
On Being Quotes

Quotes tagged as "on-being" Showing 1-30 of 48
Marie Howe
“To resist metaphor is very difficult because you have to actually endure the thing itself.”
Marie Howe

“In the quiet depths of sincerity, our spirit finds the rest it seeks. For to live truthfully is to walk a path that lightens the soul’s burdens and brings serenity to the heart.”
An Marke

“Authenticity is the gentle art of aligning one's inner landscape with the outer world. It is through this harmony that we find true peace, unburdened by the weight of pretense.”
An Marke

Anne Lamott
“The search is the meaning, the search for beauty, love, kindness and restoration in this difficult, wired and often alien modern world. The miracle is that we are here, that no matter how undone we've been the night before, we wake up every morning and are still here. It is phenomenal just to be.”
Anne Lamott, Stitches: A Handbook on Meaning, Hope and Repair by Anne Lamott

“On a personal level, the soulful path invites us into a profound intimacy with our own being. It is a slow and tender unfolding, like the petals of a flower opening to the sun, where we come to know ourselves in the full richness of our humanity. Here, we learn the art of presence, of dwelling fully in the now, where the past and the future lose their hold, and all that remains is the sacredness of the present moment. In this place, we find a deep well of peace, a stillness that nourishes the soul and allows us to hear the quiet voice within—a voice that speaks not in words, but in the language of the heart, guiding us gently along the path of our true nature.”
Alma Camino

“Life is not a series of tasks to be completed but a sacred dance to be savored, where every breath, every heartbeat, is an invitation to commune with the mystery of life.”
Alma Camino

“In this global dance of souls, the ripple effects of our actions are profound. A single act of kindness, a moment of deep listening, a gesture of love—these seemingly small actions have the power to heal, to bridge divides, and to create a ripple of peace that extends far beyond our immediate experience. In this way, the soulful path is not just a personal journey but a collective one, where each step we take in love and awareness contributes to the healing of the world.”
Alma Camino

“A wild heart is not unruly, but true to its nature, flowing with the seasons of change and growth. It finds refuge in the wilderness not to escape the world, but to reconnect with the forgotten parts of itself. In the stillness of the forest, it hears its own voice, ancient and free, rising like a mountain stream.”
An Marke

“In the wilderness, the heart learns the language of silence, where the soul remembers its primal song. It is here, in the raw beauty of untamed land, that the wild heart stirs awake, unafraid of its own depths. The wilderness does not ask us to conquer it, but to yield to its mystery, to let it shape us as the wind shapes the trees.”
An Marke

“Joy does not arrive fully formed, but is woven gently through the threads of gratitude. When we pause to acknowledge the quiet blessings that surround us, we find that joy has always been near, waiting to rise from the heart's quiet surrender. In the presence of gratitude, joy emerges not as an isolated moment but as a constant companion, guiding us through both the light and shadow of our days.”
An Marke

“Every step we take has the potential to touch sacred ground, for the divine Presence does not wait for grand altars or towering cathedrals. In the soft grass beneath our feet, in the quiet corners of our days, the sacred reveals itself in the simplicity of life. When we open our hearts to the moment, any place can become holy—a meeting place between the soul and the unseen.”
An Marke

“In the quiet moments of dawn, when the world is still whispering its secrets, we may find that what we feared most was merely a shadow longing for the light of our compassion.”
An Marke, Heart’s Echoes: Blessings for Living in Harmony

“The rugged terrains of our challenges often conceal a tender landscape beneath, waiting for us to walk with grace and reveal the hidden beauty within our trials.”
An Marke, Heart’s Echoes: Blessings for Living in Harmony

“In the labyrinth of life, the walls that once seemed to confine us often hold within them the paths to our deepest truths. With patience and tenderness, we may find that each turn leads us closer to our own inner sanctuary.”
An Marke

“The weight of sorrow can be a bridge to profound wisdom, for in every tear and tremor lies a silent prayer for transformation and a deeper connection to the boundless grace of being.”
An Marke

“Allow yourself to be quietly surprised by the rhythm of life. Each moment holds within it a lesson, not necessarily answered but rather lived and experienced. Embrace the unfolding mystery with grace and patience.”
An Marke, Heart’s Echoes: Blessings for Living in Harmony

“In the quiet spaces between thoughts, there lies a profound truth. It is in these moments of stillness that we encounter the gentle whisper of wisdom, guiding us through the unknown with a tender touch.”
An Marke

“Life’s questions are like the stars scattered across the night sky—each one a beacon of wonder. Rather than seeking to answer them all at once, allow them to illuminate your path and guide you gently toward what is yet to come.”
An Marke

“To dwell in the realm of the unknown is to cultivate a delicate trust in the unfolding of time. Embrace the journey with an open heart, knowing that each unanswered question is an invitation to explore the depth and beauty of the present moment.”
An Marke

“In the quiet of the heart, we find the space where all things are possible and where the soul's true longing is revealed.”
An Marke

“When the path ahead seems obscured, trust that the journey itself will unfold with its own hidden wisdom.”
An Marke

“The journey of sincerity is one of profound simplicity. When we let go of the façades we construct, we open the door to a deeper, more harmonious connection with ourselves and others.”
An Marke

“In the quiet spaces between us, love finds its truest expression. To let go is not to lose, but to honor the sacred rhythm of freedom that the heart yearns to dance within.”
An Marke

“Love’s deepest wisdom lies in the art of release. We are drawn to hold tightly, yet the grace of love unfolds when we allow each other the freedom to journey in our own direction.”
An Marke

“Do not wish me a life free from sorrow or hardship, for such a life is but a fleeting dream. Instead, grant me the fortitude to face each trial with grace, the wisdom to find meaning in each struggle, and the humor to laugh even when the journey seems heavy.”
An Marke

“The depth of suffering is but a canvas; it is through the brushstrokes of mourning and the hues of patience that we paint a picture of compassion and renewal. To each sorrow, let us add the colors of love and vulnerability.”
An Marke, The Path of Forgiveness: 15 Gentle Steps to Forgive Even When It Feels Impossible

“Suffering opens the door to a deeper journey, but it is the light of patience, the warmth of love, and the depth of openness that illuminate the path ahead. In embracing our own tender humanity, we find the wisdom that transcends mere pain.”
An Marke, The Path of Forgiveness: 15 Gentle Steps to Forgive Even When It Feels Impossible

“The river of life flows gently, rewarding those who learn to rest in its currents rather than grasping for the distant shore. It is in the calm surrender to the present moment that we discover the true richness of our journey.”
An Marke

“To stand upon the shore and wait, without expectation, is to open oneself to the profound gifts that only time can bestow. In the patience of waiting, we find the deeper currents of grace that flow through the heart.”
An Marke

“The forest teaches us that growth unfolds in its own time, free from the haste of human desire. In the gentle rhythm of the seasons, we learn that the most precious gifts are those given freely, without demand or rush.”
An Marke

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