
Rafe Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rafe" Showing 1-30 of 44
Mary E. Pearson
I will find you.
In the farthest corner, I will find you.

Mary E. Pearson, The Kiss of Deception

Mary E. Pearson
“It's not an easy thing to tell the girl that you love more than life itself that you're going to marry someone else.”
Mary E. Pearson, The Beauty of Darkness
tags: rafe

Nora Roberts
“Can you stand a little closer?"
"You smell good. I like to smell you.”
Nora Roberts, The Return of Rafe MacKade

Mary E. Pearson
“If ever there were three mismatched riders, it was us- the crown prince of Dalbreck, the Assassin of Venda, and the fugitive princess of Morrighan. Sons and daughter of three kingdoms, each bent on domination of the other two.”
Mary E. Pearson, The Beauty of Darkness

Kelley Armstrong
“Sure. You get all slutty with Rafe. You freak out. You cry date rape drug.' - Hayley”
Kelley Armstrong

Mary E. Pearson
“She was a natural leader. This was where she needed to be. Letting her go had been the right choice, even if the decision still burned in my gut.”
Mary E. Pearson, The Beauty of Darkness
tags: rafe

Mary E. Pearson
“Of course you did." I took a step closer. "You have strengths, Tavish, that I greatly admire. You're skills helped saved Rafe's and my lives, for which I'll always be indebted to you. But there are other kinds of strength too. Quiet, gentle ones that are just as valuable, even if you don't entirely understand them.”
Mary E. Pearson, The Beauty of Darkness

Kelley Armstrong
"Where are you?"
I called.
"Over here. I'm..." A sharp intake of breath. "Hurt."
"Okay, stay where you are. I'm coming."

I broke into a jog. Only no matter how fast I ran, his scent and his voice didn't get any stronger. I kept going until I tripped over a root and hit the ground hard.
"Maya? Is that you?"

I pushed to my feet, wincing as I flexed my stinging hands. "I'm—"
"Maya! I need you."

His voice seemed to come from all around me. I spun, trying to pinpoint it, but he kept yelling, more panicking with every shout, my own panic rising until I flung myself forward—
Hands grabbed me and yanked me back. For a moment, all I saw was the darkness of night. Then it fell away, dawn light filtering through the trees, and I was standing in front of Daniel, his fingers wrapped around my wrist. Kenji was beside me, whimpering.
"I have to go,"
I said, wrenching from his grasp. "It's Rafe. He's out here. He's hurt and..."
My eyes filled with tears.
"I—" I swallowed. "I—"
Daniel took both my wrists and turned me to face him. "You were sleepwalking, Maya."
"It just...I could hear Rafe and he was hurt and I was trying to get to him and—"
My breath hitched. "It seemed real."
Daniel pulled me into a hug and I let myself collapse against his shoulder.

Kelley Armstrong, The Calling

Mary E. Pearson
“You have to make your peace with Kaden, and he with you. You are not on opposite sides anymore. Do you understand?”
Mary E. Pearson, The Beauty of Darkness

Mary E. Pearson
“Sometimes the smallest animal inflicts the greatest pain.”
Mary E. Pearson, The Kiss of Deception

Kelley Armstrong
"I...I still—"
"Can't believe it?"
Rafe shrugged. "I'm guessing a regular person wouldn't have survived. But we're part cat so maybe falls aren't so bad. I think I lost one of my nine lives though." He twisted to look at the stab wound. "Maybe two."
I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him, and when I did, I knew he was real—the heat of him, the smell of him, the feel of him, the taste of him so incredibly real that it surpassed anything my memory could conjure up. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back, and it was like every other amazing kiss he'd given me, multiplied ten-fold. I kissed him until I couldn't breathe, and then I kissed him a little more, until I had to pull back, gasping.
"I have got to die more often," he said. And he grinned, that incredible blaze of a grin that made me kiss him again.”
Kelley Armstrong, The Calling

Kelley Armstrong
“As she did, someone else poked his head in. Rafe.
"Maya?" He looked at the other two, then me. "Can we talk?"
"Rather not."

He lowered his voice. "Please?"
I said. "Just not tonight. Okay?"
He nodded and retreated.
"Sorry about that," I said when he was gone. "Inconveniently timed relationship angst."
Chloe looked from me to the now-empty doorway. "You and Rafe? Oh, I thought..." She trailed off and shook her head. "Never mind. So you were saying—"
"I thought you were with Daniel,"
Derek cut in.
Chloe gave him a look as I inwardly flinched.”
Kelley Armstrong, The Rising

Kelley Armstrong
"Okay, what'd I do?" he asked.
"Nothing. I'm just tired."
"Uh-uh. I suspected I was getting the cold shoulder earlier, but with everything going on, I wasn't sure. Now I'm sure. You're giving me the look."
"What look?"
"The Maya's-pissed-with-Corey look. Fifty percent disappointment, thirty percent disapproval, twenty percent exasperation. I've done something you're not happy about."

I hesitated, then blurted, "Rafe told me what you said about Daniel."
He frowned. "You're going to need to be a little more specific."
"In Salmon Creek, when Rafe and I started getting together. You told him to back off because Daniel..."
I glanced at the open door and lowered my voice. "Because Daniel likes me."
Kelley Armstrong, The Rising

Helen Harper
“I don't think I'm in love with you; I know I'm in love with you. We have nothing in common, but I don't think that matters. You're always there in my thoughts. Always.”
Helen Harper, Star Witch
tags: love, rafe

Bill Konigsberg
“I turned to Rafe and swam (and sunk) in his hazel eyes.”
Bill Konigsberg, Honestly Ben
tags: ben, love, rafe

Mary E. Pearson
“Stop cutting me off!" he yelled. The steel of his eyes sparkled with warning. "The least you can do is give me a chance to speak! We're gonna talk!”
Mary E. Pearson, The Beauty of Darkness

Mary E. Pearson
“From the weakest will come strength. From the hunted will come freedom.”
Mary E. Pearson, The Kiss of Deception

Kelley Armstrong
"It's okay," Rafe said again. "They've got you."
The helicopter spun, whipping us around. Pain shot through me as Rafe's weight almost wrenched my shoulders out of their sockets, and my hold on his wrists broke. Corey lost his grip on my leg. I heard him shout and Daniel shout and the girls join in, and I kicked, trying to get my leg back up where someone could grab it.
The helicopter tilted again. I started to slide, Daniel sliding with me. And I knew we were going to fall. Rafe, me, Daniel, we were all going to fall.
"Hold On!" I shouted to Rafe.
"It's okay," he said, and I wasn't even sure he spoke aloud, didn't see his lips moving. "It's okay."
He let go.
I clawed the air, screaming.
I didn't even see him drop. The helicopter banked and I caught only a blur of treetops spinning past and when I looked around, there was no Rafe. No sign of him at all.
Corey and Daniel dragged me back into the helicopter. Someone got the door closed. I don't know who. I was crying and shaking so hard I couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't think.
As I huddled on the floor, I felt Daniel behind me, his arms around me. Kenji pushed onto my lap, and I buried my face in her fur, gripping handfuls and sobbing against her.

Kelley Armstrong, The Calling

Kelley Armstrong
"So, I guess you'll be moving on, then?" she said. "Got thing to do? Places to be?"
Daniel winced. Corey lifted his brows. Rafe only sputtered a laugh.
"Well, at least you didn't say you're sorry to see me alive."
Kelley Armstrong, The Calling

Kelley Armstrong
“(Sam) "We need to focus and having Maya moon over Rafe us making everyone uncomfortable."
Rafe grinned. "Doesn't bother me."
"Because your ego really needs the encouragement."

Kelley Armstrong, The Calling

Kelley Armstrong
""You don't think that I'd say this to your face? I will. You're a self-centered jerk, Rafe Martinez. You've got everyone convinced that you sacrificed yourself for Maya and Daniel, but that's crap. You didn't let go. You slipped. Maya wanted to believe there was more to it, so she convinced Daniel—"
"She didn't convince me of anything,"
Daniel said, his voice low. "I was there, too, Sam. He let go."
"So? He's not actually dead, is he?"

Rafe sputtered a laugh. She glowered at him, then at Corey, who'd joined them, grinning as he heard. Even Daniel had to wipe away a smile.
"What?" she said. "He isn't."
"The, uh, fact that he survived his heroic sacrifice really shouldn't be held against him,"
Daniel said. "Look, I'm fine with Rafe—"
"No, you're not. Heroic sacrifice or not, he's still a jerk. He waltzed into Salmon Creek and stole Maya."
I said.
"It's not your fault. You two are both skin-walkers. It's animal magnetism. You can't help yourself." She glared at Corey, who was cracking up behind Rafe. "Stop that. You know it's true. Maya's too smart to fall for an arrogant, self-centered—"
Derek said.
Sam sighed. "I know you're trying to be fair, Daniel, but you need to stand up for yourself, not let this smirking bad boy wannabe waltz in and—"
Daniel's roar made everyone stumble back. He climbed the steps and stopped in front of Sam. "I don't know what your problem is, Sam, but you've now insulted everyone here except Corey."
"Oh, she already zinged me,"
Corey said. "I started rubbing my temples and she suggested I don't really get headaches. It just hurts me to think."
Kelley Armstrong, The Calling

Kelley Armstrong
"Get out of here," I said, barely able to open my jaw enough to get the words out.
Rafe looked surprised at first but seeing my face, that melted away and his own face hardened. He turned to Nicole.
"What'd you do?" he said.
"Wh-what did I do?" she squeaked. Her blue eyes rounded and she flinched, like a whipped puppy seeing a raised hand. "I-I don't understand."
"What's going on here?"
Hayley said.
"She..." I clenched my fists tighter and my face started to throb, as if I was about to shift. I took a deep breath and tried to find clam so I could explain.
"I-I don't understand," Nicole said again, tears welling up.
"Oh, stuff the theatrics," Sam said. She turned to the others. "Nicole killed Serena."
Kelley Armstrong, The Rising

Kelley Armstrong
“Nicole crumpled—just let her legs give way and fell to the floor, hunched and sobbing. Hayley looked at me. Even Rafe did. Uncertain looks from both of them. I had to admit, Nicole was a good actor. If I hadn't seen her switch from "sweet Nicole" to "raving lunatic Nicole" in a heartbeat at the campsite, I might have believed her myself.”
Kelley Armstrong, The Rising

Kat Falls
“That demented animal didn't deserve a name.”
Kat Falls, Inhuman

“Why did you tell me all this?"

"So if I die, you'd know not to come looking for me when you get to heaven.”
Lorraine Heath, Lord of Wicked Intentions

Kate  Stewart
“Well, good for you, a breakthrough. The Neanderthals will be pleased to have their leader back.”
Kate Stewart
tags: rafe

Bill Konigsberg
“I wanted to watch his mouth as I made him laugh. I wanted to see his face light up with the spark of whatever silly joke there was, and I wanted to kiss him too, and really more than that, which was not a straight thing, I know, but it was also true.”
Bill Konigsberg, Honestly Ben
tags: ben, love, rafe

Bill Konigsberg
“...when you have a foot in tomorrow and a foot in yesterday, you're pissing all over the present.”
Bill Konigsberg, Honestly Ben

“I geared at Sven. "Shut up. Just--shut--up."
"Shut up. That's the best you can do?"
I turned to look at Sven, sitting cocky and unperturbed in his saddle. "What I'd like to do is crack you in the jaw, but I don't strike the elderly and infirm”
Mary Pearson, The Kiss Of Deception: The Remnant Chronicles, tome 1
tags: rafe

Mary E. Pearson
“I didn’t come here to be interrogated,” I snapped. “What of all your attentions toward Calantha?”

His shoulders pulled back. “I suppose we’re both putting on the performances of our lives.”

His accusatory tone made my anger spark into a fire. “Performance? Is that what you call it? You lied to me. Your life’s complicated. That’s what you told me. Complicated?

“What are you dredging up? Last night or Terravin?”

“You act as if it happened ten years ago! You have such an interesting way with words. Your life isn’t complicated. You’re the blazing crown prince of Dalbreck! You call that a complication? But you went on and on about growing melons and tending horses and how your parents were dead. You shamelessly told me you were a farmer!”

“You claimed you were a tavern maid!”

“I was! I served tables and washed dishes! Have you ever grown a melon in your life? Yet you piled on lie after lie, and it never occurred to you to tell me the truth.”

“What choice did I have? I heard you call me a princely papa’s boy behind my back! One you could never respect!”

My mouth fell open. “You spied on me?” I whirled around, shaking my head in disbelief, crossing the room, then whipping back to face him. “You spied? Your duplicities never end, do they?”

He took an intimidating step closer. “Maybe if a certain tavern maid had bothered to tell me the truth first, I wouldn’t have felt that I had to hide who I was!”

I matched him step for angry step. “Maybe if a self-important prince had bothered to come see me before the wedding as I had asked, we wouldn’t be here now at all!”

“Is that so? Well, maybe if someone had asked with an ounce of diplomacy instead of commanding like a spoiled royal bitch, I would have come!”

I shook with rage. “Maybe someone was too scared out of her wits to properly choose her words for His Royal Pompous Ass!”
Mary E. Pearson, The Heart of Betrayal

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