
Shoal Quotes

Quotes tagged as "shoal" Showing 1-22 of 22
Seb Reilly
“It was a gentle hum of quiet that he enjoyed as if it was the first time.”
Seb Reilly, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

“It’s a traveller, he says, it’s lost like us, a wanderer covering miles. A scavenger that lives amongst the rocks and steals to live. It’s beautiful.”
J A DuMairier, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

“Gradually the winds became more frequent and aggressive, forcing the trees to abandon their leaves that passed over me like pixies venturing into the night on wild stallions.”
Kirsty Louise Farley, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

Lannah Marshall
“What a lovely bit of light to change an entire perspective of an experience. So powerful, so subtle and so pure in nature that I can’t argue it away.”
Lannah Marshall, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

“Laughter bounced off the seats like party balloons, each ear catching its sound, magnifying it, carrying it forwards and backwards, soaring on a ripple of words.”
Maggie Harris, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

John W. Mount
“Every morning he cast a mistrustful glance at the mirror then dragged a safety razor across cheeks that bore the faint shadow of teenage blemishes that countless facials and laser treatments hadn’t entirely eradicated.”
John Mount, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

“I had tried to make it beautiful with a spray of golden and orange autumn leaves in an empty green wine bottle on the floor by the hearth, with a string of tiny mouse skulls and soft white dove feathers hanging above my bed, and a cluster of dried rose hips pinned behind the door.”
Alice Olivia Scarlett, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

Sam Kaye
“John swallowed and flexed his trigger finger as her head passed the centre of his cross-hair; that place was reserved.”
Sam Kaye, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

“Fingers with no dexterity and legs too weak to walk, the result of old age and tired old bones.”
Ghillie, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

“It felt a long climb, her stomach was aching, and her feet were killing her. She pulled herself up by the banister, the pressure easing as her arms took the weight from her hurting body.”
Stephanie Upton, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

“Looking at the corpses and the crowds relentlessly searching I understood that a body could not be laid to rest until it was matched to a name.”
Roger Jefferies, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

“With every second in the lift the temperature plummets. I’m beginning to think I should have stayed where I was.”
David Chitty, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

“The room was filled with paintings, created by masters in centuries past, lining the three sides of the room, but, in the centre was the marquee attraction, the one work they hoped would draw the crowds.”
Connor Sansby, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

“He had a stiff drink and it was then that he started to think about love.”
Rosie Escott, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

“A long line of statues accompany the path, covered in moss and white blotches. But they’re not the angelic forms I had expected. They cower, slight and childlike.”
Rebecca Delphine, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

“For a long time I have been fascinated by the idea that the world, as I experience it, only exists in my mind. It is the sum of the sensory inputs made real by my brain and experienced by my mind. Your world is entirely different.”
James Souze, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

Luke Edley
“I kept eating until I belched. By this point I’d hit my limit. I’d eaten pretty much three quarters of a cucumber. Surely that’d be enough. I didn’t think I could stomach any more.”
Luke Edley, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

David Grimstone
“There were rumours of underwater cities, subterranean caves dripping with the blood of human sacrifice and even the odd story about natives interbreeding with some of the more attractive fish.”
David Grimstone, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

Matthew Munson
“It’s weird how the mind remembers the silly details. I still can’t remember the colour of my wife’s eyes, but I can remember that we were arguing about mayonnaise.”
Matthew Munson, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

Janet Gogerty
“The huge ears flapped and it lifted its head to show off the long curving tusks adorned with flowers made by the children. When the animatronic mammoth trumpeted triumphantly, windows a mile away vibrated and locals called the police.”
Janet Gogerty, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

“Their arrival was heralded by a speedy whooshing and whirring, accented with clattering clunks and clicks.”
Sarah Tait, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

Catherine  Law
“Home for the soldiers must be the fishing town, its harbour patrolled by gulls, for there was nowhere else to go if they came this way. If they kept on walking, they’d topple into the sea.”
Catherine Law, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology