
Poetic Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "poetic-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 65
Mohamad Jebara
“When joined with Hydrogen, oxygen makes a life-giving bond
Dihydrogen Monoxide
it’s found at the highest peak and in the deepest pond”
Mohamad Jebara, The Illustrious Garden

Amal El-Mohtar
“Her pen had a heart inside , and the nib was a wound in Vein .”
Amal El-Mohtar, This Is How You Lose the Time War

Nithin Purple
“The transparent glassy moon shines abroad, and reflects the radiance above jocund streams, a cluster of stars kiss the night’s cheek, I envy! the Music faints, yet it pretends to be happy, a beam of Wisdom stills me, and bestirs, my wings are unfolded to fly, to fly! to a world, never, ever have I seen, from a World, I lost the love.”
Nithin Purple

Nithin Purple
“On a delightful day, I planted a Vision, and it branched, like a Holy Basil-spread wide in the swaying mind, basking the innocent rain,and it grows unruffled and fertile in me.”
Nithin Purple

Nithin Purple
“A Magical vision, uplifting mind's perennial quest,while numberless shadows obscured the words flow.why must a Writer stop the play,for he has a cascade of stories and reasons to throw.”
Nithin Purple

Nithin Purple
“Gloomy, the small bird you were, slow and low,before just flying to the crown of Hill,with mended Errors and your accomplished songs.”
Nithin Purple

Nithin Purple
“Time has me limited to act, as Dreams are snowing to be near the passionate heart; too many thunders do my raining desire.”
Nithin Purple

Nithin Purple
“I have to be the man missing and musing much, love less and love breaking, hard times let me sleep a lonely man, worrying of building a love, may be fire to soul and ablaze high, for knowledge still loving the world of wonders!”
Nithin Purple

“It seems he cannot get near me, with my deep well of sadness, with my myopic awareness of the pain of the past and the severity of our family's dysfunction, without drinking from the well himself. Ten years later and my father's caught up with me With my eyes holding steady the reflection of all that happened, he looks into them and cannot deny the pain. The gift of burden I carry as the family truth teller is a token he willingly takes from me now. Where once I saw his tears as coins to cleanse me, too much time has passed for me to have remained in that purgatory. Our family's poison held as a ruby in my throat for so long now, I see him cry, but it's me who is under glass. No longer with a child's heart, his tears fall on barren soul.”
Julie Gregory, My Father's Keeper

Nanette L. Avery
“Love is a sonnet
Its couplets squeeze beating hearts
Poetic last breath”
Nanette L. Avery

“Unfortunately, all of our plans in life and business are not as easy to achieve as we can foresee. The great high seas of business lurks with danger as waves roll, releasing tremendous slaps of roaring thunder against the ship’s thick coat of steel, yet the hull remains intact afloat. It is the unforeseen razor tip of a mysterious iceberg that pierces through with tremendous power and unanticipated destruction. Challenging every atom of carbon once a great bastion of strength now doomed for certain failure as the crystal blades of frozen ice slice through, delivering the fatal blow and sending that once lively ship of strength to its end at the peaceful bottom.”
Les LaMotte, Imagineer Your Future: Discover Your Core Passions

“For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee.”
Pyrrha Nikos, Monty Oum

Natalia  Avila
“Havia ar o bastante à sua volta, mas não o suficiente para parar a faca que atravessava seu coração.”
Natalia Avila, A Falsificadora de Mapas

Natalia  Avila
“Aprendi que possuo tudo aquilo que conheço. O conhecimento, os erros, as memórias. Passei a viver nas histórias de livros e de músicas e, de repente, a vida de personagens que jamais existiram, era a minha também.”
Natalia Avila, Se Essa Rua Fosse Minha

“Depois de se afundar na tristeza daqueles momentos, sua imaginação fez questão de pregar uma peça na menina. Que, ao forçar um pouquinho mais a sua mente, teve certeza de que conseguia ver a sombra da Morte escondida sorrateiramente sobre um breu escuro no canto, deixando escapar, sem querer — ou para provocar ainda mais o seu pânico — um pequeno pedaço prateado e reluzente do seu cajado.”
Natália Pereira Souza, Ra��zes, Lendas & Sangue - Uma Releitura do Folclore Brasileiro

Harshvardhan Rai
“I seize the faults – to quit.
But never ever, I enlist
The intent of relinquishing
The adequacy of my life;
If it gets chosen:
I may cast it off,
Unless I rase it off:
It surely would never go
Out of my eternal clench.”
Harshvardhan Rai, The Analecta

Nick Oliveri
“The fate of the sun was to burn bright and, soon after, burst and burn out, killing and cooling and bleeding into darkness. That was their relationship.”
Nick Oliveri

Nithin Purple
“We wake everyday with soft tunes of Nature, her beats give us an impulse to live, though in agonies, she spreads the light, for our fleeting dreams to be true!”
Nithin Purple

Nithin Purple
“Solitude, the pricy state seeking tranquil air, for errors, for apologies, behold! a calm down side, beneath the sloppy, hilly village’s canopying shade, there is the warmth of lonely peace to respite”
Nithin Purple

Nithin Purple
“I drank a bitter cup of ale, a cupful of fancy, and thoughts slide beyond the mountain rill; clasping every fairness to the quill, the scent of flowers, the musical choir of birds, o’ air! the Divine here! for a poet’s joy to sigh!”
Nithin Purple

Nithin Purple
“O’ quiet, the steadfast mind ponders a lot, with thoughts, so high in a creative surge. sinks into the Lethe of solitude sincerely, and forgets the cloudy paths of an awful past.”
Nithin Purple

Nithin Purple
“Peace, I seek to deck my passion, for I Love you much Calliope, the fine voice: as It belongs to a never discouraging land, where Moon it never wans and Music rave high”
Nithin Purple

Abhijit Naskar
“Good poetry isn't born,
When everything makes sense.
Good poetry is born,
When nothing makes sense.”
Abhijit Naskar, Divane Dynamite: Only truth in the cosmos is love

“Poetic-Philosophical Passage:
«Perecer y enfrentar la agonía que impone el lacerante e inexorable destino, o claudicar a su reclamo, pues no perdurará tibio invierno que, a la vera de esta agria adversidad, pueda mitigar ya la realidad»

Esta cita de la obra "Odysseus" explora la difícil elección entre enfrentar las dificultades y el sufrimiento que impone un destino implacable, o rendirse y aceptar la derrota, sabiendo que cualquier período de alivio será efímero en medio de la amarga adversidad.”
David Silvestre, Odysseus

“She is....
Quiet and observant. Provacative and witty. Humble and confident. Manifested and evolving. Art...
She is Art.”
Kierra C.T. Banks

Mitta Xinindlu
“Climb That Mountain (Poem)

There is a mountain placed before us.
It's wide, big; high above the clouds.
With no way around it;
no choice about it.
Just to climb it,
even through low sighs.

Some mountains, we choose.
Often those that we pursue
are easy to climb.
They leave no bruise;
we step on them like crumbs.
No sweat, no fuse.
But also no valuable lesson.
Just an excuse after an excuse.

There are harsh sessions on the high mountain.
Hard lessons on the big mountain.
No breaks, no fountains.
Just hardships and rough times.
No awards, no rewards.
Just emotional, mental tides and fines.

Fine, we usually accept the challenge.
Out of options, we welcome the change.
An exchange of comfort for caution.
We become deranged for family.
For our children, friends, even lovers.
Some lovers who may become an enemy.
We become a destiny with no back covers.
With our back against the wall.
Our back totally exposed to all.

But, step by step,
day by day,
with our veins, we climb up but not in vain.
Some days we want to go back to our fortress.
Some days we only see black, no success.
But, after a while, mounting in grime,
we forget about the pain.
The hardships start to fade.

We start to familiarise the pain with the trees.
We accept the bushes and rocks as home.
We follow the footsteps of animals and bees;
looking for shortcuts to roam.
Seeking solace in the shade of what we see.
We seek and become one with isolation.

In isolation, we start to rely on ourselves more.
We learn to love all our sores;
to trust our own instincts.
We become stronger and sharper in senses.
And the stronger we become,
the faster we mount in fun.
In the end, we reach the top.
Out of it all,
we come out unbreakable, alive.
Tired but, surely, revived.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“Edge of the Sword (Poem)

I have long sensed that you're an edge of a sword.
In halve you managed to pierce me with taps and words.
Today those words have turned into a session of stabbing.
You cut me deep with your point, my spine is flapping.

Who knew that you'd burn into an anatomy of a dagger?
To you both the blade and the pommel are the same in danger.
Even the peen block is equally harmful too.
And the guard and the grip form an army of tools.
So, I fall bleeding from your thrust;
Oh! With my body full of bruises and cuts.
But only the soil has an interest to lick these wounds
For my blood giveth commitment and feeds it life in full.

How can a battle of love turn into an unending war?
Bow, allow my wailing to cease your cause.
Why torture me whereas even fallen leaves nurture my sores
And the ground quenches its thirst through my peeled pores?

Woe to your love.
It touches my trauma with soiled gloves. ”
Mitta Xinindlu

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