
Psychology Quotes Or Mind Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "psychology-quotes-or-mind-quotes" Showing 1-13 of 13
“When you tell the truth that people don't want to hear. They dig into your life to find something they can discredit you with. To shift the focus from the truth and make people to focus on you. Until they doubt what you say. Sometimes the truth is always there. People are made to look somewhere else to forget about the truth.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Nothing adds up faster than
the emotions 'unaccounted for'.”
Dr. Sandeep Atre

Gad Saad
“Trigger warnings infantilize human resilience by coddling young adults into thinking that they do not possess the psychological strength to face life.”
Gad Saad, Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense

“Life these days .It Is not longer about being free and living the way you want to, but It is about who can make other people feel more uncomfortable. Who can cause a scene or be more dramatic. Who can command the most attention from others. It is all about all eyes on me.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“A cancel culture is people who have failed in life. People who failed to accomplished anything good .People who have failed to be themselves and to accept themselves. There is no successful person, Who can try to take away someone's plate or who can try to destroy what someone has built, because they know what does it take to accomplish and to achieve something.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos


According to the Bible, Joseph obtained enormous prestige in Egypt, when he was able to divine the dreams of the pharaoh,

As Joseph earned that feat with a great social prestige, in different traditions the "awareness" of the future, or an inaccessible present, always proved a merit that produces social honor. Weber (1922) considers the prophets, along with the priests and magicians, as examples of charismatic leaders, and this is because "predict " or " perceive" the future has been, in different traditions, a strong feat that has given pride and social prestige those who perform.
It postulates a "shield feat of awareness" that is intended to offset the impact on the pride of some future anti-feat. When the firepower that a possible future anti-feat has about pride and social prestige is too high and becomes unbearable, the person can go into that future equipped with a shield feat that will compensate. From that strategy, thinking badly of the future is a way of ensuring the "consolation prize" of having the merit of "prediction”.
According to Steele (1988 ), when a person experiences a negative assessment of himself in a particular field, they can initiate a process of self-affirmation activating positive beliefs in another area, thus achieving a positive overall assessment of itself. The pessimistic shield feat "awareness of future failure”, would be a merit that safeguards to offset the impact of that failure on self- concept , an achievement an overall assessment that is not so negative.”
Martín Ross, THE SHIELD FEATS THEORY: a different hypothesis concerning the etiology of delusions and other disorders.

“Imperfect Imperfections are the Perfect Perfections!”
Rohit Sharma (@rohit_sha)

“Everything is meant to be gained and lost. Money, jobs, position, titles, friends, relationships, food, and happiness. The trick is to make sure whatever you gained. You hold on to it the longest. You make the best of it. You enjoy it. You preserve it. You appreciate it. You value it. You don’t give it away or lose it before time. That includes life itself.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“You are the toxic one

After looking through the window. Look into the mirror .
Look through your cellphone. Is this you ?
You have cut all ties with people who spoke bad about you.
You know the danger of lies and rumors what it can do to a person.
But on social media you follow all the accounts that speak bad of others.
You follow and glorify all this toxic social media accounts.
Mean, vile , miserable , psychopath , pathological liars .
You are the first to laugh, comment and share their content.
Its you who is spreading the toxic gospel, you even tagging others.
Making remarks of not being judged by liking their content.
Asking others if it is only you, who likes their content or there are others like you ?
You have condition yourself to get excited every time ,
you hear bad news or bad things happening to others.
Next step will be you opening fake or catfish account if you haven’t already.
Bad traits have addiction,. Yours started by loving people secrets and downfall.
The reason you follow those accounts is to feed your inner soul.
It Is because you can relate. They are you and you are them.
You share the same mentality, views, sentiments, resemblance, ideology, and character traits.
You are justifying their wrong doings or sayings, because in you . There is nothing wrong they said or done.
After looking through the window. Look into the mirror . How toxic you are .
Look through your cellphone. How bad you have become.
By just adding or following someone who is toxic.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

A.X.Y. Grace
“Were you looking at the trees just now? Don’t look at the trees man. Look at the gaps between the trees – where you wanna go. Don’t you ski? Same theory…if you think about falling when you’re on a motorcycle, you’ll really go down. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy thing.”
A.X.Y. Grace, Adventures of the Restless Youth: The Caster Effect

“People who don’t value you and who think you don’t matter you are very good in destroying you and destroying everything you have.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Fame is a dangerous addictive drug . People lose their character, morals, principles, mind , manners, sanity just to have it.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos