
Self Love Quote Quotes

Quotes tagged as "self-love-quote" Showing 1-21 of 21
“Discipline is the highest form of self-love.”
Kierra C.T. Banks

“All change starts from within; it starts with the courageous choice to make the change.”
Heather Colleen Reinhardt, Go Love Yourself: The Ultimate Guide to #liveyourbestlife

“No one really just wakes up one day and decides to love themselves. It’s also rare for someone to be taught how to have self-love (unless you have a very self-aware parent, guardian or teacher in your youth). The choice is usually only made right after a significant moment. This is the moment I call the “Breakdown to Breakthrough.” There are typically tears, yelling, screaming (probably mostly to the air, or God, or the Universe—whatever you like to call it), or sometimes it can be a very deep and serious, “I’ve had enough, I can no longer live like this” moment.”
Heather Colleen Reinhardt, Go Love Yourself: The Ultimate Guide to #liveyourbestlife

“When you love yourself, you don’t judge yourself. When you stop judging yourself, you stop judging others. If we stopped judging ourselves, and therefore others, self-love becomes the cure for much of our society’s issues.”
Heather Reinhardt

“When you learn to control and maneuver your thoughts, you learn how to control and maneuver your life.”
Heather Colleen Reinhardt, Go Love Yourself: The Ultimate Guide to #liveyourbestlife

“They couldn't get me if I couldn't get got." - A Proverb”
Kierra C.T. Banks

Anamika Mishra
“Smile is my answer, silence is my weapon”
Anamika Mishra, 22 Golden Keys For A Happy Life

“When you love yourself, you don’t judge yourself. When you stop judging yourself, you stop judging others. If we stopped judging ourselves, and therefore others, self-love becomes the cure for much of our society’s issues.”
Heather Colleen Reinhardt, Go Love Yourself: The Ultimate Guide to #liveyourbestlife

“Overcoming your negative thoughts is the way to live a positive life.”
Heather Colleen Reinhardt, Go Love Yourself: The Ultimate Guide to #liveyourbestlife

“Feel the fear of the unknown and plow forward anyway.”
Heather Colleen Reinhardt, Go Love Yourself: The Ultimate Guide to #liveyourbestlife

“Reflection work takes deeps honesty with oneself. Once you get through accepting your previous choices and experiences, you can then move on to the phase of owning all the shit you've been through. I call it ownershit.”
Heather Colleen Reinhardt, Go Love Yourself: The Ultimate Guide to #liveyourbestlife

“So many people are struggling and in all sorts of emotional pain. Self-love is an antidote to so much of our collective pain. The old models aren’t working. We need new ways of thinking and executing.”
Heather Colleen Reinhardt, Go Love Yourself: The Ultimate Guide to #liveyourbestlife

“We have a real crisis—people don't know how to love themselves because people don't understand their own sacredness. People are suffering because they don't know that they are sacred.”
Heather Colleen Reinhardt, Go Love Yourself: The Ultimate Guide to #liveyourbestlife

“Basically each religion has certain practices that form the essence of vedic dharma. Yegyes, literally meaning ‘to offer’, forms the backbone of the vedic absolute knowledge. Traditionally, a ritualistic fire ceremony in which various herbs, clarified butter (ghee), specific wood, etc. are offered to the fire with predetermined mantras (charged with vibrations) chanted by predetermined people (priests, host, pandits etc.) with a resolve or sankalpa, a Yegyes has far-reaching effects that encompass physical, soul, social, spiritual and ecological spheres, causing purification at all these levels.
A devout householder is supposed to perform five Yegyes on daily basis>
1. Brahma Egyes = Daily jap, daily meditation, daily yoga, offering into the interior fires of prana, mind, intellect and consciousness
2. Deva-Egyes = Worship offering to the Divinities, God, the Sun, Devi and Devtas through fire in the Vedic times, through watering and Pooja, flowers, fruits rituals.
3. Pitr-Egyes = Offerings to ancestors, manes, and daily worshipful service to one’s living parents and elders
4. Atithi-Egyes = Worship offering to guests the word Atithi means one who comes without making a date hospitality is not a social act but a worship.
5. Offering-Egyes = offering to God, Goddess, Devi, Devtas and Bhagawan, beings, spreading knowledge putting aside the first food for the wandering cows or other animals as well as putting aside daily before cooking similarly like some uncooked rice, daal, grain, flour, for giving away to the temple, church, gumba, gurudwar, priest, monk, beggar or orphanage nowadays.
The philosophy of Egyes, which essentially is: make yourself into a worshipful offering and pour yourself into the divine fire of knowledge, the immortal soul of knowledge. The fire offering you witnessed is an embodiment of all this teaching and the participants are actually very conscious of it.”
Shreeom Surye Shiva Devkota

Jeanette LeBlanc
“Self-love is an act of holy disruption.

To love yourself in a world that profits directly from your self-loathing is the ultimate subversion of all that seeks to keep you tame.”
Jeanette LeBlanc

Jeanette LeBlanc
“Self-love is an act of holy disruption.

To love yourself in a world that profits directly from your self-loathing is the ultimate subversion of all that seeks to keep you tame.

We've been taught to hate all that we are (our softness, our fierceness, our not-enoughness, our too-muchness, our tender flesh, our hard bones, our voices, our insatiable hunger, our yearning for more, our aging, our youth, our ugly, our beauty, our all) so that we can be packaged into a commodity that sells us back to ourselves.

Our self-hatred is, in many ways, one of the pillars that capitalism and the patriarchy rely on to keep us small and contained, caged and corralled, safe and quietly in place.

To fall headfirst into a lifelong love affair with our purpose, our passion, our capacity, for pleasure, with the sound of our yes and the tenor of our no. With the reflection in the mirror. With the rich inner landscape of our fumbling and messy aliveness - this threatens the status quo.

As Naomi Wolf said, "Our appetites DO need to be controlled if things are to stay in place."

I don't know about you, but I'm at all not interested or invested in keeping things in place, in maintaining the status quo, in propping up a paradigm that's been trembling on its last legs for far too long.

I don't want to have to tamp down my desire, to contain the embers of my fire, to minimize the heat of my burn.

I want to love myself enough to always ask for more, and then I want to love myself harder so that I can expand wide enough to receive it when it comes. And no, I don’t think this is easy. Or simple. Or even always gentle.

But you loving you?
Like really, really loving you?
It subverts the whole damn thing.
It disrupts the narrative.
It flips the script.

It’s a way to reclaim all that has been taken.
To demand your seat at the table.
To call your wholeness home.”
Jeanette LeBlanc

“Be the best version of yourself".”

Dhayana Alejandrina
“May this be a season of listening, alignment, and prosperity. May you always keep an open heart and move with intention.”
Dhayana Alejandrina

Lizzy Cangro
“We can't be in a place of empowerment if we're not rooted in our physical power centre; our bodies.”
Lizzy Cangro, Reclaim the Witch: Unlock Your Power. Remember Your Magic. Love Your Body.