Soulmates Quotes

Quotes tagged as "soulmates" Showing 991-999 of 1,001
Shannon L. Alder
“To love someone with all of your heart requires reaching them where they are with the only words they can understand.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shelly Crane
“I wanted someone to want me in all ways and someone who I wanted the same in return, And I'd found him.”
Shelly Crane, Significance

Guillaume Musso
“Your soulmate can also be your downfall. ”
Guillaume Musso, Que serais-je sans toi?

Jessica Shirvington
“You're incredible. I can feel your power and it's more than anything I...Violet," he swallowed, watching me in awe. "It's like...It's like you're as powerful as an angel."
Jessica Shirvington

Joss Stirling
“I shook my head, folding my arms around my waist. He was wrong; he was the one offering fairy dust, Peter Pan offering to carry me off to the Neverland of soulfinders and happily ever after. But he was too late. Last night i had to grew up and I now knew that such dreams did not exist; real life was more like living with Captain Hook's mercenary pirates than playing happy families in a treehouse”
Joss Stirling, Stealing Phoenix

“...when I think of you it's with tears, because no one else has such delicate hands that can reach into my soul and calm my fears...”
John Geddes, A Familiar Rain

Joanna Bourne
“Do you know, when I am with you I am not afraid at all. It is a magic altogether curious that happens inside the heart. I wish I could take it with me when I leave.

It is sad, my Grey. We are constrained by the rules of this Game we play. There is not one little place under those rules for me to be with you happily. Or apart happily, which is what makes it so unfair.

I have discovered a curious fact about myself. An hour ago I was sure you were dead, and it hurt very much. Now you are alive, and it is only that I must leave you, and I find that even more painful. That is not at all logical.

Do you know the Symposium, Grey? The Symposium of Plato. [He] says that lovers are like two parts of an egg that fit together perfectly. Each half is made for the other, the single match to it. We are incomplete alone. Together, we are whole. All men are seeking that other half of themselves. Do you remember?

I think you are the other half of me. It was a great mix-up in heaven. A scandal. For you there was meant to be a pretty English schoolgirl in the city of Bath and for me some fine Italian pastry cook in Palermo. But the cradles were switched somehow, and it all ended up like this…of an impossibility beyond words.

I wish I had never met you. And in all my life I will not forget lying beside you, body to body, and wanting you.”
Joanna Bourne, The Spymaster's Lady

Claire Cook
“Maybe if the right person floats into your life, you have to jump in with both feet and try to make it work before the tide turns.”
Claire Cook, Summer Blowout

Ann Macela
“What do you think of all
this, darlin’? Will you be my soul mate?”
Ann Macela Do you believe in magic

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