Soulmates Quotes

Quotes tagged as "soulmates" Showing 181-210 of 1,001
Olivie Blake
“They’d had a knack for it from the start, a way of becoming the other’s beginning and end.”
Olivie Blake, The Atlas Six

Madeline Miller
“He is half of my soul, as the poets say. He will be dead soon, and his honour is all that will remain. It is his child, his dearest self. Should I reproach him for it? I have saved Briseis. I cannot save them all.”
Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles

Emily Habeck
“Our trees will grow for two hundred years or more as our union becomes even more unquestionable and strong. Unquestionable because no one will remember a time when we were not creating our universe.”
Emily Habeck, Shark Heart

Banana Yoshimoto
“I saw a straight road leading from me to him. He seemed to glow with white light. That was the effect he had on me.”
Banana Yoshimoto, Kitchen

Tess Carletta
“But who do I have if you're not my person?”
Tess Carletta, Kit & Basie

Debatrayee Banerjee
“But what if, all of Life is just an Illusion?
I would still, come back and live all of it, just to know One Single Soul, that is more of me than I am.”
Debatrayee Banerjee

Scarlet Jei Saoirse
“Fate has a funny way of presenting love, sometimes delivering it in the most unexpected and seemingly contradictory of packages. When we spend years searching for our soulmate, hoping and praying for that perfect match, fate often surprises us by placing our destined love right in front of us, disguised as an adversary.

The love of our life may not always arrive in the form we envision, wrapped in a neat, predictable package. Sometimes, our soulmate is the very person we're running from, the one we've labeled as our enemy. It's in these unexpected encounters that fate reveals its true humor, reminding us that love can blossom in the most unlikely of circumstances.

If we allow ourselves to listen to the whispers of our heart, if we pay attention to the subtle signs that fate sends our way, we might just discover that the love we've been searching for has been there all along, hiding in plain sight.

Social media and the abundance of love advice can often misguide us, creating unrealistic expectations and narrowing our perspectives. But true love doesn't conform to a formula; it's a unique and individual journey that unfolds in its own time and in its own way.

Don't let the noise of the world drown out the voice of your heart. Embrace the unexpected, for it is often in the most surprising encounters that we discover the love of our lives.”
Scarlet Jei Saoirse, Scarlosophy: Thinking Out Loud

Dolores Lane
“I have killed with this man. I have done something with him that has connected us in a way that most human beings can’t ever comprehend.
We’ve been through the darkness together, and we somehow are finding each other in the light, too.”
Dolores Lane, Bloody Fingers & Red Lipstick

Dolores Lane
“God… I’m asking my stalker to come to my rescue. You are making me lose my goddamn mind, Dubh.”
“It’s only fair; you made me lose mine, too.” I smirk as I brush my hand over her head.
“Oh, stop it, you bastard. You were already crazy before you ever knew I existed.”
Dolores Lane, Bloody Fingers & Red Lipstick

Dolores Lane
“Every single moment I spent with you, I fell deeper. It felt like falling into an abyss, because I knew I could never find my way back. There would be nothing to life without you anymore.”
Dolores Lane, Bloody Fingers & Red Lipstick

Kate Goldbeck
“I think I found the other half of my black and white cookie, and someone else might be eating it right now.”
Kate Goldbeck, You, Again

Nicola An
“I admire the universe for your existence”
Nicola An, The Universe at Heartbeat

Rainer Maria Rilke
“But see, it can be said we endure together
The knowing in part, the fragmentation, as if it were the whole.”
Rainer Maria Rilke, Sonnets to Orpheus

K.J. Charles
“Of course Kim had buggered off as unpredictably as he'd appeared, because he was an untrustworthy shit and a lord. There had never been any other possible outcome. Only, while he was around, he'd given Will a taste for starlight”
K.J. Charles, The Sugared Game

Beware of Tinder! England is a small island, a coral reef, where you can play the part of fisherman of souls, and can scale or be scaled, gut or be gutted...
Tom Bradley

Ursa Dax
“I will not make you stay here
with me. But you should know that, if you flee, I will always follow. No
matter where you run, I will find you. I will not force you to live as my
mate, but I will always be at your side. Until the very end of my days.”
Ursa Dax, Alien Tyrant

Nicole Dykes
“I think I've found my soulmate, believe it or not, I really truly do, and I have to let him go.”
Nicole Dykes, Too Hostile

Gege Akutami
“Kukuku... Looks like we have ourselves a countdown. To when that smirk will be wiped off your face, that is. Heh... *grins* Well, we both tend to smirk.”
Gege Akutami, 呪術廻戦 26 [Jujutsu Kaisen 26]

Gege Akutami
“Ultimate strength and the solitude it brings!! I'm the one who'll teach you about love!!”
Gege Akutami, 呪術廻戦 26 [Jujutsu Kaisen 26]

Nontobeko Jobe
“We cannot claim to love the scars of others when we can't love our own.”
Nontobeko Jobe

Djura Kelj
“Kada srodna duša
ljubi vrat,
sve ostale
ljube vrata.”
Djura Kelj, Mir More Ljubav

Victoria Walters
“I will woo you every day for the rest of your life if that will make you happy.”
Victoria Walters, The Love Interest

Lola Lawrence
“All I can promise you is adventures, laughter, and wild love. The rest will unfold as it's meant to.”
Lola Lawrence, Alchemy in the Dark: Poetry and Prose

“Brian, people love you, don't forget all the letters of thank you come to me, by the time you get back here in six months you will be best friends, and I have no doubt she will even cry when you are going to leave, and who knows maybe you too might fall in love as soul mates”
Kenan Hudaverdi, Nazar: “Self-Fulling Prophecy Realized”

Marie Mistry
“There are a handful of elders who know most of our history; the rest of us are too busy with the present to bother with the past. Fighting is more fun than memorising a list of glorious deeds the Ancestors accomplished.”

“You sound like Jaro,” I mumble. “He’s not one for reading, either.”

“Wolf boy?” Caed shakes his head. “Now I know you’re insulting me.”
Marie Mistry, Across an Endless Sea

Dolores Lane
“I was right about everything. I was right about her words, her desire to make her novel into reality. I was right that it was her coping mechanism to survive a violent, loveless marriage. And I was right about her being the woman for me.
She’s the one. My soulmate.”
Dolores Lane, Bloody Fingers & Red Lipstick

Dolores Lane
“Who would’ve thought that Mr. Looney Bin had such a soft side. I thought that I would for sure be dead by now.”
He sits up until his lips almost brush mine. “I’d never kill you, because I don’t want to live in a world where you don’t exist.” Pressing his lips to mine, he cups my face to take me closer to him. And that feeling returns.
That feeling I’ve refused to name so far. The feeling of those things flying around in my belly. I dare to do it now. Because I can no longer lie to myself. For the first time in my life, I think I know what the movies are always talking about.
Dolores Lane, Bloody Fingers & Red Lipstick

“Beware of Tinder! England is a small island, a coral reef, where you can play the part of fisherman of souls, and can scale or be scaled, gut or be gutted...”
Tom Bradley

A pig, what it looks like, everyone can see, a cow also, a goat or a sister.
Morgen Mofó

Bethany Monaco Smith
“he’s been my best friend and my person. I don’t know exactly how to explain what that means, but my mom says it’s someone who gets you in a different way than everyone else. Someone you can talk to or go to about anything.”
Bethany Monaco Smith, Friends Like This