
Rising Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rising" Showing 1-30 of 59
Haruki Murakami
“My peak? Would I even have one? I hardly had had anything you could call a life. A few ripples. some rises and falls. But that's it. Almost nothing. Nothing born of nothing. I'd loved and been loved, but I had nothing to show. It was a singularly plain, featureless landscape. I felt like I was in a video game. A surrogate Pacman, crunching blindly through a labyrinth of dotted lines. The only certainty was my death.”
Haruki Murakami, Dance Dance Dance

Amit Abraham
“Don't fall in love rise with it”
Dr. Amit Abraham, Rules of Attraction : Get The One You Admire

Gordon Korman
“Don't have to see," the pilot grunted. "Olga knows the way."
"Funny name for an aircraft," Grace commented. "Is it after your wife?"
"My gun."
Grace stared at him. "You named your plane after a gun?"
"It was a very good gun.”
Gordon Korman, Vespers Rising

Munia Khan
“I wish to spend a lifetime near a lighthouse where loneliness will be the glimmer of luminous prancing upon ocean waves… rising and falling only for my breathing.”
Munia Khan

Rainer Maria Rilke
“But suppose the endlessly dead were to
wake in us some emblem:
they might point to the catkins hanging
from the empty hazel trees, or direct
us to the rain
descending on black earth in early
spring. ---

And we, who always think of happiness
rising, would feel the emotion
that almost baffles us
when a happy thing falls.”
Rainer Maria Rilke, Duino Elegies

Rick Riordan
“You see?" Damien leaned over his desk and spread out half a dozen charcoal sketches. "These are only quick studies of course. But my agent in Florence tells me this artist, Leonardo, is a master and also quite an inventor of mechanical devices--which, as you know, are my passion. Leonardo just completed a portrait of Lisa de Giocondo. He calls it the Mona Lisa. I thought I might commission him to do a portrait of me, and while he's here, I can pick his mind for mechanical secrets. How does that sound?"
"Expensive," Gideon murmured.”
Rick Riordan, Vespers Rising

“She wasn't to know there was no room for Soren - or any other boy - in my heart. There was only one boy taking up that place.
Lee Monroe, Dark Heart Rising

Ross Caligiuri
“My dream is to create something so beautiful that it encourages people to present the best version of themselves to me everywhere I go.”
Ross Caligiuri

Peter Lerangis
“About f-f-ace!" she said to the horse, flailing with her boots. "Into the barn, please. It's time for some tasty hay! Haaaaaaay!
Peter Lerangis, Vespers Rising

“Lessons are learned through making mistakes, falling and rising.”
Sunday Adelaja

Caroline Lea
“The snow grew deeper as we laboured down the hill. The land was a flat white pall, spread out like rumpled wool.
Into the distance stretched the solid sea, sullen and murky beneath the ice.
The sea will trick a man, seeming frozen and steadfast on the surface, but under the white crust, the black water gulps greedily at the breathing world above.
In time, I knew, despite everything that had happened, the sun would rise and the light would glitter off the ice, like shards of glass.
The world would glow.”
Caroline Lea, The Glass Woman

Vera Nazarian
“Back in Russia we were dirt-poor. Here in the West we are still poor but have risen above the dirt to tower alongside stalks of grass!”
Vera Nazarian

Rehan Khan
“Strength is about pulling yourself together, even after you’ve been shattered into a thousand pieces. Falling is merely the first movement we take before rising”
Rehan Khan, A Tudor Turk

D. Bodhi Smith
“i look up in
hope, dreaming to be
brightened up, and
begotten out of
this hazy funk, and
suddenly, i
my light glowing
high above me, she
warming certainty
wearing her
angelic halo, as
my spirits rise up to
kiss her, i smile
Bodhi Smith, Bodhi Smith Impressionist Photography

Laini Taylor
“From the ashes [...] we are arisen.”
Laini Taylor

“When people failed to be something good in life or to achieve something good. They become savages. Since they cant rise, they decide to bring everyone whose rising down.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“They are waiting for you to light up, So that they can blow you off.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

D. Bodhi Smith
“the redwoods are like no other trees...find a secluded grove and tilt your head back 90 degrees, and look up into the green canopies far above you, your spirits are bound to rise for you are surrounded by such giants of beauty, beautiful spirits themselves reaching for the sky”
Bodhi Smith, Bodhi Smith Impressionist Photography

D. Bodhi Smith
“when she enters the room, my entire world brightens up, and i can feel my spirits rising (along with other parts of me too!)”
Bodhi Smith, Bodhi Smith Impressionist Photography

“I cannot keep you if it is killing me to keep you.”
Ezinne Orjiako, Nkem.

Mehmet Murat ildan
“It is very funny and arrogant that countries that have not yet made a serious contribution to civilization make fun of countries that have contributed greatly to civilization but are now in decline!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“I don't have the habit of rising against every tide in my life, I have the habit of tidying every rise against me in my life”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Gift Gugu Mona
“Nothing makes the enemy upset more than seeing a woman who was severely bruised, rising and shining bright, because no matter how much the enemy tries to prove a point, a powerful woman will always prove him wrong.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Woman of Virtue: Power-Filled Quotes for a Powerful Woman

Aiyaz Uddin
“Our ability to rise back after the fall is a sign of improvement, learning, and wisdom. Falling teaches us so many things than rising would have at the first go don't be afraid to fall but be afraid of not bouncing back.”
Aiyaz Uddin

Steven Magee
“The global carbon dioxide levels are rising and mental health is in a crisis.”
Steven Magee

Olivie Blake
“You're entering the cycle of your own destruction, the wheel of your own fortune, which will rise and fall with you. You will be decomposed and reborn in another form, and your ashes will be the ruins after the fall.”
Olivie Blake, The Atlas Six

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