Soulmates Quotes

Quotes tagged as "soulmates" Showing 781-810 of 1,001
John Mark Green
“Things began happening with odd synchronicity, as if the universe itself was conspiring on behalf of their love story.”
John Mark Green

Mirella Muffarotto
“She was afraid of giving in to that overwhelming, absolute, unconditional love, a love that had shown her the route to heaven, but which had also taught her how much one could suffer, to the point where even the sound of your own tears became deafening.”
Mirella Muffarotto, Soccer Sweetheart

Holly Bourne
“The true test of life isn't how you cope when everything is going in your favour; it's how you deal with things that could destroy you, if you let them.”
Holly Bourne, Soulmates

Langston Hughes
“I will take your heart.
I will take your soul out of your body
As though I were God.
I will not be satisfied
With the little words you say to me.
I will not be satisfied
With the touch of your hand
Nor the sweet of your lips alone.
I will take your heart for mine.
I will take your soul.
I will be God when it comes to you.”
Langston Hughes, Selected Poems

Mirella Muffarotto
“Most people think that love doesn’t stand the test of time – that it is eternal only as long as it lasts – but love is an unquenchable flame. It is only the fires of momentary desire that burn too fast and go out far too quickly without leaving behind a single trace.”
Mirella Muffarotto, Soccer Sweetheart

John Mark Green
“Do you believe in magic?" she asked. "I believe in you," he said. "And you're the closest thing to magic that I've found.”
John Mark Green

John Mark Green
“Looking back at our lives, the unbelievable thing is that despite all the times when things felt so wrong, we still managed to meet at the perfect moment. Almost as if by some plan
which we were unaware of.”
John Mark Green

L.J. Smith
“You don’t love a girl because of beauty.
You love her because she sings a song only you can understand.”
L.J. Smith, Secret Vampire

A. Zavarelli
“My heart is a compass, and it always leads me back to you.”
A. Zavarelli, Stutter

Mirella Muffarotto
“But how can I let him just walk away with a smile on my face and a slap on his back when every cell in my body is tied painfully to him, and I can’t breathe when I think of him being away from me?!”
Mirella Muffarotto, Soccer Sweetheart

Mirella Muffarotto
“Are you scared of me now?” She wanted the truth.
“More than ever.” He had lowered his guard, putting himself at her mercy, because running away had only served to make him understand that he could never run away from who he was.”
Mirella Muffarotto, Soccer Sweetheart

Ashley Jade
“Do you get it now asshole? I will go down fighting for you, for me, for us. I'm not giving you an option to push me away. I don't care that you're afraid of corrupting me. I love you Tristan. All of you- the dark, the light, the love, the hate. I see it all and I love it all, because who you are is exactly who I am. We're two halves of the same soul and nothing will tear us apart, not even you. So you can either accept it or not, but I'm never leaving you, not in this lifetime, or the next.”
Ashley Jade, Twisted Love

Mirella Muffarotto
“It's absurd how crazy love can make you...
...but even more absurd how stupid jealousy can make you!”
Mirella Muffarotto, Soccer Sweetheart

“I believe in real soul connections. Some that can change the course of our lives. No matter how far the distance is between the souls, they are always joined at the heart of Source.”
Karen A. Baquiran

“True love exists. There's nothing more extraordinary than being lost in its trance by completely opening your heart and merging its rare and beautiful energy with another.”
Karen A. Baquiran

L.J. Smith
“She knew his secrets, knew him inside out.
Humans could never know each other that way.
They could never really get into another person's head.
All the talking in the world couldn't even prove that you and the other person saw the same colour red.”
L.J. Smith, Secret Vampire

Mirella Muffarotto
“This unrequited love business was driving him crazy. It was a feeling that took you over, mind, body, and soul. Worse than a drug that tore apart your flesh and spirit, and without which you simply could not live.”
Mirella Muffarotto, Soccer Sweetheart

Anthony Liccione
“We all have our own road to walk. Whether rocky, curving, straight or smooth, what good is a lonely road? It’s when we run and intersect with other roads that defines our road. When road meets road do we get direction, and choices to cross into another life.”
Anthony Liccione

Micheline Jean Louis
“It’s a beautiful thing when someone presence alone whisper to your soul “I am Here for you.”
Micheline Jean Louis

“He's made me believe I'm worth love of the liquid kind, you know, the kind that seeps to all my damaged parts.”
Zandile Funde, Constantly Racing

“You said my name and my heart went rogue”
Zandile Funde, Constantly Racing

Jennifer DeLucy
“Do you ever feel like this? You're moving through the world, encountering people left and right but there's something not quite present - like you KNOW there's more to them, but it's like they're sleeping. Or closed. And so, somehow, you have to close a little, too. Then you meet someone who side-slides into the room of life and screams, "I'm alive! I'm present! Here I am!" And you think, "There you are! I KNEW you were alive. I've been looking everywhere for you!" And you can tell they're awake. And even if you ended up hating them later, you would love them because they weren't sleeping, and with them you didn't have to sleep, either. I'm pretty sure that's what makes real friends happen.”
Jennifer DeLucy

Mindy Kaling
“Just bear a passing resemblance to a fictional romantic trope I like and I will love you forever. We're all just trying to find the Mark Darcy of our workplace, aren't we?”
Mindy Kaling, Why Not Me?

“Oprosti što sam ti stao na sjenku”
Zdravko Čurdinjaković

K.L.  Hughes
“When something or someone moves you, truly moves you, a part of you wakes affected and afflicted by senses you had never previously experiences. A part of you that you never understood, or perhaps never even knew, suddenly sparks into existence.”
K.L. Hughes, Fracture

Marnie Woodrow
“Sometimes there’s someone who makes you feel so at home that you flourish.”
Marnie Woodrow

K.L. Hughes
“When something or someone moves you, truly moves you, a part of you wakes affected and afflicted by senses you had never previously experiences. A part of you that you never understood, or perhaps never even knew, suddenly sparks into existence.”
K.L. Hughes

Dawn Marie Hamilton
“For soul mates to be born in different centuries was one thing. To be immortal and meet the one woman meant to be yours and not to be able to claim her was more punishment than any man should have to endure.”
Dawn Marie Hamilton, Sea Panther

Stephen Graham Jones
“. . . what I told Malory happened next is that when he looked over at her then it was like he'd been waiting a hundred years to see her, and this crazy ass Ledfeather girl all the way from Standing Rock, she looked off after the elk and then back at Doby through her hair, like she'd maybe been waiting for him too, but was scared a little, wanted to be sure, so Doby opened his mouth and said her name across the backseat of Junior's cab, Claire, like a flower opening in his mouth, and she held her lips together and nodded thank you to him, yes, thank you, and then swallowed what was in her throat and just let the sides of their hands touch together again some like it didn't really matter.
But it did.”
Stephen Graham Jones, Ledfeather

Cecelia Ahern
“Le anime gemelle hanno un'abilità particolare nel ritrovarsi.”
Cecilia Ahern