
Seth Diodoros Quotes

Quotes tagged as "seth-diodoros" Showing 1-30 of 37
Jennifer L. Armentrout
“He shot forward, clasping my cheeks. “Say it again.”
“Say what?” I replied, gripping his wrists. “I said a lot of things. Help me out here.”
"Say that I'm not just the Apollyon," he whispered, his voice harsh.
Tears built in my throat. "You're not just the Apollyon, Seth."
His eyes drifted shut, his face tensed as his fingers splayed across my cheeks. "I don't even know who I am anymore. Or what I ever was."
Oh goodness, that ripped right through my chest. "You're just...you're just Seth."
A tremor moved through his arms. "And you...you're just my salvation.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Return

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I let out the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. “Guess what?”
Meeting his amber-colored eyes, I admitted what probably wasn’t a secret, but what I felt like I needed to put into words. “I like you, Seth.”
He stopped his hand over mine, staying there, as he gave me a lopsided smile. “Guess what?”
“What?” I whispered.
Seth shifted so that his lips brushed mine as he spoke. “I like you too, Josie.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Return

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Pulling my hand away, he rose, slanting his head to kiss me deeply as he pushed me onto my back, with his weight draped over me. “I’ve never had anything that was my own,” he said against my mouth. “Nothing that was ever for just me and no one else. I’ve never been anyone’s first.” He kissed me and then lifted his head. I stared into his eyes. “I’ve never been anyone’s only.”
That made my heart ache for him as I raised my hand, pressing my palm against his cheek. “You’re my first,” I whispered. “You’re…you’re my only.”
His lips parted. “You can’t say that and not mean it.”
I held his gaze as my chest swelled. “I mean it.”
He smoothed his thumb over my lip. “I really am a lucky son of a bitch.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Return

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“You’re a demigod,” he said hoarsely.
It was the first thing he said.
“Yeah,” I replied, my voice breathy. “Is that…um, okay with you?”
His gaze flicked up to mine, and he arched a brow. “Do I need to kiss you again?”
My lips twitched. “Maybe.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Return

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Who’s Josie?” Alex asked, confused.

“Uh . . .” I looked over at Deacon. “You want to do the honors? I know how much you love awkward conversations.”

A wide smile broke out across his face. “Of course, especially when I’m not the center of the awkwardness.”

Luke snorted.

“So!” Deacon clapped his hands together as he faced Alex and Aiden. “Did you guys happen to notice a certain girl out on the quad when you did your magic doorway thing?”

Aiden glanced at Alex. She raised a shoulder. “There were a lot of people out there that I hadn’t seen before.” She paused. “I noticed Boobs, though.”

I slowly shook my head.

“Um, that’s not who I’m talking about. Anyway,” Deacon said, his gray eyes light. “She’s pretty tall. Well, taller than you and everyone is practically taller than you, Alex. Has long blondish-brown hair. Kind of weird hair.”

“Awesome hair,” Luke added.

Alexander frowned silently.

“She does. It’s like an array of colors. One moment it looks completely blonde. The next it’s long brown and then it changes again. It’s very cool,” Deacon continued, and I had to agree with him on that. “And when you see her, you’re going to think, wow, this girl looks familiar. You won’t be able to put a finger on it at first, but it’s going to nag at you and then, when it hits you, you’ll—”

“Deacon,” Aiden warned. “Who is Josie?”

His brother pouted for a second and then sighed. “Fine. She’s a demigod. Like, a born demigod. Powers unlocked and all, and she’s super-cool and really nice.” His gaze slid over to where I stood and his expression turned sly. “Isn’t that right, Seth?”

I eyed him. “Right.”

“You’re forgetting the best part.” Solos walked past the couch, sending me a long look. “Which god she came from.”

Aiden seemed to get what wasn’t being said first. His eyes closed as he rubbed his fingers along his brow. “Gods.”

“What?” Alex looked at him and then at me. “Whose kid is she?”

“Apollo’s,” Deacon answered, his smile going up a notch when Alex’s gaze flew to him. “Yep. Josie is Apollo’s daughter.”

Her mouth dropped open.

“And that kind of makes you and her cousins? I guess?” Luke frowned. “I don’t know what exactly, but it does make you two related. Somehow. I don’t know how, but she does have some of your mannerisms. It gets really weird sometimes.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Sirens blasted, breaking the silence and spinning me around. The shrill sound was all too familiar, and I snapped into action. Vicious excitement replaced the restlessness, and I knew just how screwed up that was, but right then? Oh yeah, I could use a fight. Yesterday in the quad had been child’s play.

Grabbing the Glock loaded with titanium bullets, I hooked it into the holster and fit it around my thigh. I snatched the daggers off the dresser and headed out the door, not even bothering with grabbing a shirt.

I came to a complete stop as Josie’s door swung open.

What in the holy fuck were Alex and Josie doing together? For just a few seconds, the three of us were literally frozen, staring at each other as the sirens blared overhead.

And then Alex broke the silence.

“Really?” she said dryly, eyeing me with a smirk. “You’re going to fight with the awesomeness of your six-pack as a weapon?”

I arched a brow. “Yeah, you know, I was going to test out the whole abs of steel theory thing. The gun attached to my thigh and the daggers in my hands are just props. Mainly for show. Don’t want to take away from the gloriousness that is my body, though.”

Her smirk flipped into a grin. “Whatever.” She started forward. Up ahead, a tall figure stepped out in the hall, and light glinted off the titanium daggers in his hands. Aiden. Of course their room had to be close to mine.

Of. Course.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Seth tilted his head to the side as he stared at me. “What did you just say?”

Taking another step back, I glanced at the door. Could I make a run for it? Seth could definitely catch me, but right now, he probably didn’t want to.


My heart stuttered at the raw quality of his voice. I wanted to deny that I’d uttered those words, but I couldn’t. How could I when it was the truth, and it wasn’t like I could take those words back. I couldn’t.

Lowering my hand, I drew in a shallow breath. “I love you; I’m in love with you.”

Seth jerked like I’d punched him. “You can’t love me.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Stop.” He shot in front of me, moving so fast I didn’t see him until we were face to face. “Please just . . . I . . . I don’t know what to say, Josie.”

I winced, feeling what he was saying all the way to the core. “That . . . that says everything, Seth, because if you don’t—” My voice cracked, right along with what was left of my heart. “If you don’t know what to say, then that’s it.”

“You don’t understand.” His voice was low.“I don’t understand anything.” Heart aching, I stepped to the side, but Seth followed.

“Please, just let me go. We can forget we even had—”

He clasped my cheeks in a gentle grasp. “No one has ever told me that before.”

“What?” I whispered after a moment.

His eyes were wide, slightly dilated. “No one has ever said they loved me or were in love with me, and actually meant it.”

I couldn’t believe that. Not even his mother? Yes, that was a different kind of love, but then I remembered how his mom was and once again I found myself wishing she was alive so I could bitch-slap her into eternity. But to live the years he had, and to never experience any kind of love wasn’t just wrong, it was sad. I wished it wasn’t so.

Seth’s hands slid down my neck, stopping where his thumbs pressed against my pulse. “But you . . .”

I had a choice here. I recognized that. I could save face and let this go. I could pull away and walk out of this room, but I was hurting for myself and despite everything that had gone on between us, I was still hurting for him. Maybe that. “But I love you.”

Seth’s hands shook—his hands. Hands that were always so steady in battle, but they trembled now, touching me. “I don’t deserve that from anyone, but especially from you.” Voice rough and heavy, he searched my face intently. “That is a precious gift that I . . . that I am not worthy of.”

I sucked in air. Oh gosh, that hurt. Hearing him say that tore me up, ripped me right apart, and it struck me then. I knew why he had backed off. Him pushing me away had nothing to do with Alex or with me. It was because of him, because of how he believed he deserved nothing more than punishment.

That he sincerely believed that the only thing he had was to atone for his past sins.

Tears pricked my eyes as I folded my hands over his wrists. I had to prove what he believed wasn’t true.

Prove that he was the total of everything he’d done and not just the dark things he was ashamed of, and I would do so, because I loved him and accepted him for who he was, for all his faults. That was what love meant.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I let the monster take over.

My lips moved and I spoke the words I’d heard before, words that would unlock the ultimate power—words that Alex spoke once before. I didn’t understand how this worked. I also didn’t care. “Θάρρος.”


A shock rippled across my body, followed by a wealth of warmth. Determination poured into my chest.

“Δύναµη,” I said.


Another jolt of power hit me, charging me up. The warmth turned to heat, invading my muscles, breaking them down and rebuilding them rapidly.

Someone shouted, a high-pitched scream. There was a yell, a rougher and heavier gasp.

I kept going as I stepped forward, through the shades circling Atlas. “Απόλυτη εξουσία.”

Absolute power.

Amber light radiated through the room. Screams pitched higher as every cell in my body hummed with power. Glyphs appeared on my skin, swirling fast. The shades flew backward, revealing a transfixed Atlas.

I finished it. “Αήττητο.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“How did he do that?” Alex stumbled to her feet with Aiden’s aid, swaying to one side. Both looked okay. “How did he do that?”

I didn’t answer, because I didn’t know how Seth had tapped into all of us without even touching us.

My gaze finally fell on Solos. “Oh gods,” I whispered, quickly averting my gaze. What Atlas had whispered in my dream the night before had also been right. Dig a grave.

He was . . . I closed my eyes, biting down on my lower lip until I tasted blood. Pain opened in my chest, overshadowing the physical aches that bit and chewed at me.

Solos was gone.

Him falling had tipped Seth over an edge, a very precarious edge I hadn’t even realized he’d been teetering on this . . . this entire time.

I was numb, sitting between where Seth had fallen and where Solos lay. This scent of death was different than what followed the shades. This . . . this was heavier, more real.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“She wasn’t the only one who was overjoyed.

Deacon had launched himself at Aiden—Aiden saintly St. Delphi—nearly knocking him backward, over a fallen pure. The brothers hugged, oblivious to those fighting around them. Other than their eyes, they absolutely had nothing in common.

Which was why I liked Deacon.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“You must be careful of who you trust, child, of whom you have given your heart to.”

I stiffened.

“Power is the most alluring of all vices. It corrupts and destroys,” she said, her voice shifting low. “And it is the most hidden of all transgressions.”

A cold chill radiated down my spine. “You’re talking about Seth.”

“He is not what he seems,” she said, and a snake snapped at the air. “The Apollyon has committed acts of great treachery.”

“I know.” My hands curled into fists. “I know what he’s capable of. And I know who he used to be and who he is becoming.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Oh, everything is fun when I’m around.” Hercules’s knees knocked into the back of my seat as he leaned back. “This one time, when I was ordered by the gods to . . .”

I could only think of three words.

Fuck. My. Life.

“You should drive, because I’m going to end it all. Once we’re on the freeway, I’m going to jump out of this vehicle and throw myself in front of a Mack truck.”

Josie’s laugh cut off her yawn. “That’s a little excessive.”

Adjusting the sunglasses I’d stolen from Aiden yesterday morning, I smirked. “I do not think anything is excessive when it comes to him.”

“But that won’t even kill you.”

I sighed. “Yeah, but I’m pretty sure it’ll knock me unconscious for the time being.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“The nymph blinked out and reappeared directly in front of me. Impressive. Even I couldn’t track its movement. “You’re making a huge mistake.”

Gods. Some nights just couldn’t get any worse. “My entire existence is a mistake, so you’re going to have to get a little more detailed about what exact mistake you’re talking about.”

The nymph’s all-white eyes crackled little bolts of light. “Staying away from her won’t save her.”

Well, I was immediately proven wrong. Tonight was officially getting worse.

“And it won’t save you either,” the nymph added.

I barked out a harsh laugh. “There is no saving me. I know what the end game is.”

“There is no such thing as finality,” he replied, leaning in so when he spoke next, his cool breath moved over my jaw. “All prophecies are designed to be rewritten. No fate, no matter what is sacrificed or bargained, is final.” He paused. “All the pieces are never shared.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“You forged your own path. You listened to no one and thought you knew best. In the end, your hands were covered in the blood of the one you were entrusted to protect.” The nymph’s icy breath was as cold as his words. “You continue on this path, history will repeat itself, and there will be no salvation for you. There will only be an eternity of retribution and vengeance.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I started after her, but I didn’t get very far. Marcus finally appeared. Happy reunion number five million took place, and before I could sneak off, and by sneaking off I meant following Josie, I was surrounded by what Deacon had dubbed the Army of Awesome.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“That’s because they knew you were on their side. They knew you were aware of what most likely would happen. They didn’t think you were insane. They fully believe Seth is insane.” Hercules took a step back. “If he’s the God Killer, they aren’t coming anywhere near him. Who would? He could take them out.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“And Seth . . . I didn’t even know what was up with Seth, who he was going to be when he woke up. The Seth who made horrible mistakes but wanted to do better? The Seth who’d stood in the bedroom, vulnerable and nearly broken as he apologized?

Or the Seth who had leveled all of us, including Atlas? He hadn’t just tapped into my aether. He’d gotten all of us, something none of us had known he could do, and deep down, I honestly didn’t believe Seth had even realized he could do that until he’d done it.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Before I could respond, he snapped his fingers, and I was suddenly standing outside the mansion, my booted feet in the sand, the smell of salt overwhelming my senses, and the rolling ocean at my back.

A growl of anger rose in my throat. “I hate it when you do that.”

The smile on his face increased. “I know.”

I absolutely loathed it, and the bastard did it every chance he got—usually about every five minutes whenever I was in his presence and mostly without any purpose. Sometimes he would just pop me from room to room for the hell of it. The last year or so of my life had been a real test of my short patience.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Return

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Apollo watched me closely, intently. “No.”

My eyes narrowed. “No to what?”

“I’m not sending you after them. Not yet,” he said, surprising me into silence—a rarity. “I have another task for you. You need to leave for southern Virginia immediately. I’d snap your sunshine-and-rainbows ass there, but now that you’ve annoyed me, you’ll drive the twenty or so hours to get there.”

Okay. That was irritating, but I kind of liked road trips, so whatever. “What’s in southern Virginia?”

“Radford University.”

I waited.

I waited some more, and then sighed. “Okay. You want me to enroll in college?” I asked, and Apollo tipped back his head and laughed so loudly, he actually whooped. I frowned. “What the hell is so funny about that idea?”

“You. College. Using your head. That’s what’s funny.”

I was seconds away from blasting him with akasha.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Return

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“One thing for sure; whoever I was supposed to keep safe really got the shittier end of the deal, considering the last person I’d been tasked with protecting had ended up with a titanium bullet in his forehead.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Return

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Threading his fingers through my hair, he didn’t answer immediately. “Feels like twenty-one.”

“That’s not exciting.”

He grinned again. “That’s because you’re still twenty and have what? About six months to go before you’re twenty-one.”

“I wanted to get you something, but Amazon doesn’t really deliver out here, so . . .”

I really did want to get him something, but since it wasn’t particularly safe for me to leave, the only option was the campus store, but I doubted Seth wanted a Covenant University mug or hoodie. I couldn’t even make him dinner since I had no access to a kitchen, so I was a lame girlfriend.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Cake,” Deacon interjected, springing toward the coffee table. “We got you a cake.”

“I also had nothing to do with the cake,” Luke announced, and when I looked at him, he shrugged. “I’m pretty much just here to bear witness to your reaction.”

I had no words.

“You have no idea what I had to do to get Libby to make this cake. By the way, Libby is one of our awesome cooks in the cafeteria,” Deacon explained. “And I think it’s a really awesome cake.”

At that moment, I looked at the cake, really looked at it, and my eyes widened. “Spider-Man?”

Josie dipped her chin, unsuccessfully hiding her grin.

“You seemed like you’d be into Spider-Man.”

I opened my mouth. Yep. No words as I stared at the small, round cake. Libby should go into the cake-making business, I thought, because that was one hell of an accurate representation of Spider-Man, down to the blue tights and webbing.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Slowly, I turned around. There were people on the floor. They were the things that were withering. Things. Insignificant. Moaning. Trying to sit up. Annoying.

I walked toward them, each step purposeful. Something moved to the right of me. I looked. It was big and reaching out to me. Hercules. Gods, I did not like him.

Lifting my hand, I sent him flying backward. My attention zeroed on the dark-haired pure-blood with silvery eyes. He was shielding someone. Blood trickled from his nose.

Oh, yeah, I really did not like him. Couldn’t quite grasp why, but I knew I’d be thoroughly pleased if I made him go splat. I lifted my hand.

“Seth! No,” a female shouted. The voice was familiar. It did something to me. Distracted me. “Seth!”

A stinging sensation shot across my left forearm, and I spun around, lifting my arm as I summoned akasha. It coiled, rushing down my arm.

“Seth,” she whispered.

Her voice stopped me, reached in and shook me. The whitish-amber light fizzled out. I looked down and saw blue eyes—Josie. My Josie. And then I saw what she held in her hand. That soft hand trembled, but it was not empty. She clutched the blade. I opened my mouth, but no sound came out. My legs gave out below me, and Josie dropped the stake. I heard it clang off the floor and then I heard nothing.

There was nothing.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Doing the right thing had never felt more wrong than it did right then.

Maybe that was how it always felt.

I wouldn’t know.

It was so rare when I actually did the right thing.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Struggle

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Irritation pricked at my skin, causing the glyphs to agitate restlessly across it. Apollo and I had a history—a very bad history. He couldn’t kill me. I wasn’t sure how any of the Olympian gods could kill me, but I knew they would, eventually. Just not yet— they still needed me. “What do you want?”

He tilted his head to the side. “One of these days you will speak to me with respect, Apollyon.”

“One of these days you will realize I don’t respect you.”

A tight smile appeared on the god’s lips, a hide-your-kids-and-loved-ones kind of smile, but since I had neither of those things, I wasn’t intimidated. “We need to chat.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Return

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“What do we need to talk about?” I ground out, folding my arms to keep myself from hitting him with a blast of akasha, the fifth and most powerful element only the gods and the Apollyon could wield. It wouldn’t kill him, but sure as hell would sting like a bitch.

Apollo shifted his gaze to the dark ocean. “Do you have to always be so messy?”

My brows rose. “Huh?”

“Back there,” he said, jerking his chin to where the lights from the mansion twinkled in the distance. “Do you always have to be so messy when you dispatch those who betrayed us?”

“Do I have to? No.”

“Then why?” He looked at me.

Killing them the way I did was unnecessary. I could just blast them into nothing, make it quick, neat, and painless, but that’s not how I rolled. Maybe in the beginning I’d been less…violent, but not anymore. Not when my sole purpose of existence was carrying out the gods’ dirty work. Because every time I saw one of their faces, I thought of my own major screw-ups, and they were plentiful, and that made me think of— I cut that thought off. I was so not going down that road tonight without a bottle of whiskey.

“You all turned me into the Terminator. What did you expect?” I shrugged. “Is this what you wanted to talk to me about? My method of carrying out your orders? I’d think you’d have better things to do than pop up just to bitch at me because I made a mess.”

“It’s not just making a mess, Seth, and you know that. It’s you.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Return

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Your sarcasm and general assholeness are not necessary,” Apollo remarked casually.

I grinned at him. “I don’t think ‘assholeness’ is a word.”

“It is if I say it is.” Apollo drew in a deep breath, a sure sign his temper was reaching its knock-Seth-into-the-nearby-ocean point.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Return

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I couldn’t say I was surprised that Apollo hadn’t given me a lot to work on. The jerk was known for delivering little to no information, or handing out what he did know in doses at the most inopportune moments, usually after the information would’ve been helpful.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Return

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I reached down, turned the knob, and found it locked. Not a problem. The energy of the fire element rolled down my arm, and heat wrapped around my palm, searing the knob and melting the insides of the lock.

Lock be gone.

Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Return

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