Small Town Romance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "small-town-romance" Showing 241-270 of 426
Cat Johnson
“Emma was a woman on a mission, and Logan was more than fine with that since the mission seemed to be getting alone - and naked - with him.”
Cat Johnson, Two Times as Hot

Elle James
“Nash." Lola nodded toward the disappearing SUV. "Deputy Grayson." She grinned. "His first name is Nash. He's one of the four Grayson brothers. Every last one of them is tall, dark and so handsome they'll make your panties damp.”
Elle James, Justice Burning

Cat Johnson
“After all of this is over and Tuck and Becca leave for their wedding night at the hotel, I don't want to be the sister of the bride or the maid of honor or anything else with responsibilities attached to it. I want to forget about everything and just have fun. Be. Feel. Live in the moment. And God, it's been so long since I've had sex." She stopped and looked up at his face. "Did I scare you yet?"
Scared, no. Speechless, yes, but only because all the blood in his body had rushed to his penis. Logan shook his head. "Nope, I'm definitely not scared. You, uh, have any candidates in mind for this night of reckless abandon?”
Cat Johnson, Two Times as Hot

Cat Johnson
“Imagine if you and Logan got married? Tuck and Logan are like brothers to each other. We'd be almost like sisters-in-law."
Emma laughed at Becca's crazy logic. "Uh, we're already sisters, but yeah, it would be cool.”
Cat Johnson, Two Times as Hot

Cat Johnson
“Logan had infiltrated enemy strongholds with less effort than he was expending to get this family tell him the complete truth.... Something was very wrong when war seemed so much simpler than his home life.”
Cat Johnson, Two Times as Hot

Elle James
“Phoebe stared into his blue eyes. "What would you do if you ran away from a wedding in a car that didn't belong to you and discovered a body in the trunk about the time a sheriff's deputy rolled up behind you?" She flung her hand in the air, and assumed a high-pitched, sarcastic tone. "Hi, I'm a rich man's daughter with a dead man in my trunk. Could you help me get him out so I can be on my merry way?”
Elle James, Justice Burning

Elle James
“He covered her hands with his. "Why the hurry?"
"Seriously?" She stared at him, her jaw dropping. "I'm on fire! If we wait one more minute, I'm certain the sheets will spontaneously combust. I won't be held responsible if your house burns down because you wanted to waste time on foreplay.”
Elle James, Justice Burning

Elle James
“When he stood before her naked, he couldn't believe this beautiful woman, with the pale skin, flaming auburn hair, and eyes the color of spring hay, lay waiting for him.
Phoebe's cheeks flushed a pretty pink. "You look like you're hungry and ready to eat the proffered offering."
"I am, and I will.”
Elle James, Justice Burning

Elle James
“I'm concerned about the woman you're holding prisoner in there," Beckett said. "Knock three times if you're being held against your will."
Phoebe gasped and answered, "I'm fine, too."
"Good." Beckett said with a chuckle. "I was afraid I'd have to call the cops on my cop brother.”
Elle James, Justice Burning

Laura Trentham
“She was why none of his relationships had ever lasted. He hadn't left part of himself on the river, he'd left part of himself with her.”
Laura Trentham, Then He Kissed Me

Jamie Farrell
“I'm fine," she said. "I'm just hiding from the Queen General and her latest poster boy."
"The Queen General?" Which one of his sisters fit that description?
More like which one didn't.
"Queen General Marilyn," his visitor said. "Supreme ruler of Bliss and chairperson of Knot Festival."
The words 'Knot Festival' twisted CJ's stomach, and the room seemed to climb ten degrees hotter. He tugged at his bow tie. The woman kept talking...
Marilyn rewrote the Golden Husband Games rules so her Exalted Widower is eligible to be named Husband of the Half Century. And you know what? He's the reason my husband left me.”
Jamie Farrell, Blissed

Jamie Farrell
“They don't like my kind in here," Arthur said to CJ...I own a shop on The Aisle. Huck there" - Arthur nodded at the barkeep - "isn't a fan of the wedding industry."
"Why not?"
"Guy's been divorced three times and has a bar called Suckers in the most married-est town on earth. He caters to the underground wedding haters and single groomsmen.”
Jamie Farrell, Blissed

Jamie Farrell
“You stay married thirty-four years, you don't have to prove who's got the bigger balls. Just take it for granted she does.”
Jamie Farrell, Blissed

Jamie Farrell
“One day, son, you're gonna find yourself your everything. When you do, you tell her. And then you make sure you live it. Live it every day.”
Jamie Farrell, Blissed

Jamie Farrell
“There's something you need to know," he said.
Her own breath came out loud and uneven. He was entirely in her personal space, but she'd given him enough power as it was. She wouldn't back away, wouldn't let him see her agitation. He tucked her hair behind her ear. Tension took hold of her body. She shuddered, looked up to tell him to stop, but he bent forward, his lips parted, a single freckle on his cheek drawing her attention while his lips got closer and closer and closer until ---
"For future reference," he said, "I never kiss horribly." And before she could blink or breathe or think, his lips closed over hers. His grip tightened in her hair, and when she should've protested or pulled away or kicked him in the shins, her body melted into his.
Kissing him was wrong.... So wrong. She was so good at so wrong.”
Jamie Farrell, Blissed

Jamie Farrell
“She was fixated on replaying the image of a tall, broad, Highland warrior marching into battle against the evil waterfalls of doom to rescue a stuffed dinosaur.
He'd saved Cindy.
For Noah.
CJ Blue was making it very difficult for Natalie to continue to dislike him.”
Jamie Farrell, Blissed

Jamie Farrell
“Wow. You really know how to make a woman happy..."
"I have a night-eight percent success rate with always knowing what will make a woman happy," he said.
Lindsey chuckled softly. "And how do you quantify that?"
"Would you like to know," he said.
Nat wanted to know.”
Jamie Farrell, Blissed

Jamie Farrell
“She gulped her whiskey sour. The bar was hot tonight.
CJ circled back to check on them. "You ladies doing okay?"
"Define okay." Natalie's whiskey seemed to be talking. Because the whiskey was the only thing that could've put that husky, suggestive tone in her voice. Yep, that was all the whiskey.
He propped his elbows on the bar, which put his face level with hers, and fixed his undivided attention on her. There went her lady bits fanning themselves. With a few added whimpers. They remembered what his hands and body and lips felt like too.
"Content." His voice was low and raw, his gaze penetrating and unwavering. "Happy. Completely, one hundred percent satisfied."
Her mouth went dry while the rest of her went up in needy flames that made her want to scratch the all-but-gone rash he'd tended so well on Monday.
"Nope," Natalie squeaked. "Not okay then.”
Jamie Farrell, Blissed

Jamie Farrell
“My clue is that you're supposed to keep going once you've found me."
His eyes narrowed. Thoughtfully, as though he were looking for the words she wanted to say instead. "Keep going in the maze?" he said slowly. "Or keep going somewhere else?"
The man had an evil streak. "The maze," she said firmly.
Helpfully. Like a dutiful daughter of Bliss.
"Because there are a few places I'd like to go with you.”
Jamie Farrell, Blissed

Jamie Farrell
“Get back to work."
"Fine way to talk to your wife."
"If you were my wife, I would've slapped your ass too."
She stared at him a beat too long. She did love the feel of his hands on her ass.”
Jamie Farrell, Blissed

Jamie Farrell
“She hoped he kissed her.
Only her.
And that when he kissed her, he was thinking about her.
Only her.
If he kissed her, she would kiss him back.
She would kiss him back with everything she had.
Every last person in the stadium would watch her kiss him, and every last one of them would know she wouldn't have minded kissing him forever.”
Jamie Farrell, Blissed

Jamie Farrell
“CJ stepped toward her. His hand found her cheek. Natalie's eyes drifted shut. He was going to kiss her.
"Good thing we practiced five years ago," he whispered.
Natalie whimpered out a pathetic laugh, but then his lips were on hers, his hand tangled in her hair, his other hand holding her against him.
And he kissed her.”
Jamie Farrell, Blissed

Sierra Donovan
“You don’t think I’m Satan, do you?”
“Of course not.” She smiled across the table at him. “Snidely Whiplash, maybe. But not Satan.”
Sierra Donovan, Do You Believe in Santa?

Sierra Donovan
“Mandy stammered. “I’ve never been to a town council meeting.”
“No reason you should. They’re kind of like root canals.” Jake straightened a tie that didn’t need straightening. “You don’t go in for one unless you really need to.”
Sierra Donovan, Do You Believe in Santa?

Sierra Donovan
“Jake looked down at Mandy’s face in the firelight. He didn’t know if he believed in Santa Claus, but the soft glow of those blue eyes made it a lot easier to believe in peace on earth, good will toward men.”
Sierra Donovan, Do You Believe in Santa?

Jamie Farrell
“They hadn’t been good months. About as ugly as a wet warthog and as messed up as a bumblebee in a snowstorm.”
Jamie Farrell, Matched

Jamie Farrell
“And this is Kimmie Elias.”
Kimmie inhaled a loud breath. “I had a dream you were the
love child of Bugs Bunny and the abominable snowman, but in my dream that was a good thing, and you lived in a mushroom that had
secret passages into outer space,” she said.
And here he thought he’d already heard it all.”
Jamie Farrell, Matched

Jamie Farrell
“Did you call someone and tell them you’re safe?”
“Called and told ’em I’m not dead. Not so sure about safe
Jamie Farrell, Matched

Jamie Farrell
“Lindsey had a nearly uncontrollable desire to run her
fingers through his hair, to see if it was as soft today as it had been the last time she’d known him. And that thick stubble on his cheeks and chin was long enough to be soft too. The good soft.
Especially against her softer parts.
Intrigue and desire warmed the smileys on her panties.”
Jamie Farrell, Matched