Nations Quotes

Quotes tagged as "nations" Showing 151-180 of 256
Paul Bamikole
“We hear the world governments talking about peace but we know each government is busy secretly making weapons capable of destroying the entire planet.”
Paul Bamikole

Karl Marx
“Or how does it happen that trade, which after all is nothing more than the exchange of products of various individuals and countries, rules the whole world through the relation of supply and demand—a relation which, as an English economist says, hovers over the earth like the fate of the ancients, and with invisible hand allots fortune and misfortune to men, sets up empires and overthrows empires, causes nations to rise and to disappear—while with the abolition of the basis of private property, with the communistic regulation of production (and implicit in this, the destruction of the alien relation between men and what they themselves produce), the power of the relation of supply and demand is dissolved into nothing, and men get exchange, production, the mode of their mutual relation, under their own control again?”
Karl Marx, The German Ideology / Theses on Feuerbach / Introduction to the Critique of Political Economy

Haroutioun Bochnakian
“We have always trusted the control of our doomsday devices to the “key” elected of our nations.
The current “interests” reorganizing the world now transcend the interests of nations.
So these weapons will only be launched to serve interests other than that of the nations that launch them;

Hence the “key” elected…”
Haroutioun Bochnakian, The Human Consensus and The Ultimate Project Of Humanity

Assegid Habtewold
“Many of the confusions, conflicts, and disarrays that are rampant in today’s organizations, communities, and nations could have been avoided if leaders have solid self-awareness...”
Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

“The Good News of the gospel of salvation must be declared to all nations.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“If lawmakers in nations today refused to be bribed and be corrupted by some larger-than-life leaders, the people will be less insulted and molested by ungodliness and injustice.”
Sunday Adelaja, The Mountain of Ignorance

“When you see injustice among the nations, you will find out that the root cause is covetousnes.”
Sunday Adelaja, Insulted By Ungodliness: Raising a generation of the provoked in every nation

“God wants us to be significant; he wants the world to know us that is why He encourages us to have an active civil position in our nations”
Sunday Adelaja

“Only those who are filled with God are able to carry revival and become deliverers and saviors for whole nations”
Sunday Adelaja

“God deals with nations”
Sunday Adelaja

“The church is a house of prayer for all nations”
Sunday Adelaja

“God’s great heart of love cannot be satisfied until he sees the nations that he loves bowing in worship before him”
Sunday Adelaja

“God is concerned with the salvation of nations”
Sunday Adelaja

“It’s not God’s great love that falls short in accomplishing redemption of nations”
Sunday Adelaja

“We are not called to bring redemption to the nations single handedly”
Sunday Adelaja

“We have taken the holistic message preached in the Old Testament and New Testaments and reduced our message to the entry point into the Kingdom.”
Landa Cope, An Introduction to the Old Testament Template: Rediscovering God's Principles for Discipling Nations

“You know the truth and you have to pass it to others, you have been sent to bring many nations to repentance”
Sunday Adelaja

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If a nation wants to be deceived, let it be deceived! Through this way, they will learn the truth after many deceptions and pains! Truth and time are the greatest teachers, they are the greatest instructors!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“Let's us hold hands together in harmony for a peaceful co -existence for alll humankind in every nation.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Is there any greater act then praying for all people from every nation?”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“There is only one Human race but many nations with diverse tribes.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“We must pray for our leaders, to rule in righteousness.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Only when we pray for one another, we will have peace.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“We must submit to God's righteous rule.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Enock Maregesi
“Sababu ya kupanda na kuanguka kwa mataifa ni ya kimaadili na kiroho. Hakuna taifa linaloweza kutegemea nguvu na mali zake ili kujiokoa kutokana na madhara ya ukiukwaji wa maadili.”
Enock Maregesi