
Oneness With God Quotes

Quotes tagged as "oneness-with-god" Showing 1-18 of 18
E'yen A. Gardner
“Oneness with God is not a dream, it is the only reality. Everything else is an illusion.”
E'yen A. Gardner

Swami Dhyan Giten
“Enlightenment is not an experience at all, because the experiencer is lost. The "I", the ego is lost.
Enlightenment is more like an experiencing. It is a process. It begins, but it never ends. You enter it, but you can never possess it. It is a deep merging and melting with Existence. It is a oneness. It is like a drop dropping into the Ocean.”
Swami Dhyan Giten

Abhijit Naskar
“The self, when confined into the usual wakeful state of consciousness, is human, but when enters into the transcendental state of Absolute Oneness, becomes God. Basically, the human and the God are two sides of the same coin. Or to be more specific, the human self and the God self are both creations of molecules in the human brain.”
Abhijit Naskar, Neurons of Jesus: Mind of A Teacher, Spouse & Thinker

Rabindranath Tagore
“Love is the highest bliss that man can attain to, for through it alone he truly knows that he is more than himself, and that he is at one with the All.”
Rabindranath Tagore, Sadhana

Vivian Amis
“The prayer that is heard is not of many words, but of Oneness”
Vivian Amis, The Lotus - Realization of Oneness

“The Love, Loves You from You.”
Syed Sharukh

“There is no religion of GOD but there is a GOD of every religion.”
Syed Sharukh

“I was searching for myself in order to find "YOU”
Syed Sharukh

Manprit Kaur
“God is constantly Creating, Experiencing, Witnessing, De-constructing, and Expanding. God is everything and everyone – that’s the realm where we don’t exist at all. That’s the realm where there’s none, but One”
Manprit Kaur

Abhijit Naskar
“The self, when confined into the usual wakeful state of consciousness, is human, but when enters into the transcendental state of Absolute Oneness, becomes God.”
Abhijit Naskar, Neurons of Jesus: Mind of A Teacher, Spouse & Thinker

Abhijit Naskar
“I do not hail myself as an atheist, for I am not an atheist. In fact, I have met God, felt God and even lived in God, same as the prophets of human history. But mark you, humanism cannot be compromised because of some doctrines presented as God’s command. In the domain of transcendence, all commands received by the mind, are created by the mind itself. They manifest as divine revelations, but in reality, they are revelations rising from the mind itself. And as such, they have potential to be both good and evil.”
Abhijit Naskar, Principia Humanitas

“We are all one: just an extension of each other, expressing ourselves in different human forms.”
Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D, MBA

Jan Golembiewski
“The Muslims around me were right; there was only one God, and the others... well there weren’t any others because there was only one.”
Jan Golembiewski, Magic

“It is has been postulated that all the events in a person’s life parallel those of past and future civilizations. The sages tell us that there is no individual truth. There exists only universal truth. Cultures endowed the basic reality that speaks to us with many names. The ultimate truth might or might not be a singular Godhead per se, but rather the oneness that we intuitively seek to connect with comes without manifestation or form. Liberation from suffering is what ultimately leads to union with this oneness, a sought after state of consciousness beyond being and nonbeing, beyond tangibility or comprehension. Surrendering all earthly attachments, renouncing all desires, and relinquishing any form of being, represent the inaugural steps I should make in order to connect with the sense of oneness that I seek. All things, people, and events of this world – grass, plants, trees, rivers, oceans, sand, stones, birds, fish, animals, insects, birth, death, flood, fire, pestilence, war, saints, crooks, heroes, delusion, and enlightenment – are part of a sacred reality.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“I'm Different, I Don't See Any Difference-in-Differences.”
Syed Sharukh

Ulonda Faye
“When I think of a God, I think of giving and receiving. A deep destiny and song within us all waiting to be sung. As our Oneness, when we embody God, and in our service we offer as our gift to all.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul