
Marriage Of Convenience Quotes

Quotes tagged as "marriage-of-convenience" Showing 1-30 of 39
Glenway Wescott
“As a flying seed will debauch a whole meadow with flowers, one kiss, one caress not even wished for, had spoiled her peace of mind, even her good health.”
Glenway Wescott, The Grandmothers: A Family Portrait

John Cameron Mitchell
“I said to him, "Krystal, to walk away you gotta leave something behind. I'll marry you on the condition that a wig never touch your head again." He agreed and we've been inseparable ever since. And we'll continue to be. Right, Yitzhak?”
John Cameron Mitchell, Hedwig and the Angry Inch

Daniel Silva
“In my opinion, most marriages are based either on money or the fear of being alone.”
Daniel Silva

Karen Witemeyer
“Tremors hit, quaking her hard enough for him to feel them. He wrapped his arms around her and bent his face close to hers. He might not understand what was going on in her head, but a mighty squall was battering her hull, and if he couldn't figure out how to shelter her from it, he aimed to be her anchor until it passed.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say

Karen Witemeyer
“I had a long talk with my husband last night,' Abigail explained, 'and he made me realize that I have to choose which voices to believe. I can believe the ones that tell me I'm not good enough or brave enough or pretty enough and let them skew my perception of events, or I can push aside that clamor and seek out the voice that tells me I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say

Jody Hedlund
“The onlookers had seen not three men in the fire, but four. God hadn’t taken them out of the fiery trial. He’d walked with them through it.”
Jody Hedlund, A Cowboy for Keeps

Murtaza Ali
“An artist fears marriage more than death. For the marriage complies him with bonds and he is ever borne to released into the skies.”
Murtaza Ali

Alexandria  House
“Maybe I should be thanking you. You've given my miserable ass a reason to smile again.”
Alexandria House, Let Me Free You

Fenna Edgewood
“This would not do. She would have to learn to control it.
She could not go around feeling such uncontrollable swells of feeling for her husband.
Especially not when such feelings stirred up desires and when desires became deeds.
Deeds like secretly kissing her husband in his bed while he was sleeping.”
Fenna Edgewood, To All the Earls I've Loved Before

Fenna Edgewood
“I want you in every way there is to want. I want you in any way you choose to share.”
Fenna Edgewood, To All the Earls I've Loved Before

Sav R. Miller
“Yesterday, when she bared herself before me, I didn't allow myself to look. Didn't want to indulge in such sins of the flesh before she was officially mine.
But now, she is.
And I'm free to do with my wife as I fucking please.”
Sav R. Miller, Souls and Sorrows

Fenna Edgewood
“There,” she heard him say with satisfaction, and the plaid slipped off and into his hands.
“Oh, my,” she said a little faintly.”
Fenna Edgewood, Lady Briar Weds the Scot

Fenna Edgewood
“It hurt to look at him. Hurt to know he wanted her but would not risk the pain of heartbreak a second time.
Well, Briar Blakeley had already lost her heart to her husband. And she would be damned if she was going to be the only one in this marriage to do so.”
Fenna Edgewood, Lady Briar Weds the Scot

Fenna Edgewood
“Stop, Wren,” she sobbed, her eyes wide as she watched. “We’ll both die. Go back down. Please. I beg you. Leave me.”
“Never in a hundred thousand years,” he growled, his jaw clenched so tight he thought it would break.”
Fenna Edgewood, Lady Briar Weds the Scot

Fenna Edgewood
“Are you mad?” Briar gasped. “I’m not going to marry either of you!” She shook her head frantically. “I have no plans to marry in the immediate future. I most certainly will not limit my prospects to… to… Well, I’m sorry Percy, but…”
“Me?” Percy retorted. He pointed across the carriage. “What about him? He’s a gardener! You can’t tell me you prefer him to me.”
“Neither of us are ideal suitors,” Wren said firmly. “I am sure on that Percy and I can agree.”
“Well, I certainly—” Percy began, only to be silenced by a glare from Wren. He pursed his lips.
“But yer prospects, I’m afraid, Lady Briar, are limited to the men in this carriage. Or I suppose ye could extend yer field of choice to the men riding with us. Though some are sure to be married already. Angus, for one.”
“Angus!” Briar exclaimed. “I have no wish to marry Mr. Macleod, thank you very much. Not that he isn’t a good man in his way, I’m sure,” she added hastily.
“Oh, yes,” Percy said dryly. “He has only kidnapped you and Mr. Spencer here, then gone back on his word to me. He’s sure to make you a wonderful husband.”
“Shut up, Percy,” Briar snapped. “I am not taking a husband.”
“Ye shall, and ye must,” Wren said tersely. “It’s no’ a matter of wanting or no’ wanting. Ye’ve been placed in a terrible position, Lady Briar. What would yer brother say?”
“He’d likely just shoot first and talk later,” Briar said sweetly. “And in this case, I might not blame him. I have reached the point in our journey where I should like nothing more than to be taken back home. Preferably immediately.”
Fenna Edgewood, Lady Briar Weds the Scot

“The marriage of convenience lasts until you become an inconvenience.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Fenna Edgewood
“That was...” she said, shakily.
“Divine? Incredible? Ecstasy inducing?”
“I was going to say... utterly new,” she said, shyly.
He looked surprised, then another emotion passed over his face.
“Do you mean to say...”
She interrupted before he could ask the wrong question. Or the right one.
“The earl and I..." She paused to take a breath. "We were... not intimate.”
“Not ever?” he asked, incredulous.
She shook her head, biting her lip. Should she say more? Did he deserve to know?
“I have only ever...” She bit her lip again, this time because she could feel a swelling of unwanted tears. She looked up at the ceiling of the room. The beautiful craftsmanship of the elaborate molding. “There was only the one time. And it was...not like this.”
“Only the one time?” He sounded even more incredulous. His eyes narrowed. “What do you mean not like this?”
Fenna Edgewood, To All the Earls I've Loved Before

Fenna Edgewood
“Your Grace,” she said, quietly. “Did you have a good dinner?”
“What are you doing here?” He frowned, ignoring her question. “This is hardly proper, Miss Mackenzie. If you wished to speak with me, you should have waited until morning.”
The blatant deception fanned the flames of Maggie’s fury.
“I have no wish to speak with you at all,” she cried. “Nor to be near you in any way. Yet here I am. Commanded once again. Summoned once again.”
She felt herself begin to shake. “I tell you, it ends now. I will not stand it. No matter what you believe I am. I will not be that to you, Lance Carlisle.” She called him by the name she had known him by in her childhood. When she had believed him a prince. “Your uncle may have used me as he liked, but I will not be used again.”
She could hear herself, practically shouting now. Any footman passing by in the hall would hear.
Well, let them.
In the heat of her words, her arms had fallen to her sides. Her hands were clenched now, her fingernails biting sharply into her palms. She gasped, looking down, to see traces of blood from small half-moon indentations.
The duke was looking at her, his mouth partly open. The cravat he had been undoing, hung untied around his neck. Now he snatched it off with one hand, as he looked at her bloodied hands.
“Maggie,” he said, his voice low. “What are you talking about? What have you done? I did not ask you here. Will you not talk sense and tell me what has happened?”
She watched him take a deep breath. “I do not know how to convince you of this, but I only wish to help. That is the God’s honest truth of it, Maggie. I have no wish to harm you.”
“You called me here, to your room. You told her you wanted me,” Maggie whispered. There was a tinge of doubt in her voice now. Could he hear it?
She watched his face change, harden with anger. Against her?”
Fenna Edgewood, A Duke for All Seasons

Fenna Edgewood
“He hurt you. If I had been here then… I would tear him apart with my bare hands if he were still here, Maggie. Believe that.”
She trembled, then nodded slowly. “I… do.”
The duke nodded. “Good.”
Abruptly his face changed. An expression of shock came over him. She looked around the room, confused, then realized he had glanced down at her gown. And in that moment, Maggie realized she had let go of the robe. It hung open, revealing the plane nightdress beneath. Which would not have been so terrible had it not been so thin, so pale white, so clinging. It clung to every curve.
She clutched the robe, pulling it closed quickly, but she knew it was too late.
“Good God, Maggie,” the duke said, hoarsely. “Tell me you are not…”
He met her eyes. “Tell me I am being foolish. I am a man. I know little of such things. I am sorry to have even dared to look at you in such a way. I must be mistaken. But…Tell me, truly, am I mistaken?”
Maggie’s throat was dry. She felt frozen in place. Unable to even shake her head, though she wished to.
Then he took a step forward, towards her, and she let out a little cry—her arms raising protectively, instinctively.”
Fenna Edgewood, A Duke for All Seasons

Jody Hedlund
“She’d come into his life unexpectedly, but she’d been the best thing that had ever happened to him.”
Jody Hedlund, Convincing the Cowgirl

Jody Hedlund
“Maybe she’d never imagined herself having a fairy-tale romance like Charity’s, but she wouldn’t protest having a husband who was fine to look at. Very fine indeed.”
Jody Hedlund, Convincing the Cowgirl

Scarlett Scott
“My heart is dead,” he denied, “and the sooner you realize that, the better off you shall be. Ours is a marriage of convenience and nothing more.” And having her examine him was decidedly inconvenient.”
Scarlett Scott, Earl of Every Sin

“From now on, you're sleeping in our room. There's no chance in hell I'm letting you sleep far away from me again.”

C.B. Frey
“If you die, I will knock down the gates of heaven to find you because you belong in the darkness...with me.”
C.B. Frey, The Casella King

Ella Maise
“Somewhere in between all the pretending, I completely fell for you. And I can't even think of my life without you in it.”
Ella Maise, Marriage for One

Mihwa Lee
“Open wide for me, love. I need to be buried inside you.”
Mihwa Lee

Jody Hedlund
“Because the truth was, he couldn’t stop loving her any more than he could stop the Mississippi from flowing.”
Jody Hedlund, Saved by the Matchmaker

Jody Hedlund
“If you go into the match with your eyes wide open, Enya, you might eventually find love.”

“My eyes are open, and I’m not looking for love.” She’d thought she’d found love once, but she’d been wrong and had ruined her life in the process.

She wouldn’t make that same mistake twice.”
Jody Hedlund, Saved by the Matchmaker

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