
Stink Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stink" Showing 1-22 of 22
John Kennedy Toole
“It smells terrible in here.'

Well, what do you expect? The human body, when confined, produces certain odors which we tend to forget in this age of deodorants and other perversions. Actually, I find the atmosphere of this room rather comforting. Schiller needed the scent of apples rotting in his desk in order to write. I, too, have my needs. You may remember that Mark Twain preferred to lie supinely in bed while composing those rather dated and boring efforts which contemporary scholars try to prove meaningful. Veneration of Mark Twain is one of the roots of our current intellectual stalemate.”
John Kennedy Toole, A Confederacy of Dunces

“And now I've got to explain the smell that was in there before I went in there. Does that ever happen to you? It's not your fault. You've held your breath, you just wanna get out, and now you open the door and you have to explain, 'Oh! Listen, there's an odor in there and I didn't do it. It's bad.”
Ellen DeGeneres, My Point... And I Do Have One

Leigh Bardugo
“Why does your weak king send a filthy pirate to do his bidding?” sneered the Fjerdan ambassador, his words echoing across the cathedral.

“Privateer,” corrected Sturmhond. “I suppose he thought my good looks would give me the advantage. Not a concern where you’re from, I take it?”

“Preening, ridiculous peacock. You stink of Grisha foulness.”

Sturmhond sniffed the air. “I’m amazed you can detect anything over the reek of ice and inbreeding.”
Leigh Bardugo, Crooked Kingdom

Anthony Liccione
“If something bad smells in the basement, it will eventually make its way to the attic.”
Anthony Liccione

Marianne Curley
“I did a research assignment on life in the Middle Ages only last year. I found the era fascinating, all that chivalry and court romance. But I never pictured anything as poor as this village. This is the pits. There's no romance here, definitely no chivary. And it stinks--of sweat and smoke and sewage.”
Marianne Curley, Old Magic

Richelle E. Goodrich
“One thing about a skunk—once you recognize the markings, you know things are gonna stink.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes: Quotes, Thoughts, & a Little Poetry for Every Day of the Year

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“You can dress up greed, but you can’t stop the stench.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“What does the kidnapper do with those things?"
"Those things?"
"You know, the stinky things with four legs that make a lot of noise."

Did she mean the dogs?
Otsuichi, Goth

K. Martin Beckner
“I wanted to go in and tell them that, but George thought it would just be stirring up some trouble, you know, stirring up the cow pile. A cow pile may looked dried up, but if you stir it up, it can start to stink again.”
K. Martin Beckner, Chips of Red Paint

Therese Oneill
“You're going to stink, but you can choose your stink.”
Therese Oneill, Unmentionable: The Victorian Lady's Guide to Sex, Marriage, and Manners

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
“Like a piece of rotten meat which not only stinks right on its own surface but also surrounds itself with a stinking molecular cloud of stink, so, too, each island of the archipelago created and supported a zone of stink around itself. This zone, more extensive than the Archipelago itself, was the intermediate transmission zone between the small zone of each individual island and the Big Zone—the Big Camp Compound—comprising the entire country.”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation, Books III-IV

Louise Erdrich
“Bad smells made her angry, they were a personal affront.”
Louise Erdrich, The Master Butchers Singing Club

“If you want to be a genius, it's easy: All you gotta say is, "Everything stinks." Then, you're never wrong. That's how much of a genius I am! That's how I got to where I am today!”
Wilbur J. Cobb

“If you want to be a genius, it's easy: All you gotta say is, 'Everything stinks.' Then, you're never wrong.”
Wilbur J. Cobb

Brandon Sanderson
“I could take a shower every day in my own bathroom. I almost didn’t know what to do with such luxury. Other than, you know, not stink.”
Brandon Sanderson, Firefight

“This was the kack’s cradle, icky-poo’s bassinet. It was Death and Diarrhea, singing duet.”
Jack Bunbury, He/She Smells a Hoo-Hoo

Emily  Williams
“I can still smell dog poo everywhere. It stinks.”
Emily Williams, Letters to Eloise

R.J.  Lawrence
“The boy raised the can to his nose and smelled, his lips wrinkling back as if he'd caught the business end of a skunk.”
R.J. Lawrence, The Fortunate Only

Samuel Beckett
“HAMM: You stink already. The whole place stinks of corpses.
CLOV: The whole universe.
HAMM: [Angrily.] To hell with the universe! [Pause.] Think of something.
CLOV: What?
HAMM: An idea, have an idea. [Angrily.] A bright idea!”
Samuel Beckett, Endgame

Sarah Biglow
“History is always written by the winner and they think their shit don't stink.”
Sarah Biglow, Lucifer's Emblem

A.D. Aliwat
“How can he stand them for so long? The moldering muck and the stink? There are always reasons, never enough time; an all-too-short memory.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

Ehsan Sehgal
“No one can hide and stop the stink of ego, racism, distinction, and discrimination.”
Ehsan Sehgal
tags: stink