
Mansion Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mansion" Showing 1-26 of 26
Victoria Schwab
“Home is a choice.”
Victoria Schwab, Gallant

Victoria Schwab
“There is no rest in sleep.
These dreams will be the death of me.”
Victoria Schwab, Gallant

Victoria Schwab
“I have lived at Gallant all my life. But home is meant to be a choice. I did not choose this house. I am tired of being bound to it.”
Victoria Schwab, Gallant

Victoria Schwab
“Every house has secrets”
Victoria Schwab, Gallant

Victoria Schwab
“Ash holds its shape until you touch it.”
Victoria Schwab, Gallant

Victoria Schwab
“A place this wild, the outside is always trying to get in.”
Victoria Schwab, Gallant

“A man of God would never burn or harm a temple of any kind - regardless of religion. A true man of God would see every temple or divine mansion built to glorify the Creator - as an extension of the temple closest to his home, regardless of its shape, size, or color. A man who truly recognizes and knows God can see God in all things.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Lisa Bedrick
“You can have all the money in the world, one of the biggest mansions ever built, be one of the most famous people in the world, and still be as unhappy as Mariah Carey was. Money and fame don't make people happy. Only God does. Amen.”
Lisa Bedrick, Life Stories

Lisa Kleypas
“As the carriage proceeded past the main gate, the estate mansion came into view. Contrary to Pandora's expectations, it wasn't at all cold and imposing. It was a gracious, low-slung residence of two stories, inhabiting its surroundings with comfortable ease. Its classic lines were softened by an abundance of glossy green ivy that mantled the cream stucco façade, and arbors of pink roses that arched cheerfully over the courtyard entrance. Two extended wings curved around the front gardens, as if the house had decided to fill its arms with bouquets. Nearby, a slope of dark, dreaming forest rested beneath a blanket of sunlight.”
Lisa Kleypas, Devil in Spring

Alistair Cross
“She stood a moment, staring up at the mansion. If it were haunted, she thought, it was probably by long-lost lovers. There was no way she could fathom anything wicked existing in such a beautiful place.”
Alistair Cross, The Ghosts of Ravencrest

Jeaniene Frost
“The word house didn't begin to do justice for the white and gray structure in front of me. I actually had to tilt my head back to see all the way up to the roof.”
Jeaniene Frost, Once Burned

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Most people do not mind having a house that is smaller and/or a car that is cheaper than their neighbours’, as long as they each earn and have more money than their neighbours, and, equally important, their neighbours know that.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“We believe that, despite a possibly cruel temperament and an impetuous nature that she followed throughout her life, Madame Delphine Macarty Lopez Blanque Lalaurie was not a serial killer, a sexual sadist or a perpetrator of bizarre medical experiments. She was a willful, spoiled, beautiful Creole socialite whose temper led her down the path of infamy.”
Victoria Cosner Love, Mad Madame LaLaurie: New Orleans' Most Famous Murderess Revealed

Enock Maregesi
“Kwa sababu za kijiografia, Copenhagen iko mbele kwa masaa 9 (PST) kuilinganisha na Tijuana (kaskazini-magharibi mwa Meksiko) na masaa 7 (CST) kuilinganisha na Salina Cruz (kusini-magharibi mwa Meksiko). Mauaji ya Meksiko yametokea saa 4 usiku wa Jumanne, Copenhagen ikiwa saa 1 asubuhi Jumatano CET. Saa 5 usiku wa Jumanne, El Tigre anahamishwa (na ndege binafsi) kutoka katika milima ya Tijuana (alikokuwa amejificha) mpaka katika jumba la kifahari la Eduardo Chapa de Christopher (Mkurugenzi wa Usafirishaji wa Kolonia Santita) nje ya Salina Cruz – ambako Chui anafika saa 10 alfajiri na kuendesha kikao cha dharura cha Bodi ya Wakurugenzi ya Kolonia Santita.”
Enock Maregesi, Kolonia Santita

S.A. Tawks
“There are other ways than conventional doors to get around my house, Ms Rainn.”
S.A. Tawks, The Spirit of Imagination

“But the crown jewel was the columned Greek Revival mansion, which dated from the mid-1800s, along with the manicured boxwood gardens that would serve as the backdrop for the couple's ceremony.
Of course, everything was not only very traditional but also a standard to what one might imagine an over-the-top Southern wedding to be. As I said, "Steel Magnolias on steroids." The ceremony would take place outdoors in the garden, but large custom peach-and-white scalloped umbrellas were placed throughout the rows of bamboo folding chairs to shade the guests. Magnolia blossoms and vintage lace adorned the ends of the aisles.
White, trellis-covered bars flanked the entrance to the gardens where guests could select from a cucumber cooler or spiked sweet tea to keep cool during the thirty-minute nuptials. It was still considered spring, but like Dallas, Nashville could heat up early in the year, and we were glad to be prepared.
By the time we arrived the tent was well on its way to completion, and rental deliveries were rolling in. The reception structure was located past the gardens near the enormous whitewashed former stable, and inside the ceiling was draped in countless yards of peach fabric with crystal chandeliers hanging above every dining table. Custom napkins with embroidered magnolias on them complemented the centerpieces' peach garden roses, lush greenery, and dried cotton stems. Cedric's carpentry department created floor-to-ceiling lattice walls covered in faux greenery and white wisteria blooms, a dreamy backdrop for the band.”
Mary Hollis Huddleston, Without a Hitch

Jarod Kintz
“Cash rich is future poor. Back in 1913, I could have almost bought a mansion for the price of a cup of coffee today.”
Jarod Kintz, The Lewis and Clark of The Ozarks

DeBorrah K. Ogans
“~ A taste of Heaven on earth!" "THE ENCHANTING LEGENDS OF SHILOH MANSION:The Young King!" ~”
DeBorrah K. Ogans, The Enchanting Legends Of Shiloh Mansion: The Young King

Todd Stocker
“The cabin on the lake is nothing compared to my mansion in eternity!”
Todd Stocker, Dancing With God: First Year Thoughts on the Loss of My Daughter

“Mrs Hargreaves liked her job and she liked the Hoopers. As far as she was concerned there was far too much twaddle being talked about Glade Hall, by people with too much time on their hands.
“Over fertile imaginations.” She’d told the new head gardener.
Some of the locals had worked for the hotel and told stories of seeing shadows around the grounds, when the light was just right. As if shadows could hurt anyone ! It was all twaddle and nonsense.”
Edward Cowling

“The mind is a sacred mansion.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“You don't need to have it all before you start, you don't need to know everything, you don't need to understand fully how it works and you don't need to be sure or assured of the future.

Start with a strong passion, use what you have in your hands and build your dream. The builder builds a mansion by putting one block at a time. Also, the car headlights can only see 20 metres ahead but can take you to a 1000 miles journey.
Meaning start small but think big.”
Oscar Bimpong

Amit Chaudhuri
“Tinkling sounds came from outside, of hammering and chiselling, as labourers worked like bees, and seven- or eight-storeyed buildings rose in the place of ancestral mansions that had been razed cruelly to the ground, climbing up like ladders through screens of dust. An old mansion opposite the veranda had been repainted white, to its last banister and pillar, so that it looked like a set of new teeth. ... In another sphere altogether, birds took off from a tree or parapet, or the roof of some rich Marwari’s house, startling and speckling the neutral sky. Not a moment was still or like another moment. In a window in a servants’ outhouse attached to a mansion – both the master’s house and the servants’ lost in a bond now anachronistic and buried – a light shone even at this time of the day, beacon of winter.”
Amit Chaudhuri, Freedom Song

Nitya Prakash
“You are a mansion with infinite rooms, yet you've convinced yourself you have to live in the basement.”
Nitya Prakash

“I rather live in matchbox and be contented, than to live in a mansion and be disgruntled”
Charmaine J. Forde

Kate Morton
“The house stood high on the peninsula of Vaucluse, three stories tall with a turret on one side. It had been built in the middle of the nineteenth century, when Jess's great-great-great-grandfather arrived in the colony of New South Wales, and had been featured in several glossy books about architecture that her grandmother kept open on the display tables in the library. Inside it was entirely unpredictable: unexpected doorways led to hidden staircases that wound around brick chimneys and allowed a person to arrive in a vastly different part of the house from that which they'd left.”
Kate Morton, Homecoming