
Ripple Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ripple" Showing 1-16 of 16
Anthony Liccione
“People are like water: Many rush pass you, as some will over-flood. Some will drown you, or force you to go their current ways. Some will be cold or hot-tempered, but try to say with the warm ones. Some will come as a raging wave and cause a ripple, or a calm sea, supporting you, quenching your thirst, and flow by your side to where kisses will always stay wet.”
Anthony Liccione

W. Somerset Maugham
“The man I am writing about is not famous. It may be that he never will be. It may be that when his life at last comes to an end he will leave no more trace of his sojourn on earth than a stone thrown into a river leaves on the surface of the water.”
W. Somerset Maugham, The Razor’s Edge

“In the Bay, whenever I got depressed, I always drove out to the Ocean Beach. Just to sit. And, I don't know, something about looking at water, how it just goes and goes and goes, something about that I found very soothing. As if somehow I were connected to every ripple that was sending itself out and out until it reached another shore.”
Cisneros Sandra

Mandy Hubbard
“Just being near the water makes me ache for it, makes my skin tingle with the desire to run until I am chest-deep and the water wraps around my skin like a satin ribbon, making the worries, the aches, the stress unwind. Sometimes, I wonder if this is how a recovering alcoholic would feel if someone put a beer in her hand. If her body would wage war against her mind as mine does.”
Mandy Hubbard, Ripple

A.J. Darkholme
“Sometimes we exist long enough to lead the next generation; other times, only to plant a seed and let its resonations of our time here on Earth ripple into new waves.”
A.J. Darkholme, Rise of the Morningstar

Mohith Agadi
“When you do some good work and if it inspires others, then you have just created the ripple effect.”
Mohith Agadi

Brian Michael Bendis
“And each ripple builds and builds into the tidal wave of anarchy to which we are now doomed.”
Brian Michael Bendis, Powers, Vol. 5: Anarchy

Craig Froman
“A pebble thrown in a pool
may ripple from end to end,
but tossed into the sea,
it is swallowed by enormity.”
Craig Froman, An Owl on the Moon: A Journal From the Edge of Darkness

“I stood at the grassy edge and tentatively dipped my toe into the water. I watched the ripple spread and break the perfect reflection before composing itself. The ripple then rushed towards a mass of rocks to one side.”
Erica Sehyun Song, Thorns in the Shadow

“Laughter bounced off the seats like party balloons, each ear catching its sound, magnifying it, carrying it forwards and backwards, soaring on a ripple of words.”
Maggie Harris, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

Sia Figiel
“Perhaps it was an accident, I told myself. Perhaps he didn’t mean to expose himself to me deliberately.
But then again, wasn’t he the very same person who told our class that there were no accidents or coincidences? That every action we make creates a ripple in the universe which meant that all actions are interconnected?”
Sia Figiel, FREELOVE

“Be the ripple of change. Do not be deterred or dismayed by the volume of what you face. Use the power within you to impart the ripple effect and let the force of destiny navigate the path to success.”
Eveth Colley

Chris   Hutchinson
“Equip others for their own journeys and tackle constraints they cannot.”
Chris Hutchinson, Ripple: A Field Manual for Leadership that Works

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Words are like a pebble, and the heart is like a river.
What happens when a pebble is thrown into a river? It causes a ripple.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

“A design if faulty can cause a ripple of expected or unexpected results, so is it with communication”
Garry James

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“A single stone thrown into the water sends dozens of ripples in every direction. And whether that be in the middle of an ocean or the confines of a single puddle, those ripples cover an area hundreds of times larger than the point at which the stone landed. Therefore, it’s not where we land. Rather, it’s the impact of our landing.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough