
Marks Quotes

Quotes tagged as "marks" Showing 1-23 of 23
Cassandra Clare
“She supposed they were imperfections, those marks, but they didn't feel that way to her; they were a history, cut into his body: the map of a life of endless war.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Glass

Holly Black
“The most important thing for any con artist is never to think like a mark. Marks think they can get something for nothing. Marks think they can get what they don’t deserve and could never deserve. Marks are stupid and pathetic and sad. Marks think they’re going to go home one night and have the girl they’ve loved since they were a kid suddenly love them back. Marks forget that whenever something’s too good to be true, that’s because it’s a con.”
Holly Black, White Cat

Cassandra Clare
“James eyed Matthew. “Thomas,” he said, in a low voice. “Maybe a healing rune?”
Thomas nodded and approached Matthew cautiously, as one might approach a stray cat on the street. Some time ago James had discovered that healing runes sobered Matthew up: not entirely, but enough.
“Push up your sleeve, then, there’s a good fellow,” Thomas said, seating himself on the arm of Matthew’s chair. “Let’s wake you up and James can tell us whatever mad thing he has planned.”
“It seems somehow blasphemous to use Marks to rid oneself of the effects of alcohol,” Matthew added, as Thomas put his stele away. The Mark in question gleamed, new-made, on Matthew’s wrist. He looked already more clear-eyed, and less as if he were about to fall asleep or be sick.
“I’ve seen you use your stele to part your hair,” said James dryly, as he began to examine the window locks.
“The Angel gave me this hair,” replied Matthew. “It’s one of the Shadowhunters’ gifts. Like the Mortal Sword.”
“Now that is blasphemy,” said Thomas.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold

Manoj Arora
“Your child is least interested in what the report card says.
All that matters to him / her is what you say on seeing the report card.”
Manoj Arora, Happiness Unlimited: How to be happy always

Wilkie Collins
“If ever sorrow and suffering set their profaning marks on the youth and beauty of Miss Fairlie’s face, then, and then only, Anne Catherick and she would be the twin-sisters of chance resemblance, the living reflections of one another.”
Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“You are more likely to find three TVs inside a randomly selected house than you are to find a single book that is or was not read to pass an exam, to please God, or to be a better cook.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Leigh Bardugo
“Kaz said if I proved myself I could join the Dregs when I was ready. And I did. But I didn’t take the tattoo.”

Nina’s brows rose. “I didn’t think it was optional.”

“Technically it isn’t. I know some people don’t understand, but Kaz told me … he said it was my choice, that he wouldn’t be the one to mark me again.”

But he had, in his own way—despite her best intentions. Feeling anything for Kaz Brekker was the worst kind of foolishness. She knew that. But he’d been the one to rescue her, to see her potential. He’d bet on her, and that meant something—even if he’d done it for his own selfish reasons. He’d even dubbed her the Wraith.

I don’t like it, she’d said. It makes me sound like a corpse.

A phantom, he corrected.

Didn’t you say I was to be your spider? Why not stick with that?

Because there are plenty of spiders in the Barrel. Besides, you want your enemies to be afraid. Not think they can squash you with the toe of one boot.

My enemies?

Our enemies.

Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

Anne Perry
“We need our marks, our small illusions; few of us can bear to go naked into the world's gaze. And people will kill to keep their clothes.”
Anne Perry, Silence in Hanover Close

Maude Julien
“I couldn't care less about good marks. I want to learn.”
Maude Julien, The Only Girl in the World

“अगर आपकी पहचान आपके अंकों* से है, तो आपकी कोई पहचान नहीं

If you are famous for your scores* then you are known for nothing
*scores/ wealth/ salary/ marks/ grades/ certificates/ titles/ likes/ followers

Marks help you know your progress while learning. Post that Marks are irrelevant.

Let not Wealth/ Salary/ Certificates/ Marks/ Grades become your Journey!”
Vineet Raj Kapoor

John Joclebs Bassey
“Love is often called ‘a beautiful thing’, yet it leaves ugly scars behind.”
John Joclebs Bassey, Night of a Thousand Thoughts


अंकों से प्रेम, विद्वत्ता क्षेम”
Vineet Raj Kapoor

“Zwolennicy rynku używają niekiedy argumentu, że korupcja występująca w gospodarce centralnie planowanej niweczy w istocie wszelkie przewagi, które system ten mógłby posiadać. Ci sami dyskutanci nie rozpatrują jednak na ogół wpływu, jaki wywierają standardy moralne na funkcjonowanie gospodarki rynkowej. Nie może nas to dziwić, ponieważ gdyby zajęli się bliżej tą sprawą, to musieliby dojść do przekonania, że ograniczenie jednostkowych egoizmów jest zasadniczym spoiwem społeczeństwa. Zwolennicy Hayka i Miltona Friedmana wierzą, tak samo jak marksiści, iż jedno lekarstwo może zwalczyć wszelkie choroby; własność prywatna i wolny rynek spełniają w ich doktrynie taką samą rolę, jaką w marksizmie pełni kolektywizacja i centralne planowanie. (Maxa Webera olśnienia i pomyłki, ss. 174-175)”
Stanislav Andreski, Max Weber's Insights and Errors

“Make mistakes, necessary marks.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Saim .A. Cheeda
“Your marks don’t matter when your radiance is overwhelming. When we’re our best selves we forget all those imperfections and appreciate beauty for how it is.”
Saim .A. Cheeda

“The CGPA system in the honours and master's levels seems erroneous, contradictory and discriminatory. If a CSE student writes his answers correctly, he gets full marks. If all the answers are correct, he even gets A+. On the other hand, a literature student never gets A+ even if all his answers are correct and to the points! This is nothing but irony that the teachers inspire the students of Mathematics, Business Administration to try harder to get A+ but the teachers of English and Bangla literature never inspire the students to study seriously to achieve A+! So, the students kind of know that the dream of getting A+ is never achievable. Sometimes, some teachers say that there is no 'perfect' answer in literature; that is why the students do not get A+. This idea is also flawed because it leads to another question- how much better answer should be considered as the best or perfect answer in literature? If there is no such thing as the best or perfect answer in literature, then why is it written in the syllabus that 4.00 means A+ for all the subjects including literature. In a word, the syllabus says that A+ in literature is achievable but the students never get it or I should say that the teachers never give A+ to the students! If a student gets 2 marks out of 2 by writing the answer- 1 + 1= 2, similarly a literature student deserves 5 marks out of 5 if he writes an answer without making any grammatical, spelling or such other mistakes. So, in my opinion, the solution is - if the CGPA system is same for all the departments, then there should be no discrimination in the marking system either. If it is not possible, there should be a new, separate or different CGPA system for the English and Bangla Language and Literature departments. Unfortunately, the same CGPA system is used differently in the different departments. Hence, it must be changed!”
Md. Ziaul Haque

Nitya Prakash
“Obtaining marks may or may not be important for your future, but congratulations to those who did well. We & your parents are proud of you...”
Nitya Prakash


Like every picture of ours conveys a different emotion and message; the exam scores we get are but just one picture of our ability. The score is not me.”
Vineet Raj Kapoor

“A text always remains in crucial ways ‘imperceptible’.”
Nicholas Royle, Jacques Derrida

Andrzej Stasiuk
“Rewolucja to nie był żaden Marks naprawiający świat, tylko skundlony Tamerlan w pogoni za drobiem i czasomierzami.”
Andrzej Stasiuk, Życie to jednak strata jest

“Marks are a currency with which we buy knowledge. Currency (marks) does not know whether you pick up what you ordered.”
Vineet Raj Kapoor

“Let not marks become the journey

Vineet Raj Kapoor

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Do not judge a child by his scores in CLASS. Be more worried about what he will score in LIFE.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Before You Doubt Yourself: Pep Talks and other Crucial Discussions