
Not Giving Up Quotes

Quotes tagged as "not-giving-up" Showing 1-30 of 41
Charlotte Eriksson
“So many people will tell you ”no”, and you need to find something you believe in so hard that you just smile and tell them ”watch me”. Learn to take rejection as motivation to prove people wrong. Be unstoppable. Refuse to give up, no matter what. It’s the best skill you can ever learn.”
Charlotte Eriksson

Kiera Cass
“That's why you can't give up. Heroes don't give up.”
Kiera Cass, Happily Ever After

Charlotte Eriksson
“Living in this skin is hard and painful, most of the times, because I never volunteered to take this on. The daily sacrifice of heart over mind,
the forever ongoing task of explaining this and that,
and why I don’t want to look like this and
be like that
but still here I am and if this is the body I’ve been given I’m sure as hell gonna make it work.”
Charlotte Eriksson

“Let go and go beyond living the dream, by dreaming the reality, into a reality beyond the dream.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow

“In these times where it has seemed dark indeed
where integrity appears solely buried in legend and lore,
it is an opportunity in contrast to the shadows,
to create miracles...
by choosing first courage,
then diligence,
opening our mouth
and speaking the truth that in rare moments,
may ignite the light.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow

Shane L. Koyczan
“She tells me about dreams. She says my dreams are helium and balloons, and I've made the mistake of letting go a few to many times, but I still got this one. Tied around my finger like a wedding ring because even though I don't believe in marriages, I'm gonna bring this one home.”
Shane Koyczan, Silence Is A Song I Know All The Words To

Dolly Parton
“Is it easy?
No it ain’t
Can I fix it?
No I cain’t
But I sure ain’t gonna take it lyin’ down”
Dolly Parton, Run, Rose, Run

“My goal is not to upset the apple cart, but to make it more accessible.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow

Jennifer DeLucy
“Some people you don't give up on. Not because you can tell what they'll be or what will happen. Not because of that. It's because something inside you insists that you shouldn't---something knows more or knows better, stubbornly holds its ground, even while the the rest of the world and a million statistics and your own rational brain buzzes around you, chanting that you're a fool. And maybe they're right. Maybe you ARE a fool. But what if you're not? Can you give up without knowing if that voice was right all along? Where's the peace in that?”
Jennifer DeLucy

“She has been through tough times yet she chooses never to give up hope, even when the day turns dark for her she always tries to bring light into it. She is a woman that never believes in failure. Give her sand and she will turn it into a moulding block. When you humiliate her she sees it as courage. She is an example of hope. She has a concept of self fulfilment, she has the ability to stand up to the antagonist. She is an example of a strong woman.”
Deborah Nwakwesili.

“You only lose when you stop trying.”

Natalie C. Parker
“She wanted it so keenly that a spark of hope wedged between her ribs like one of those stars, glimmering against all reason.”
Natalie C. Parker, Steel Tide

“I asked, “When the Rebellions were at its peak doing nonsense, everyone was trying to keep away from the area, yet you were going in, why were you going into that area?
Supt. Strachan answered quite frankly,
Because I was not afraid. I felt like they are my people, they are my color. I don’t know of anyone born after me that I should be afraid of, that was how I felt. I knew I could’ve walk through Strachan’s Corner, sit down and felt at home, and their parents also accepted me.
I came to the conclusion; these kids just need someone to show them some attention. They just wanted to belong, that was what a lot of them were looking for. So I said to myself, if I could assist them I would, and that was what I did. Supt. Allerdyce Strachan, the first female officer to rise to the rank of superintendent on the Royal Bahamas Police Force.”
Drexel Deal, The Fight of My Life is Wrapped Up in My Father

B. Beth
“For me, real strength is going through an adverse childhood and sticking to your dreams. It’s your family telling you they won’t help you pay for your education and refusing to give up. It’s pursuing that education with the constant stress of a difficult home life. It’s not having an inherent support system and creating one for yourself. It’s experiencing the worst time in your life and hoping tomorrow will be better. It’s looking death straight in the face and saying, “Not today.”
It’s calling for help when you know you need it the most. It’s making difficult decisions when you know whichever you choose will result in judgment. It’s rebuilding your life after it feels like it fell apart. It’s hearing some of your very best friends say to you they want nothing to do with you and telling them, “I understand.”

Real strength, my friends, is not giving up.”
B. Beth, Self-Preservation

Sun Tzu
“When a force
Has fallen into danger,
It can
Snatch victory
From defeat.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Stephanie Garber
“I'm not giving up on Jacks,' Evangeline said.

Lala briefly pursed her lips. 'That's a very human thing to say.

'I can't tell if that's a compliment or an insult.'

'I think it's a bit of both.”
Stephanie Garber, A Curse for True Love

George R.R. Martin
“Io continuerò a scrivere. Un capitolo alla volta, una pagina alla volta, una parola alla volta, è tutto quello che so fare.”
George R.R. Martin

古舘春一, ハイキュー!! 1 [Haikyū!! 1]

“The only reason to live is that we did not succeed.”
Mursel Murselzade

Miguel Ruiz
“Yaşamak insanların en büyük korkusu. Ölüm, sahip olduğumuz en büyük korku değildir; en büyük korkumuz yaşamak için risk almaktan korkmamızdır. Gerçekte kim olduğumuzu ifade ederek yaşayabilme riskini almaktan korkuyoruz. Sadece kendimiz olarak yaşamaktan korkuyoruz. Hayatımızı, başka insanların taleplerini, beklentilerini karşılamaya çalışarak yaşamayı öğrendik. Başka insanların bakış açılarına uygun olarak yaşamayı öğrendik. Çünkü kabul edilmemekten, başkası için yeterince iyi olamamaktan korkuyoruz.”
Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements

“Repetition, repetition, repetion; equals Results.”
Jeanette Coron

Jimmy Carter
“She drove down from North Carolina to see me, and reminded me of scriptural lessons that tragedies and disappointments should be a source of increased patience, strength, wisdom, and a commitment to our Christian life. I rejected her premises at first, but Ruth finally convinced me to relegate my political and business ambitions to a secondary position of importance for a while and to assume some challenging religious commitments.”
Jimmy Carter, Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis

“Never give up on the things you want, even though it's not coming as quick as expected, still do not give up. Never lose hope. Believe in you.”
Deborah Nwakwesili.

“Winning becomes addicted to you when you destroy all the excuses of giving up.”
Hiral Nagda

“One reason for not giving up, not quitting, is that the great tales are told about those who refused to surrender - those who ventured forward in hope...
Real heroism... requires us to struggle with hope, yet without the assurance of victory.”
Ralph C. Woods

“Finding Light within Darkness. The gateway to all understanding.”
Anonymous Creator

“Do what you know and what you do best, even when the situations or circumstance don’t favor you. Don’t lose focus on the end goal. Don't be distracted, discouraged or lose hope when things are not working out at the moment. Hold on until the end. Sometimes our destiny is not to lose. The only reason we lose it is because we gave up.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

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