
Shadowhunter Academy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "shadowhunter-academy" Showing 1-30 of 35
Cassandra Clare
“Loving someone doesn't mean you're never going to make mistakes.”
Cassandra Clare, The Evil We Love

Cassandra Clare
“Have you never seen a movie? Read a comic book? That's always how it starts - just a little temptation, just a little taste of evil, and then BAM, your light saber turns red and you're breathing through a big black mask and slicing off your son's hand just to be mean."
They looked at him blankly.”
Cassandra Clare, The Evil We Love

Cassandra Clare
Jace was standing up now.
“When you first step off. Bend the knees right away. Otherwise you did pretty well.”
“But what about Isabelle?” Simon asked. “What do I do?”
“I have no idea,” Jace said.
“So you just came here to torture me and talk about yourself?” Simon demanded.
“Oh, Simon, Simon, Simon,” said Jace. “You may not remember, but that’s kind of our thing.”
With that, he walked away, clearly aware of the admiring glances that followed his every step.”
Cassandra Clare, The Whitechapel Fiend

Cassandra Clare
“People could bear so much, but Simon did not know how much of the original you was left when the world had twisted you into a whole different shape.”
Cassandra Clare, Bitter of Tongue

Cassandra Clare
“How is Ty? There is nothing wrong with Ty, but he is different, and the Clave hates all that is different. They will try to punish him, for being who he is. They would punish a star for burning.”
Cassandra Clare, Bitter of Tongue

Cassandra Clare
“History, the way the teachers liked it, was a racetrack, a straight shot from start to finish line; life itself was more of a maze.”
Cassandra Clare, The Evil We Love

Cassandra Clare
“Have a shower, Si," George urged. "Start the day refreshed. Maybe style your hair a little. It wouldn't kill you."
Simon shook his head. "There's a dead rat in the bathroom, George. I am not going in the bathroom, George."
"He's not dead," George said. "He's sleeping. I'm certain of it."
"Senseless optimism is how plagues get started," Simon said. "Ask the medieval peasants of Europe. Oh, wait, you can't."
"Were they a jolly bunch?" George asked skeptically.
"I'm sure they were much jollier before all the plague," said Simon.”
Cassandra Clare, Bitter of Tongue

Cassandra Clare
“He'd probably been born with abs. Some were born with abs, some achieved abs, and some - like Simon - had abs thrust upon them by cruel instructors.”
Cassandra Clare, Bitter of Tongue

Cassandra Clare
“It's obvious to me that you don't want to be here," Robert told his daughter.

"What gave it away? The fact that I told you a million times that I didn't want to come? That I didn't want to play your stupid game? That I thought it was cruel and manipulative and a total waste of time?"

"Yes," Robert said. "That.”
Cassandra Clare, The Evil We Love

Cassandra Clare
“No. You don't get to call me Izzy, you don't send me letters, you don't follow me into dark corridors and try to save me from rats."
"Trust me, we see a rat, it's every man for himself.”
Cassandra Clare, The Evil We Love

Cassandra Clare
“We all change the world, with every day of living in it - Magnus Bane”
Cassandra Clare, Born to Endless Night

Cassandra Clare
“It's Isabelle," George said.
Simon leaped out of bed - or, gallantly tried to, at least. He got a bit tangled in his sheets, so it was more like he tumbled-twisted-THUDDED out of bed, but eventually he made it to his feet, ready to charge into action. "What happened to Isabelle?”
Cassandra Clare, The Evil We Love

Cassandra Clare
“So, I guess, thanks for sticking around for that whole thing with my dad," Isabelle said.
"You didn't exactly give me much of a choice," Simon pointed out.
Isabelle laughed, almost fondly. "You really have no idea how a social encounter is supposed to work, do you? I say 'thank you'; you say 'you're welcome.'"
"Like, if I said, thank you for fooling all my friends into thinking you were a wild-and-crazy demon summoner so that they could get in trouble with the dean, you would say...?"
"You're welcome for teaching them all a valuable lesson." She grinned.”
Cassandra Clare, The Evil We Love

Cassandra Clare
“You know, this porridge isn't at all bad," Simon said, digging in. George nodded enthusiastically, his mouth full.
Beatriz looked sad for them, and possibly sad that boys were so stupid in general. "This isn't porridge," she told them. "These are scrambled eggs."
"Oh, no," George whispered faintly, his mouth still full, his voice terribly sad. "Oh no.”
Cassandra Clare, Bitter of Tongue

Cassandra Clare
“You will be tempted to think this ordeal marks you as weak. Instead, remember it as proof of your strength.”
Cassandra Clare, The Evil We Love

Cassandra Clare
“Simon blinked himself awake, confused, for a moment, why he was in a dungeon that smelled of dung rather than his Brooklyn bedroom - then, once he got his bearings, confused all over again about why he was being awoken in the middle of the night by a wide-eyed Scotsman.

"Is there a fire?" Simon asked. "There better be a fire. Or a demon attack. And I'm not talking about some puny lower-lever demon, mind you. You want to wake me up in the middle of a dream about rock superstardom, it better be a Greater Demon.”
Cassandra Clare, The Evil We Love

Cassandra Clare
“The Law is hard, but it's the Law," Simon added in disgust. "So freaking what? If the Law is wrong, why not change it? Do you know what the world would look like if we were still following the laws made up back in the Dark Ages?"

"You know who else used to talk like that?" Jon asked ominously.

"Let me guess: Valentine." Simon scowled. "Because apparently in all of Shadowhunter history only one guy has bothered to ask any questions.”
Cassandra Clare, The Lost Herondale

Cassandra Clare
“Be a hero, Simon," Simon muttered bitterly, remembering the life Magnus Bane had dangled before him in their first meeting - or at least, the first one Simon could remember. "Have an adventure, Simon. How about, turn your life into one long agonizing gym class, Simon."
"Dude, you're talking to yourself again.”
Cassandra Clare, The Lost Herondale

Cassandra Clare
“Against all odds, the Academy had come to feel like home. A slimy, moldy, dungeonlike home without working toilets, maybe, but home nevertheless. He and George had even named the rats that lived behind their walls. Every night, they left Jon Cartwright Jr., III, and IV a piece of stale bread to nibble, in hopes they'd prefer the crumbs to human feet.”
Cassandra Clare, The Evil We Love

Cassandra Clare
“He had wanted to go to the Academy and become a Shadowhunter, to learn more about his own life and remember everything he had lost, to become someone stronger and better.
Except that you did not become someone stronger and better by only thinking about yourself.”
Cassandra Clare, Bitter of Tongue

Cassandra Clare
“What's next? You want to convince me they're making another crap Last Airbender movie?”
Cassandra Clare, The Evil We Love

Cassandra Clare
“The moment they met, Simon had decided that if looks matched personalities, Jon Cartwright would look like a horse's ass. Unfortunately, there is no justice in the world, and he looked instead like a walking Ken doll. Sometimes first impressions were misleading; sometimes they peered straight through to a person's inner soul. Simon was as sure now as he'd ever been: Jon's inner soul was a horse's ass.”
Cassandra Clare, The Evil We Love

Cassandra Clare
“Remember, children, all the stories are true."
Simon tried to wrap his head around the idea that there might, somewhere in Germany, be a large bean stalk with an angry giant at the top.”
Cassandra Clare, The Lost Herondale

Cassandra Clare
“That could be made into a sad song, Simon supposed. 'If they are eggs, why are they gray? Who can say, who can say?'
Admittedly, "Why Are the Eggs So Gray?" might not be a big hit, even on the hipster circuit.”
Cassandra Clare, Bitter of Tongue

Cassandra Clare
“Simon stood up and said the first thing that popped into his mind. "I just wanted to tell you that we all really enjoyed that beef stew they saved for dinner. You should serve that again."

Dean Penhallow gave him an odd look. " those weren't beets, Simon."

This didn't surprise him.”
Cassandra Clare, The Evil We Love

Cassandra Clare
“This time he was dreaming of a VIP room backstage at the club, filled with champagne and coffee, a gaggle of groupies trying to break down the door so that - in the dream, Simon somehow knew this was their intent - they could tear of his clothes and ravish him.”
Cassandra Clare, The Evil We Love

Cassandra Clare
“The last guest lecturer to honor the students with her presence had been Isabelle Lightwood. And the 'lecture' had consisted of a stern and humiliating warning that every female in a ten-mile radius should keep her grubby littler hands off Simon's hot bod.
Fortunately, the tall, dark-haired man who strode to the front of the classroom looked unlikely to have any interest in Simon or his bod.”
Cassandra Clare, The Lost Herondale

Cassandra Clare
“Just a bunch of them looking very cool and wearing black. The flyer could say ‘READY TO BE A BADASS?’ Put me in touch with the Shadowhunter marketing department, I have more gems where that came from.”
Cassandra Clare, Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy

Cassandra Clare
“He hated to admit it, but this was one of the things about demon amnesia that bothered him the most. What kind of seventeen-year-old guy doesn’t know whether or not he’s a virgin?”
Cassandra Clare, The Evil We Love

Cassandra Clare
“Have you ever been in love? For real?"
"You know I haven't. Don't you think I would have mentioned it?"
"But how can you know for sure, if you don't know what it would feel like? Maybe you have without even realizing it. Maybe you're holding out for something you already have.”
Cassandra Clare, Robin Wasserman, The Evil We Love

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