
Reflection On Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "reflection-on-life" Showing 1-30 of 112
Peter S. Beagle
“I've never really undestood," the unicorn mused as the man picked himself up," what you dream of doing with me, once you've caught me."
The man leaped again, and she slipped away from him like rain. "I don't think you know yourself," she said.”
Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn

Anastasia Bitkova
“In the end, it is not about winning or losing; it is about living.”
Anastasia Bitkova

Sebastian Faulks
“I think perhaps the reincarnation is not of other men through me, but of myself at other times. I've been forced by circumstance into many separate lives.”
Sebastian Faulks, Snow Country

“I walk a road of lessons earned, life paved for me to learn
With every passing day, paying my dues away”
Marie Helen Abramyan

“Close the door to the external chaos, begin self
reflection to rejuvenate your mind and soul. - Vinita Singh”
Linda Greyman, Soul Works - The Minds Journal Collection

“Look in the mirror and see what it shows; Positivity on the face, inside negativity flows.”
Wrushank Sorte

Sofía Segovia
“The life she was living now did not resemble the life that Beatriz Cortés was supposed to have. In spite of it all, the sun rose and set each day—though even that sometimes disconcerted her. Life went on. The seasons came and went in an eternal cycle that would not stop for anything, not even for Beatriz Cortés’s sorrows and truncated hopes.”
Sofía Segovia, The Murmur of Bees

“[When] I've been neglecting writing in my journal, usually this kind of avoidance is a sign I need to actually face the page.

A solid self-leadership check-in: With loving awareness I ask myself:
- What am I hiding from myself?
- What am I holding on to?
- Who am I being invited to become?”
Benjamin Brown

Robbie Arnott
“In that moment Ned felt a swelling, a ripping expansion, a hugeness that rang through him for the length of his life, a feeling that was sometimes rivalled but never quite matched. Not at weddings, not at births, not at funerals. Not when he worked his way north to Longreach, where he finally saw Toby again, finding him cocky, funny and largely unchanged. Not during good seasons or bad. Not when he was alone on cold waterways, not when he was in the grip of people he loved. Not as he poured dirt into graves, not as he watched his children, then his grandchildren, play. Not on the white sands of hidden beaches. Not in the shade of ancient trees, in whose canopies he imagined he could see the darting of cream-brown quolls. Not on rocky mountain roofs. Not in the presence of whales, not while viewing fine ships. Not at the scent of Huon pine. Not as Callie's last breath eased out of her, in their house overlooking kanamaluka, the eastern sun warming her face right up to the final moments of her life. Not at his ninetieth birthday, surrounded by his family and what was left of his friends, as he felt both powerfully loved and profoundly alone.
Not even then, at the very end of his life, did he feel it again, although he always remembered it: this hugeness of feeling. This undamming of a whole summer's fear, this half-sickening lurch to joy. (pp.225-6)”
Robbie Arnott, Limberlost

“Your twenties are not your prime, they're your primer.”
Jenni Johnson

Beverly Sade
“In love, you won't always win but even in the loss. there's so much to gain.”
Beverly Sade, Through Her Eyes Behind Her Smile

H.L. Sudler
“What have you learned from your life? What will you take with you when you die? Will it be all the lessons you have learned, all the pain you remember? Romances, milestones, regrets, eras?”
H.L. Sudler, Patriarch: My Extraordinary Journey from Man to Gentleman

Matt Haig
“Quando você fica muito tempo num lugar, esquece como o mundo é grande e vasto. Não tem noção da extensão de suas longitudes e latitudes. Assim como, supôs ela, é difícil ter noção da vastidão dentro de qualquer pessoa.
Mas, assim que você sente essa vastidão, assim que algo a revela, a esperança surge, quer você queira ou não, e se agarra a você tão teimosamente quanto um líquen se agarra a uma rocha,”
Matt Haig, The Midnight Library

Heidi Barr
“When we let nature inform our self-inquiry and reflect on what comes up when we do, little by little, we uncover the parts of ourselves that can best contribute to the healing of the world.”
Heidi Barr, Collisions of Earth and Sky: Connecting with Nature for Nourishment, Reflection, and Transformation

Matt Haig
“Mas talvez fosse isso o que todas as vidas eram. Talvez até as que parecem valer a pena ou ser perfeitamente intensas fossem iguais, no fim das contas. Hectares de decepção, monotonia, mágoas e rivalidades, mas com flashes de encanto e beleza. Talvez aquele fosse o único significado que importava. Ser o mundo, testemunhando a si mesmo. Talvez não tenha sido a falta de conquistas que tenha tornado os pais dela infelizes, mas sim a expectativa da conquista,, para começo de conversa. Na verdade, ela não tinha a menor ideia de nada disso. Mas, naquele navio, ela se de conta de uma coisa. Ela havia amado os pais mais do que imaginara, e, ali mesmo, ela os perdoou completamente.”
Matt Haig, The Midnight Library

“No Matter Who We Are, When We Look Back, We Wonder If It Was Truly Us”
Frank D. Prestia

Moses Yuriyvich Mikheyev
“You don’t understand this when you’re younger but at some point, you cease doing things, cease creating new memories,” he thought aloud. “You are stuck in a rocking chair. And all you have are your memories. Those beautiful droplets of color you’ve managed to steal from the rainbow. And you go back to them over and over and over, like a Catholic praying the rosary. You dig in deep, sifting through decades, years, seasons, weeks, hours, and seconds of your life, trying to figure out what it all meant. I wanted to come back to you. I wanted to see you in color, to grasp my own little rainbow.”
Moses Yuriyvich Mikheyev, Vanishing Bodies: An Epic Science Fiction Romance

“When trust is lost, let experience guide you.”
Mahsati Abdul

“Hopefully your life doesn't become the reality and reflection of the stained feelings that you have impressed and imposed upon someone else.”
Niedria Kenny, Order in the Courtroom: The Tale of a Texas Poker Player

Joseph N. Vaughan
“...it's the darkness between the stars we have to make sense of.”
Joseph N. Vaughan, These Yellow Sands: Memories of Manteo

Joseph N. Vaughan
“We are all tourists when it comes to understanding the past. We visit what might have been and pretend to know what was.”
Joseph N. Vaughan, These Yellow Sands: Memories of Manteo

J.D. Vance
“For me, understanding my past and knowing that I wasn't doomed gave me the hope and fortitude to deal with the demons of my youth. And though it's cliche, the best medicine was talking about it with. the people who understood. I asked Aunt Wee if she had similar relationship experiences, and she answered almost reflexively: Of course.”
J.D. Vance, Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis

“Build me up like a tower on the heights of your sanctuary,
And set me like a seal upon your heart.
Make me drunk with the blood of the foe on the day of war
And satisfy me with his flesh on the night of redemption.
Place the cup of salvation upon my right hand
That my tongue may give voice in joy to a song of love.
For nearly a thousand years I have declared my sorrow
With many tears and with fasting,—will You not answer me?”
Samuel ha-

Nicholas Sparks
“Life endlessly offers us chances to set new directions and in the process grow and change; when we look in the rearview mirror, we catch a glimpse of former selves who sometimes seem unrecognizable.”
Nicholas Sparks

“Do you feel like a remnant of something that's past?”
Nick Drake (Musician)

Sujit Kumar Singh
“Is that why we have a tomorrow?’ he asked himself. ‘Tomorrow is about hope, and it’s always a little out of reach. But it is there. It’s always there.’
-From The Daughter”
Sujit Kumar Singh, The Daughter

Sujit Kumar Singh
“Tomorrow is about hope, and it’s always a little out of reach. But it is there. It’s always there.”
Sujit Kumar Singh, The Daughter

“Learn to embrace pain as a profound teacher, an impetus for introspection and transformation.”
Shaikh Mahmud bin Ilyas

Carlos Wallace
“Success in one area doesn’t always translate to success in another. - Leadership, Accountability, and the Cost of Anger: A Reflection on What Truly Defines Progress (Medium Story)”
Carlos Wallace

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