Night Sky Quotes

Quotes tagged as "night-sky" Showing 91-120 of 153
“I slept under the moonlight and set my soul free, caged within jars like fireflies".”
Prajakta Mhadnak

Munia Khan
“Dawn and dusk are mutual friends of the sun; one opens the door for him to a brand new day and the other one has to shut it to embrace the darkness of night.”
Munia Khan

Avijeet Das
“Some nights are not meant for sleeping; they are meant for talking to the stars!”
Avijeet Das

Laura Chouette
“And the darkness felt suddenly like home again.

Like a familiar place in the shadows
where we used to meet.”
Laura Chouette

Munia Khan
“Give me one more night to taste the dark
When wolves imitate a lone dog's bark
Let those secrets remain unspoken
Fallen angel's heart now lover's token
Light grows dim burying riddle’s death
Just breathe to free your one last breath”
Munia Khan

George R.R. Martin
“Torches just blind you. On a clear night like this, the moon and the stars are enough.”
George R.R. Martin

“As dawn leaks into the sky it edits out the stars like excess punctuation marks, deleting asterisks and periods, commas, and semi-colons, leaving only unhinged thoughts rotating and pivoting, and unsecured words.”
Ann Zwinger, Downcanyon: A Naturalist Explores the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon

Alexandra Oliva
“I think I can hear the unseen moon”
Alexandra Oliva, The Last One

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
“When I opened my eyes, I saw nothing but the pool of nocturnal sky, for I was lying on my back with outstretched arms, face to face with that hatchery of stars. Only half awake, still unaware that those depths were sky, having no roof between those depths and me, no branches to screen them, no root to cling to, I was seized with vertigo and felt myself as if flung forth and plunging downward like a diver. But I did not fall. From nape to heel I discovered myself bound to earth. I felt a sort of appeasement in surrendering to it my weight. Gravitation had become as sovereign as love. The earth, I felt, was supporting my back, sustaining me, lifting me up, transporting me through the immense void of night.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand and Stars

Avijeet Das
“The moon embalms me with her love and she kisses me good night. The nightingale sings her song of love when I take rest in the arms of darkness in the night!”
Avijeet Das

Munia Khan
“Dark night knows what full moon requires
When all your love my heart acquires
Celestial bodies no more faded
Life makes sound; silence invaded”
Munia Khan

Avijeet Das
“Sometimes all you need to do is just hold on to yourself! Look at the stars in the sky, listen to the sweet murmurings of the breeze, inhale the fragrance of the night, and you will feel fine!”
Avijeet Das

Dave Webb
“To me, there's nothing quite like a beautiful night sky to put everything into perspective and focus. It clears the mind. It's comforting to know that the darker it gets, the more stars begin to shine.

-Max Art”
Dave Webb, Ad Astra: 161 Adventurers, Astronauts, Discoverers, Explorers, Pilots, Pioneers, Scientists

Munia Khan
“Night never needs a shade
but it requires to fade
into the grin of twinkling stars
where light is just a glint of scars”
Munia Khan

Luke Gracias
“The clear night, so distant from any light pollution, had summoned every star in the sky to shine.”
Luke Gracias, The Devil's Prayer

Darnell Lamont Walker
“Watching the sun set is like watching a beautiful kid die for a good cause.”
Darnell Lamont Walker

Chelsea Vanderbeek
“I always thought of the stars like a handful of gems that God randomly tossed across the sky, saying, 'Here, go wherever you please.”
Chelsea Vanderbeek, Forget Me

Ted Chiang
“The hush of the night sky is the silence of a graveyard.”
Ted Chiang, The Great Silence

Fridtjof Nansen
“The starry sky is the truest friend in life, when you first become acquainted; it is ever there, it gives ever peace, ever reminds you that your restlessness, your doubt, your pains are passing trivialities. The universe is and will remain unshaken. Our opinions, our struggles, or sufferings are not so important and unique, when all is said and done.”
Fridtjof Nansen

Courtney Praski
“Imagine the fear the first men must have felt when they saw the sun setting on the horizon and the dark night beginning to rise—They must have felt such hopelessness within their hearts as the darkness descended, only for it to spark back to life as the stars began to shine through. However, the stars do not burn like the sun, do they? They provide little light for the land, which makes one wonder, that perhaps conquering the dark was not their purpose. Maybe the creators of the world intended when they made them, not to bring light into the world, but instead for them to serve as something else.

That is the great mystery of our world, is it not? Why would the creators, the gods who shaped the land and the heavens with their hands, forge something so stunning, so dazzling, only to then hide them away during the day and allow men to gaze upon their beauty only when darkness is present—this must mean something, right?

Maybe that was their intention all along. Perhaps they knew they could not eliminate the darkness of the night, so instead, they created these beautiful glowing lights in the sky—a small light for the people to cling to—to serve as a constant reminder to all that looked up, that no matter how dark the world seemed, there would always be light.

Maybe that is why they created you as well”
Courtney Praski, The Seven

F. Scott Fitzgerald
“The sky was low at night, full of the presence of a strange and watchful God.”
F.Scott Fitzgerald

John Berger
“Those who first invented and then named the constellations were storytellers. What it changed was the way people read the night sky.”
John Berger

Angela Panayotopulos
“She spared a glance for the townscape of jagged roofs and straggly tree branches, of rough edges that snagged the sky and made it bleed starlight.”
Angela Panayotopulos

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“The night sky is a dignified black princess freckled with the stars. Get lost in her beauty to find it in your darkness.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones, Giants At Play: Finding Wisdom, Courage, And Acceptance To Encounter Your Destiny

Alisha Sevigny
“A starry sky is something that touches your soul. Our civilization's religion, philosophy, science, art and literature all have roots with our views of the heavens, and we are now losing this with consequences we cannot fully know. What happens when we cannot be inspired by the night sky?”
Alisha Sevigny, Summer Constellations

“The sky is dense with light, so many stars crowded against one another, it looks like the night is too small for them. How will they get out? I imagine they will hold hands to become morning.”
Nora Pierce, The Insufficiency of Maps

A.P. Sweet
“at night i loved her
at night i waited under the tarp
at night i watched her looking up at the stars dreaming
of a better time to
watch me”
A.P. Sweet, The Abattoir of Silence

Kelsey Brickl
“Sometimes the smoke from the factories and riverboats and trains would obscure the night sky entirely. But the town's industrial breath was blowing somewhere else tonight, and so the Armstrong house was bathed in starlight. Nell studied the little white specks, like glittering dust on black velvet, and she asked,

"You boys ever wonder what it'd be like to be somewhere else?”
Kelsey Brickl, Hardtack: A Civil War Story

Dr Tracey Bond
“Stars are made for public light shows, consider how the night sky sheers out cosmic cheers at their glow!”
Tracey Bond

Gwen Calvo
“the night sky in the forest is a dilating blackness”
Gwen Calvo