’s how it has to be. Maybe there is no diplomatic solution for this? Perhaps one of them has to die?”
Cade Mengler, The Companions

“All of the strife in this world is due to three people: a newscaster, a news seeker, and a news listener.”
Ibn al-Qasim al-Hakim

David Chang
“I believe in han. There's no perfect English-language equivalent for this Korean emotion, but it's some combination of strife or unease, sadness, and resentment, born from the many historical injustices and indignities endured by our people. It's a term that came into use in the twentieth century after the Japanese occupation of Korea, and it describes this characteristic sorrow and bitterness that Koreans seem to possess wherever they are in the world. It is transmitted from generation to generation and defines much of the art, literature, and cinema that comes out of Korean culture.”
David Chang, Eat a Peach

Will Durant
“Pessimism is a sign of decay, optimism is a sign of superficiality; "tragic optimism" is the mood of the strong man who seeks intensity and extent of experience, even at the cost of woe, and is delighted to find that strife is the law of life.”
Will Durant

Munia Khan
“We are never devoid of distresses; our peace of mind depends
on our heart’s way of accepting the strife”
Munia Khan

Munia Khan
“Our choice is to live
Only one life
So, we dream, we grieve
We face the strife”
Munia Khan, Attainable

C.A.A. Savastano
“All strife passes in time.”
C.A.A. Savastano

Tomáš Gavlas
“Do not argue about what is beautiful or ugly, exalted or base, as most comparisons only lead to strife and seed of hostility among people.”
Tomáš Gavlas, Karlaz: The Way of Freedom

“Having many enemies means having no peace.”
Derek Bryce, The Mystical Way and the Arthurian Quest

T.S. Eliot
“Meanwhile the substance of our first act
Will be shadows, and the strife with shadows.”
T.S. Eliot, Murder in the Cathedral
tags: strife

Victor Hugo
“This took place in the depth of a wood, at night, in the winter, far from all human sight; it was a child of eight years; there was none but God at that moment who saw this sad thing. And undoubtedly her mother, alas! For there are things which open the eyes of the dead in their grave.”
Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

“5 Patterns of Strife -
Attachment. Resisting. Catastrophizing. Victimizing. Withdrawing.”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day

Munia Khan
“I do not fear struggle because I always remember that other
people somewhere in the world are striving more than I do. While I
struggle with not getting Internet access during an official meeting
on Skype, people in some corner of a foreign land are struggling
to save their own lives from a bomb attack”
Munia Khan, Attainable

“It's okay to feel emotions. It's part of life. It's one of the many things that is Ravia's guidance. Everyone goes through strife, through grief, through hard times. It's what we do during the worst that matters.”
Jennifer West, The Legend of Acacia Vitak

Debasish Mridha
“Storms never last forever; so are the difficulties of life.”
Debasish Mridha

“All the broken walls inside were hung with the ragged memorials of past times, which showed the sad effects of strife. There were rent robes and broken sceptres, sacred things ruined, shivered spears, and shields torn in twain, great cities ransacked, and strong castles beaten down, nations led into captivity, and huge armies slain -- relics of all these ruins remained in the house of Até. All the famous wars in history found a record here, as well as the feuds and quarrels of private persons too many to mention.

Such was the house inside. Outside, the barren ground was full of poisonous weeds, which Strife herself had sown; they had grown great from small seeds -- the seeds of evil words and wrangling deeds, which, when they come to ripeness, bring forth an infinite increase of trouble and contention, often ending in bloodshed and war. These horrible seeds also served Até for bread, and she had been fed upon them from childhood, for she got her life from that which killed other people. She was born of a race of demons, and brought up by the Furies.

Strife was as ugly as she was wicked; she could speak nothing but falsehood, and she never heard aright.”
Mary MacLeod, THE LEGEND OF BRITOMART - Stories from the Faerie Queen Book III
tags: strife

John Feffer
“Water boils most fiercely just before it disappears. And so it is, evidently, with human affairs.”
John Feffer, Splinterlands

Sarojini Naidu
“Till ye have battled with great grief and fears/And borne the conflict of dream-shattering years/Wounded with fierce desire and worn with strife/Children, ye have not lived: for this is life.”
Sarojini Naidu

Siegfried Sassoon
“The purgatory I'd let myself in for always came between me and the pages; there was no escape for me now.”
Siegfried Sassoon, Memoirs of an Infantry Officer

Will Advise
“Flowers wait for the perfect time,
in order to bloom for you and me, –
bringing happiness, their goal in life,
while people just aim to be right, though with strife.”
Will Advise

Elizabeth Barrett Browning
“Let the world's sharpness like a clasping knife
Shut in upon itself and do no harm
In this close hand of Love, now soft and warm,
And let us hear no sound of human strife
After the click of the shutting.

- Sonnet XXIV
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Sonnets from the Portuguese

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